View Full Version : Low Blood Pressure worries

25-06-22, 19:26
Hey everyone,

I’m a 20 year old male and recently went to have a yearly checkup with my doctor/cardiologist.

She did the sonogram of my heart and thank god everything was good. I always have a heart rate of 120bpm at the doctors because I’m so nervous but one thing she checked was my blood pressure.

Ever since I was a teen, I sometimes would feel a bit lightheaded when standing up. I never thought it was anything bad but when my doctor checked my blood pressure she noticed it went a bit low when I went from sitting to standing for a few seconds.

She told me to start drinking A LOT more water and keep myself hydrated. I really don’t want to take medicine at a young age.

I read all about orthostatic hypotension but Im afraid it can lead me down to a bad future. Im pretty worried because googling all this stuff about having a higher risk for heart failure, stroke and heart attack make it hard for me to not worry.

My blood pressure is normal a majority of the time. It’s only the few seconds I go from sitting to standing where it dips. Should I worry? Does this classify as full hypotension?

Thank you!

26-06-22, 21:01
Hey Matt!

Try not to Google it buddy, it will always send you into a spiral of worse case scenario thoughts.
Take on board what your Dr said and increase your water intake, then see how things are a couple weeks.

Did the Dr suggest anything else? Tbh, if they had a concern they would have so take that as a good sign 😀

Wishing you peace,

Hey everyone,

I’m a 20 year old male and recently went to have a yearly checkup with my doctor/cardiologist.

She did the sonogram of my heart and thank god everything was good. I always have a heart rate of 120bpm at the doctors because I’m so nervous but one thing she checked was my blood pressure.

Ever since I was a teen, I sometimes would feel a bit lightheaded when standing up. I never thought it was anything bad but when my doctor checked my blood pressure she noticed it went a bit low when I went from sitting to standing for a few seconds.

She told me to start drinking A LOT more water and keep myself hydrated. I really don’t want to take medicine at a young age.

I read all about orthostatic hypotension but Im afraid it can lead me down to a bad future. Im pretty worried because googling all this stuff about having a higher risk for heart failure, stroke and heart attack make it hard for me to not worry.

My blood pressure is normal a majority of the time. It’s only the few seconds I go from sitting to standing where it dips. Should I worry? Does this classify as full hypotension?

Thank you!