View Full Version : Drank Too Much Water?

22-06-22, 01:16
Hey everyone,
I feel as if I’ve been doing exceptionally well in regards to my health anxiety but recently I’ve had a bit of a setback.
I am a 20 year old male I go for yearly routine Cardiology exams to check my heart. The reason is because my doctors thought I may have had a heart problem but I checked every year and nothing ever showed up in regards to what they thought it was.
I go every year just in case.

The last 2 years; however, have been very irritating because my heart rate always spikes up whenever I go to the doctors. My BPM will rise to 120 out of pure anxiousness. But normally, my resting heart rate is at around 65. She did a Holter test which came out good, my sonogram is fine. But what she noticed was my blood pressure when I go from sitting to standing. She mentioned it’s on the lower side of normal which she was a bit concerned about.

She said to drink more water and up my salt intake. And me, not thinking rationally, started to drink tons of water when I got home. I think I may have drank a little too much. I drank like 1.5-2 liters of fluid in 4 hours. I have a bit of a headache and I’m very nervous if I have quite literally drank TOO much to the point where it’s fatal.


22-06-22, 04:36
Don't worry, I regularly drink that much water - 1.5l over 4 hours is pretty much my norm.

24-06-22, 02:16
update: i did not in fact have water intoxication...