View Full Version : Memory worries

27-06-22, 09:18
2 things happened yesterday that worried me, I forgot name of a "popular musician" , that I should know. And even more bizarre I completely forgot the tune to a song I should know, it just wouldn't come into my mind at all. I had to play it to remind me what it sounded like Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else? At what point does memory loss become cause for concern.

27-06-22, 13:43
2 things happened yesterday that worried me, I forgot name of a "popular musician" , that I should know. And even more bizarre I completely forgot the tune to a song I should know, it just wouldn't come into my mind at all. I had to play it to remind me what it sounded like Does this kind of thing happen to anyone else? At what point does memory loss become cause for concern.

Happens to me all the time.. (I'm 52)

Recent memory blips are..

Forgetting names of groups or songs. Music has always been my obsession and I was good at music quizzes (now I'm crap)

I forgot the word that comes before 'floss' (as in 'dental') I couldn't get the dental bit so I had to say 'gob floss'. (true story)

I spent ten minutes trying to get into the wrong cottage on holiday. Our car was even parked opposite our cottage. My excuse? They had similar doors. :wacko:

I forgot my e-mail address (the one I've had for 17 years)

I forgot my own date of birth (I had to ask my DIL)

I blame brain fog (fibromyalgia)

If I'm found wandering the streets in my Clash T shirt and PJ bottoms, then I'll go and see someone...

27-06-22, 22:16
Thanks, hopefully it's just normal part of getting "eccentric" as you get older. I panic/ get frustrated then rack my brain to try and recall the information which makes it worse! It always does come back though. Started doing Wordle 🤔

28-06-22, 07:24
Thanks, hopefully it's just normal part of getting "eccentric" as you get older. I panic/ get frustrated then rack my brain to try and recall the information which makes it worse! It always does come back though. Started doing Wordle 樂

Racking one's brain to get the information doesn't work. Best to wait until your brain retrieves it at 3am and you're shaking your other half awake, 'IT'S DENTAL FLOSS!!!!'. :yesyes:

28-06-22, 17:50
I once forgot the name for a radio. Very frustrating. We have lots of 'thingies' and 'doo dahs' in our house (54 yo F). ��

29-06-22, 08:09
Thanks it's reassuring that I'm not the only one prone to these "senior moments" 🧐