View Full Version : The Rational Thread

23-06-22, 16:01
Hello everyone, I don't know if anyone has ever tried this before on this Forum -- I know that every now and then we do a round of "In the past year I have NOT died from..." but that only covers what disease people don't have, not what they were experiencing that made them think they had a disease! So I thought perhaps we could use a format like this:

"I had [symptoms] and was worried about [disease] for / during [year or timeframe] and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!" to show that alternate rational explanations are available / catastrophe isn't the only outcome!

I'll go first. Maybe if we get enough of these they can serve as a searchable resource for others?

"I had right sided rib and back pain and was worried about pancreatic cancer in fall/winter 2022 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had open wounds and a lot of exposure to medical environments and was worried about MRSA or flesh eating bacteria during summer 2017 and nothing ever happened and I am still here!"

"I neti potted a lot and was worried about brain eating bacteria/amoeba during 2011 and nothing ever happened and I am still here!"

"I had periodic severe digestive issues (cramping/urgent poos/watery poos) and was worried about autoimmune problems on and off for about 6 years 2016 to 2020 ish, with reoccurrences even now, and I am still here!"

"I had morning puking, reflux, and difficulty swallowing tough foods and was worried about miscellaneous cancer for 2008-2009 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had kidney pain and was worried about fatal kidney and liver things in summer 2012 and again in spring of 2015 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had enlarged groin lymph nodes and was worried about cancer for / during 2013 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had pulsatile tinnitus and was worried about arterial hemorrhage in 2021 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I had a very strong visible heartbeat in my stomach and was worried about hemorrhage in Fall 2019 and it turned out it wasn't that / I am still here!"

"I was worried about contaminated baby formula during summer 2019 and nothing ever happened to any kid I know!"

24-06-22, 05:00
Reminds me of my favorite doctor exchange:

“Doc, I have belly pain right here.”

”How long have you had it?”

”About 4 years. Could it be cancer?”

”Cancer for four years??”

If I think back long enough about all the diseases and conditions I feared, none of them ever actually occurred. I’m still here.

24-06-22, 05:40
I thought I had a bowel prolapse and it turned out to be a bit of hard poo that had got stuck coming out me bum hole (awks) :blush: / I'm still here.

28-06-22, 05:47
I thought I had a bowel prolapse and it turned out to be a bit of hard poo that had got stuck coming out me bum hole (awks) :blush: / I'm still here.


28-06-22, 06:47

That's not what my doctor said. :roflmao:

29-06-22, 16:17
I'm bumping this because I would very much like to see all the "fatal brain eating stuff" people, the rabies people, etc. post here too.

The more reasonable evidence we can all see that sensations / beliefs don't equate to the realization of our worst fears... the better!

29-06-22, 16:52

29-06-22, 17:15
Don't infect this positive thread with your negativity, Mr L? Actually you did get told something..Don't turn up at A&E under the influence of HA when doctors are treating genuine emergencies and get your anxiety under control.

You're still here even though you believe that you're doomed..

29-06-22, 17:18
Don't infect this positive thread with your negativity, Mr L? Actually you did get told something..Don't turn up at A&E under the influence of HA when doctors are treating genuine emergencies and get your anxiety under control.

You're still here even though you believe that you're doomed..

It was meant to be a humorous/amusing story? Leaking brain fluid was obviously not happening. Obviously there's nothing humorous about wasting A&E time.....

29-06-22, 17:34
I worried that my suddenly yellow fingernails were a sign that my liver was on its way out. I even messaged my doctor(with pictures)

Turns out that using YELLOW Flash liquid isn't a good idea without using gloves...:doh:

29-06-22, 20:03
I worried that my suddenly yellow fingernails were a sign that my liver was on its way out. I even messaged my doctor(with pictures)

Turns out that using YELLOW Flash liquid isn't a good idea without using gloves...:doh:

My nails turned yellow once because I had painted them with green nail polish, which even after being removed stained them yellow for a bit. :roflmao:

30-06-22, 09:16
I peered down into my cleavage one day and saw a large brown mole (new)

First thought, MELANOMA, I'M GOING TO DIE!!! :ohmy: :ohmy:

