View Full Version : Hard Chest Lump/Rib Bump

23-06-22, 19:00
Hey guys.

I'm new to this forum and this is my first time posting.

So about a month ago, I decided I wanted to start working out again and get back in shape. I worked out my arms, my chest and triceps. The next week or so of course I was sore since I had worked out in awhile, so I was expecting that to happen.

Fast forward to about 2 weeks later and I noticed the chest pain was still there but only on my left side, more towards the top area. It hadn't gone away.

I was definitely concerned a bit, because the soreness in my biceps and triceps had gone away but the chest pain seemed to only get worse.

Then about 3 days ago, I noticed a hard lump like mass more towards the middle of my chest which I didn't have before. It feels as if it is the rib itself but you can see it protrude quite a bit when I stretch my arms backwards. It's only on the left side though and not the right.

The reason for my concern with it, is the fact that it does tend to hurt a bit if I prod it as well as it being as solid as a bone. It literally feels like it is a mass but hard as a rock right over the rib.

Another concern I have is now I have been experiencing new symptoms that I didn't have prior.

When I try to breathe in deeply, I get a sharp pain that comes and goes right near that area which radiates to the same location but in my back. Kind of like a pressure feeling but it comes and goes and it isn't constant.

I've also began experiencing shortness of breath along those symptoms so that's what worries me the most.

I'm trying to stay positive and not think the worst, but it's the fact that the lump is very hard and the pain radiates to my inner back in that same location which I've never felt before.

It more-so causes discomfort though when I breathe in deeply and release is when I feel the pain and then it tends to subside after. As for the lump itself, I do believe it is my rib but at the same time I don't ever remember it protruding that much to where you can see it clearly when I stretch.

It almost looks like a ball.

For the most part, the pain in the back area does tend to come and go but also feels achy most of the time as well.

If anyone has any idea what it could be or if it warrants a trip to the hospital I would greatly appreciate it!

I'm trying to stay positive, but my mind always goes to worst possible scenario that it could be.

Also forget to mention, but the rib in question is the 2nd from the top, right below the clavicle area.

23-06-22, 19:12
I'm no expert and obviously can't give u a definite diagnosis but I took up running and had very similar symptoms, I went to my gp they said it was something called 'costochondritis' which is inflammation of the cartilage between your ribs. I found taking anti inflammatory meds and a warm compress on the area definitely helped. Hope this helps you a bit!