View Full Version : Whooshing in ear every time I lay down

22-06-22, 18:45
Hi everyone,

I'm so worried I have too much pressure in my ears or head because most times when I lay down I get this whooshing in my ear that goes along with my heart beat. When I sit up in bed or change position, it stops and sometimes I have to slowly lay down for it to go away and then I can lay down like normal.

I also feel this whooshing when I get up quickly. This scares me because I read some scary things about this. It's been happening for years, but I think allergies make it worse because it used to not happen every night but the last week or two it's been every single night, until I readjust and change positions. Mostly happens when I lay on my left ear.

Anyone else have this? Never brought it up to my doctor before, but it's been happening for quite some time, although feels worse lately.

22-06-22, 21:21
Prefacing with "I am not a Doctor" :)

I have this too -- it's called pulsatile tinnitus. The internet will tell you you're dying, but if it's positional and fluctuates based on allergies, and you have no other symptoms of anything awful / are young, then I wouldn't treat it as an emergency. I let mine go for over a decade before having it investigated during a period where I was hearing it much more frequently, and the subsequent MRI and angiogram turned up absolutely nothing... so it could be venous, or it could be related to blood pressure changes, or it could be my anatomy itself.

I for sure would not panic over just this.

23-06-22, 12:21
Pulsatile T here too.. (left ear) and deafness..

I also have cervical spondylosis which I think makes it worse.

Also, I have allergies..

If the internet says you're dying (or about to) then let me reassure you that I've had this for about 13 years and numerous brain scans, ear scans - the works - have all come up negative..