View Full Version : Pulsatile Tinnitus

26-06-22, 19:52
So bit of background:

Had normal tinnitus for years. My own fault. Too much exposure to loud music. High volume on earphones and standing next to speakers at raves so I think that explains that.

I've also had sinus issues - stuffy/blocked especially on the left side.

However since December I've been suffering with what I THINK is pulsatile tinnitus.

I'm sure it went away for a bit then came back.

It's not constant. It mainly happens when I run up the stairs but not always. Sometimes also when I go from sitting to standing but again there is no regular pattern.

What i also notice when I'm walking is like a clicking sound in the same ear. Again this is not constant or consistent.

Also, sometimes when I talk my inner ear kinda vibrates or My voice echoes through my head.

I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if this is sinus ralated or something more serious.

I keep reading about tumours and aneurysms. I have mentioned it to a Dr and all she did was look in my ear, say she couldn't see anything and sent me on my way.

Panicking that I'm a ticking time bomb and something awful will happen out of nowhere.

26-06-22, 20:46
I think you are googling too much. I have tinnitus, particularly in one ear. I don’t worry about it. It is what it is. I have a feeling mine was caused by playing rock music too load on ear phones.
Have something similar to that clicking sound…you know that tapping sound when you are on an iPad or phone. I have periods when I can hear that a lot.
Do you think you may have a wax build up that’s making things worse?
I just accept that sometimes my tinnitus does odd stuff. The more you worry and fret, the louder and more disturbing it will become.

26-06-22, 22:17
I don't worry about the normal high pitched sounds at all. It's the heart beat sounds that I worry about. I know I shouldn't Google but no search turns up anything good 🙈 I thought if it was wax, the Dr would have seen when she looked. But I do wonder if it could be that

27-06-22, 08:23
I have pulsatile tinnitus. I've been tested and scanned and all they could find is a 'congenital birth defect' in my inner ear which could account for the PT. I also have normal tinnitus and loss of hearing all in the same ear. Plus, sinus issues which affect that side of my face. I think it's all connected..

27-06-22, 13:10
I have pulsatile tinnitus. I've been tested and scanned and all they could find is a 'congenital birth defect' in my inner ear which could account for the PT. I also have normal tinnitus and loss of hearing all in the same ear. Plus, sinus issues which affect that side of my face. I think it's all connected..

Glad to hear yours was nothing sinister. It does seem coincidental that I suffer with my sinuses that side too. But I also get the odd head pain that side then I start to worry its something awful.

It isn't constant by any means which in a way does reassure me. Just which GPs would take these things more seriously

27-06-22, 13:29
Glad to hear yours was nothing sinister. It does seem coincidental that I suffer with my sinuses that side too. But I also get the odd head pain that side then I start to worry its something awful.

Everything's on my left side..

Currently battling jaw pain. I've had it for two weeks - started when I woke up chomping on my tongue. :scared15: I've had to root my mouth guard out and wear the bloody awful thing..:lac:

Everything is connected, this is why I get ear pain, jaw pain and head aches on the same side. I also get pain where it comes across my cheek. (I've got it all going on lol)

28-06-22, 12:19
Everything's on my left side..

Currently battling jaw pain. I've had it for two weeks - started when I woke up chomping on my tongue. :scared15: I've had to root my mouth guard out and wear the bloody awful thing..:lac:

Everything is connected, this is why I get ear pain, jaw pain and head aches on the same side. I also get pain where it comes across my cheek. (I've got it all going on lol)

Mine is the left too! I also get awful head pains, don't call them aches cos they don't always last that long. But today I won't up and the top of my head was burning!! No idea if it's related or not but always makes me think the worst. Just haven't been able to shift this groggy head feeling for the last 2 days

12-07-22, 21:24
Had covid last week which made the Pulsatile tinnitus so much worse! Still there now albeit not as bad but I've developed a twitch in my lower lip! I'm convinced this a tumour or undetected aneurysm causing my symptoms

28-03-23, 07:42
So it's been a while so I'm hoping someone sees this but the PT is back. It must have gone away for a fair amount of time otherwise I'd have been worrying all this time and going out of my mind and my HA has been well under control. A few days ago the PT started again. As above, my sinuses are always stuffy but I do seem to have a very snotty nose just on that left side. So could this be linked?

What worries me is that my headaches also came back the same time (gone since I had a massage 2 nights ago). I've also had SUCH a bad/tight back for around a week.

I'm freaking out that I'm on the verge of a stroke but also trying to rationalise that this might be nasal related. Everything on Dr Google (I know) points to some pretty awful outcomes

28-03-23, 12:07
And me! Left hand side, ear blocked, pops, whistling and that noise, thought was a heartbeat but darksky describes it very well. Nostril blocked that side and I get eye pain that side too.
I also suffer with sinus issues.