View Full Version : Had some teeth fillings done thursday can't stop worrying they're going to fail

27-06-22, 14:28
So on Thursday i had 2 fillings one of them was to replace an old filling the cracked a small piece of cusp off upper 2nd left molar and the dentist said it was quite deep although never mentioned anything about needing a root canal or anything like that same as when i had it down thursday just said that sensitivity is normal is for about 2 weeks.
Anyway I'd say for years nearly all of my teeth have been sensitivite to a degree esp eating ice cream for example but it does fade after about 3 seconds or so but ever since I've had them done i'm in constant health anxiety checking mode and I can't stop my self from testing stuff on the area near the fillings keep swilling stuff on that side of my mouth to see the reaction I've may have accidently burnt the gum with tea although that wasn't testing just drinking normal. But yes I can't stop when it says lingering or hot does that mean like a tooth ache localized to that tooth for a period of time? even the 2 seconds feels like the entire top left really not one tooth

If so I don't have that I can hold tea/coffee on that side of my mouth and it doesn't hurt or keep hurting also what temperature we talking here just general temperature obviously not enough to burn also i ate a curry earlier with hot chicken and that didn't hurt or set anything off. Cold like milk again sort a quick zing 3 seconds gone.
My anxiety is just telling me this is going to fail and I'll need a root canal so the past 3 days it's like I'm waiting for it to happen like a time bomb just ready to explode. I haven't really had pain in that tooth even after the numbness wore off only thing I had was a bit of stinging where injection went it still have that think it's an ulcer but i have had short about longest was 10 seconds flash on that side but I can't pinpoint it to one area. I have one more ulcer pretty sure I can feel further up can feel it but can't see it been incredibly panicky and rundown the past 3 days so could have something to do with it I'm just hyperfixated on this and can't get my mind to focus on anything else so I'm feeling all sorts of sensations.

One thing could the little flashes be tmj I've had this for a while clicking,popping,jaw grinding when eating etc and the one side the left is a little tender when rubbing it near my cheek i did have jaw pain having the fillings done we had to stop 4 times because my right side was killing. I'm just an anxious mess right now and can't calm down no matter what i try :(

edit: If it's lingering hot you'd feel that just by generally drinking right not having to swill it on that side to test, it's turning into a complusion at the moment i really need to stop but can't. I just keep having a feeling that it will fail and lead to a root canal

27-06-22, 14:43
Hello don't panic! Sometimes teeth are a but sensitive after fillings and can take a while to settle which I am sure they will. Keep up with ur brushing and flossing and use a sensitive toothpaste if needs be. If and that's a big IF, you do need a root treatment please do not panic.
I work in dentistry and see this procedure getting done every day! It's not as bad as you are imagining I promise!!

27-06-22, 14:54
Hello don't panic! Sometimes teeth are a but sensitive after fillings and can take a while to settle which I am sure they will. Keep up with ur brushing and flossing and use a sensitive toothpaste if needs be. If and that's a big IF, you do need a root treatment please do not panic.
I work in dentistry and see this procedure getting done every day! It's not as bad as you are imagining I promise!!

Surely if he was close to or on the nerve he would have said in the post op instructions right he didn't or would he have said you may possibly need a root canal in the future. So it could have been that deep? he just said 2 deep fillings it's the uncertainty that's killing me. I have been using sensodyne for about a week and half now I do have sensitivie teeth i general so how i am supposed to know what is normal or filling sensitivity on that side. E.g. If i take milk out of the fridge and swill it around it is sensitive on all bottom, right, left, bottom near enough. there is still slight lingering cold feeling but not like ouch is in pain just feel it's cold Water out of the tap at it's coldest doesn't do anything at all really. He just said it's normal for there to be some sensitivity for 2 weeks but this 2 weeks is going to be hell for my mental state

if it was lingering sensitivity if you just kept it say on that filling would it just keep hurting? and is like a tooth ache pain

