View Full Version : Blood test and Shaking feeling

22-06-22, 18:46
Hello not posted on a while as I've been doing so well - up until now!
I've been feeling shaky and trembly (not in a visible, noticeable way) for a few weeks now, it's more in the morning, then gets better.
Having a good breakfast doesn't alleviate it so it's not low blood sugars.
Anyway got in a panic today and ended up at gp who thinks it's all anxiety related. He took some bloods and now I have the anxious waiting game for results.
I have been doing a really rigid low cal diet for about 6/7 weeks now and thought this miggt be the cause but I've ate a lot more the last few days and I still have this horrible trembly feeling esp in arms and legs.
Anyway sorry for rambling on but it feels better writing things down sometimes.
Anyone else ever had this type of feeling? I hate, hate, hate health anxiety.

23-06-22, 00:10

I get that sometimes, and for me it’s anxiety related. Usually if I get out of the house or busy myself it goes. It could be your diet too, although I note you’ve checked some things.

Hopefully the blood tests won’t take too long & you can get on.

23-06-22, 07:08

I get that sometimes, and for me it’s anxiety related. Usually if I get out of the house or busy myself it goes. It could be your diet too, although I note you’ve checked some things.

Hopefully the blood tests won’t take too long & you can get on.
Thank you for replying 😊 I think sometimes it feels better just knowing it's not only you that feels this way!
Fingers crossed bloods come back soon! Deep down I know it's my anxiety making me feel this horrible shaky way but when your in that moment of panic it's hard to be rational.
Definitely upping my calorie intake too I had a cake yesterday and it was amazing lol