View Full Version : Stress triggering racing mind / dreams??

24-06-22, 10:29
Hi I haven't posted on here in years although I still visit occassionally. I have had something really weird happen to me twice now & am interested to hear if anyone has any insight into it. I have suffered from anxiety to varying degrees for about 30 years but it's usually manageable. 5 years ago my Dad was unwell & ended up in a nursing home as he developed dementia, we went over as soon as he was admitted & he was very distressed & frightened. I found this extremely upsetting & for several hours afterwards I kept having what felt like dreams running through my head about the situation that felt quite real although I knew they weren't. I wasn't confused at the time but just felt like my mind was running a dream while I was awake but I could otherwise function normally. Obviously this was very scary but eased after a few hours. Never had it again, then yesterday I went to the dentists & was rushing as arrived late. Thought it was just a check up but I had to have an x-ray. I have a very strong gag reflex so this was an ordeal & although my dentist is very nice I could tell her patience was running out which didn't help. I was gagging & retching constantly & I know this can stimulate the vagus nerve. As I left the dentist everything just felt a bit surreal & then as I walked back to my car these awake-dreams started happening about the situation & just running like a movie in my head although I had no problem finding my car, driving home etc. This continued on & off for a couple of hours but of course I was worrying about it. My head felt spacey & like my mind was racing etc but I was aware of this & could still function normally. When I went to bed I also noticed 2 hours passed by really quickly. I have had DP/DR in the past but not sure this is the exact same thing. Today I feel ok although my mind feels a bit foggy & overstimulated. Trying not to stress about it but it was pretty scary & unpleasant. Just wondered if anyone has an insight into this or has ever experienced anything similar. It's like my brain can't cope with the distress & starts trying to work it out. As you can imagine am dreading going back to have the filling done!