Then it fell off and I realised it was a Coco Pop... :whistles:

30-06-22, 22:52
I peered down into my cleavage one day and saw a large brown mole (new)

First thought, MELANOMA, I'M GOING TO DIE!!! :ohmy: :ohmy:

Then it fell off and I realised it was a Coco Pop... :whistles:

:roflmao: That's classic! I could actually see that being a seen in a sit-com! Husband with hypochondriac wife having breakfast and that happens. She freaks out and get hysterical. The husband comes over asks what's wrong. She shows him and he reaches out, picks it off her chest, looks at it and eats it while rolling his eyes and muttering "Its a CocoPop"......


01-07-22, 06:30
:roflmao: That's classic! I could actually see that being a seen in a sit-com! Husband with hypochondriac wife having breakfast and that happens. She freaks out and get hysterical. The husband comes over asks what's wrong. She shows him and he reaches out, picks it off her chest, looks at it and eats it while rolling his eyes and muttering "Its a CocoPop"......


It doesn't help that I didn't have my glasses on..:blush:

Speaking of which...

Nora gets in her car and starts driving down the street, thinks 'Oh My Gawd, everything's blurry, am I going blind?' :huh:

Pulls over; takes off glasses; realises she's wearing her close up reader specs, not her long distance ones..:whistles:

02-07-22, 01:59
In 2021 I was sure a mole was cancerous, it wasn't and I'm still here. I insisted it be removed for biopsy even though the dermatologist said it looked like a normal mole.

Later in 2021 I was sure I had heart problems when I was having irregular heartbeats and dizziness. Had the full workup and my heart is in great condition and I'm still here.

(Both of these were legit concerns and I was right to check them out... but my brain went right to the worst possible diagnosis)

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

02-07-22, 22:17
lord... right :shades:

Worried I had HIV on and off from 2014 - 2019 - Nope
Brain tumour fear 2014 - Nope ( inner ear infection that caused me to have labyrinthitis for a month
Worried I was going to die because I had Addison's disease 2012 - I didn't my friend ended up in a coma because of this and it got me scared I had the same
Several fears of lumps and bumps under skin 2016-2022 I have put weight on and have been told they are lipomas
Heart worries since 2016 - I do have SVT and suffer ectopic beats and currently under investigation as they found a murmur and possible issue with a a valve. So I am defo dying and either going to have a heart attack or cardiac arrest etc etc and am going through a really bad time.
LAST WEEK - "im going blind i cant see" OMG OMG - Nope this idiot forgot to put her glasses on when she was awoken abruptly from sleep.
But yeah as you can see the brain goes to the worst case scenario, so many things i thought was wrong with me actually haven't been.

03-07-22, 07:12
I thought I had MS. I had most of the symptoms. I was tested for MS. (my cousin had MS)

A 'lesion' was found on an MRI of my spine. This had to be MS, right? (wrong, it's a 'birth mark') :shrug:

I do not have MS; I have Fibromyalgia. (moaning my bag off about being in pain every day, but I'm still here :D)

03-07-22, 08:15
I was prepared by my endocrinologist for a rare aggressive thyroid cancer and my FNAs were sent to the Royal Marsden Hospital for a second opinion. They recommended removal. I had the surgery but the dodgy cells were benign. "Still 'ere" as my late Dad used to say..

03-07-22, 08:43
I was prepared by my endocrinologist for a rare aggressive thyroid cancer and my FNAs were sent to the Royal Marsden Hospital for a second opinion. They recommended removal. I had the surgery but the dodgy cells were benign. "Still 'ere" as my late Dad used to say..

I bet you were hugely relieved to hear the word 'benign' P...

I too had a tango with 'cancer'. A post-menopausal bleed meant that I was fast-tracked for a scan. The scan showed that the lining of my womb was thicker than it should have been so I had to have a Hysteroscopy. They took a biopsy and I had to wait for my results with the knowledge that my mother had ovarian cancer. I got my results through on Christmas Eve and they were clear. Best Christmas present, ever... (still here!!)

04-07-22, 03:58
I contacted an online Dr in an absolute panic over a spot I found on my face. It was a cut from shaving 4 days prior.