View Full Version : Trying hard to cope with this.

23-06-22, 21:19

I have anxiety, panic attacks and complex PTSD. Recently I have been having intrusive images and I am struggling to cope. I keep having a picture of someone's face in my minds eye 24/7 to the point that when I am watching tv or looking at the computer at work or my phone I can still see the face. Even when I am driving it is still there and it is frightening me and causing extreme anxiety. I am not sure what to do and I am so scared. I don't know what this is or why its happening.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Does it sound like psychosis?

Sorry I feel a bit out of sorts right now. I have had mental health issues for over 25 years and can control things most of the time but this is a real struggle and I do not know where to turn.

I cannot take antidepressants as I have tried them 3 times and had severe negative reactions and after I referred myself to the local mental health unit I was told that they could not help me as they can only offer general counselling and not anything for the complex PTSD or Childhood Trauma I have.

I don't know what to do now.

I feel like I am a burden on my partner. And am so so tired of it all.

Sorry for the moany post, I know that people have it a lot worse than me.

24-06-22, 07:04

I have anxiety, panic attacks and complex PTSD. Recently I have been having intrusive images and I am struggling to cope. I keep having a picture of someone's face in my minds eye 24/7 to the point that when I am watching tv or looking at the computer at work or my phone I can still see the face. Even when I am driving it is still there and it is frightening me and causing extreme anxiety. I am not sure what to do and I am so scared. I don't know what this is or why its happening.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Does it sound like psychosis?

No it doesn't. You appear to be in touch with reality as far as I can see..

Sorry I feel a bit out of sorts right now. I have had mental health issues for over 25 years and can control things most of the time but this is a real struggle and I do not know where to turn.

I get intrusive thoughts (images) too. It's very unpleasant. There's no need to apologise..

I cannot take antidepressants as I have tried them 3 times and had severe negative reactions and after I referred myself to the local mental health unit I was told that they could not help me as they can only offer general counselling and not anything for the complex PTSD or Childhood Trauma I have.

I'm in the same situation re meds and reactions..

Sorry for the moany post, I know that people have it a lot worse than me.

Yes, they do, but all suffering is relative. I also have fibromyalgia and I know that people have things a lot worse then me but that knowledge doesn't help me much when my pain is 9/10 and I can't get out of bed, you know?

You're suffering now, so don't apologise for it or try to make comparisons to other people. This is your story..

Have you tried MIND? They have a section on complex PTSD and available treatments..

24-06-22, 07:20
Mimi, there's not a lot I can do other than send positive thoughts and good wishes, for what they're worth.

Please stop blaming yourself, though? You have every right to exist and to take up space within the world. I'm sure your partner loves you for all your wonderful qualities and doesn't mind helping out when you need it.

24-06-22, 08:25
I can also relate strongly to you Mimi.

Interestingly you mentioned that your MH issues go back over 25 years, which is very similar to my own personal situation, as a lot of mine are longstanding.

While I'm sorry to read that you have been fobbed off by your local MH unit, I had an appointment with a consultant psychologist earlier this week on Tuesday, and she explained to me that while MH issues among the general population are reportedly going through the roof these days (even pre-pandemic), it's partly due to increased awareness within society in general, whereas 25+ years ago, such issues weren't really recognised, acknowledged, nor even openly talked about as much, and were often met with an indignant 'pull yourself together', 'get a life' and various other dismissive remarks, even from so-called 'professionals'.

While not necessarily related to your current situation and straying off in a tangent a little, I also explained to the psychologist that I currently have grave anxieties about the authorities in the future not believing that I have ASD and their stopping my benefits and insisting that I seek employment, as over the past 10-20 years or so there have been some horror stories about that happening to certain individuals with ASD (and other often-'hidden' disabilities) with catastrophic consequences ensuing, but she said that she would most certainly side with me 100% if that was to happen to me in the future, and inadvertently attempt to fight tooth and nail for me.

Thanks a million Dr. A, you're truly an angel!

24-06-22, 08:30
Thank you so much NoraB, BlueIris and Lencoboy for your replies. Just having someone reply really helps, so thank you.

I have a Drs appointment today, I don't know how they can help me but despite the sometimes dark thoughts I have to keep fighting on! But it gets so tiring and really takes it toll which then makes the images and anxiety even worse.

Lencoboy, were you referred to the Psychologist by your GP? Or did you refer yourself?

24-06-22, 08:55
I have a Drs appointment today, I don't know how they can help me but despite the sometimes dark thoughts I have to keep fighting on! But it gets so tiring and really takes it toll which then makes the images and anxiety even worse.

I've had dark thoughts since I can remember, Mimi. It is tiring, and at times, disturbing, but these thoughts are just that; thoughts.

You're not alone. X

24-06-22, 12:43
Lencoboy, were you referred to the Psychologist by your GP? Or did you refer yourself?

Can't remember exactly, as I have worked through a 'chain' of such professionals over the years, and therefore lost track of how I actually ended up with my current psychologist, especially with all the relentless chopping and changing the profession has gone through over the past 30-odd years.

But my current psychologist is very good, honest and trustworthy, though I really feel for people like you who aren't quite so fortunate.

As for GPs in general, it seems that the events of the past 2 and 1/2 years have given them even more of a sense of carte blanche for a 'can't be bothered' attitude IMO.

24-06-22, 12:53
As for GPs in general, it seems that the events of the past 2 and 1/2 years have given them even more of a sense of carte blanche for a 'can't be bothered' attitude IMO.

Certainly seems to be the case at our surgery. You generally can't get near a doctor!

24-06-22, 15:27
Certainly seems to be the case at our surgery. You generally can't get near a doctor!

Kind of makes me wonder if conventional surgeries/practices are still even worth it nowadays, especially if it's no longer possible to even get near a doctor in many instances.

It's also like what's the point of many conventional shops of which more often than not they hardly seem to have what most people want, but more an extremely limited range of what the owners actually want people to buy, and that's increasingly become the case long before the current climate.

24-06-22, 16:50
Thank you so much NoraB, BlueIris and Lencoboy for your replies. Just having someone reply really helps, so thank you.

I have a Drs appointment today, I don't know how they can help me but despite the sometimes dark thoughts I have to keep fighting on! But it gets so tiring and really takes it toll which then makes the images and anxiety even worse.

Lencoboy, were you referred to the Psychologist by your GP? Or did you refer yourself?

I hope it helped talking to your GP today..In my area you have to get referred to the community MH team who then assess and refer you to a psychologist if they consider it would be beneficial. Here in Surrey it involves a very long wait..but we have an appalling MH service. I hope yours is more efficient.

24-06-22, 17:32
I too hope you got something constructive out of your doctor's appt Mimi. And as the previous good people have said before me, your post is certainly not moany. You have a right to share your feelings here among others who have some degree of understanding. Just knowing you're not alone can be empowering in itself. I wish you peace and relief from your troubles.