27-06-22, 15:11
If a tooth flares up and needs root treatment it can be extremely painful, it's not like sensitivity. Deep fillings can definitely be a little bit sensitive for a few weeks after and 9 times out of 10 they settle down. Don't worry too much, but if you are not going to find any peace of mind then make and appointment to see the dentist again to let them have a wee check. They can hopefully put your mind at rest and just remember if there is more treatment needed it can be done and it will all be fine 😊

27-06-22, 15:18
If a tooth flares up and needs root treatment it can be extremely painful, it's not like sensitivity. Deep fillings can definitely be a little bit sensitive for a few weeks after and 9 times out of 10 they settle down. Don't worry too much, but if you are not going to find any peace of mind then make and appointment to see the dentist again to let them have a wee check. They can hopefully put your mind at rest and just remember if there is more treatment needed it can be done and it will all be fine 

I was reading dr google i know i shouldn't but i haven't been able to stop the last few days it says hot sensitivity and lingering like you said i guess lingering would stop you in your tracks while eating/drinking that would make you go ouch it's not like that at all it's just like a quick zing and goes when you move it away or just keep it there and it warms up I'm just stuck in my head at the moment i just think i need to stop and relax for a few days

27-06-22, 15:28
Absolutely try and relax put it to the back of your mind and remember the worst that can happen is you will need root canal (though I'm pretty sure it won't come to that) DO NOT listen to any horror stories it's such a straightforward procedure I promise. Feel free to send me a wee private message if you have any more questions 👍

27-06-22, 16:18
Absolutely try and relax put it to the back of your mind and remember the worst that can happen is you will need root canal (though I'm pretty sure it won't come to that) DO NOT listen to any horror stories it's such a straightforward procedure I promise. Feel free to send me a wee private message if you have any more questions 👍

Thank you, do feel a little better he did an xray so pretty sure if it was that close he'd bring up there and then if he thought and after, So today with the milk instead of 3 seconds or so yesterday as soon as i move it away it's a second if that now. When i was googling I came across pulpitis and that had me worried esp the irreversible so my anxiety was basically telling me even though no pain or anything on that tooth localized/ getting better it could just go bam pulpitis at any time like a timebomb and possible irreversible so in short you'd know if you had it?

27-06-22, 16:46
Irreversible pulpit is when the pulp becomes super inflamed, it can be really painful you would definitely know if you had it. But once again it can be treated with a root treatment, most dentists will try all they can to save a tooth, once the nerve/pulp has been removed the tooth is technically dead and you should suffer no pain from the tooth again.
Just remember whatever happens it CAN be treated 👍 dentists are there to help and get you out of pain I know they can be scary but they really do care and they know most people either hate them or are terrified of them ☺️

30-06-22, 14:18
Irreversible pulpit is when the pulp becomes super inflamed, it can be really painful you would definitely know if you had it. But once again it can be treated with a root treatment, most dentists will try all they can to save a tooth, once the nerve/pulp has been removed the tooth is technically dead and you should suffer no pain from the tooth again.
Just remember whatever happens it CAN be treated 👍 dentists are there to help and get you out of pain I know they can be scary but they really do care and they know most people either hate them or are terrified of them ☺️

You rekon could be some anxiety at play here, so yesterday at work had a cold drink out of the fridge no sensitivity at all got home don't know why went into panic again but now sensitive again what gives? Only other thing I've had is little flashes hard to explain in gum on that side not localised at all longest I've had is like a dull ache for 20 seconds or so. Problem is now Its like I'm anticipating it and can't relax so I'm feeling sensations not pain but like hyper awareness.

I do have a big mouth ulcer on the inside of my mouth right on the edge on that side that's been pretty stingy can that cause gum pain or sensations?

Secondly ever since I've had it done my tmj issues have come back the first few days the left side near the joint was quite tender that's gone now but the flashy bits have been in Lower left once on the right so could it be tmj?

Issue I have at the moment is me waking in sheer panic in the morning which isn't fun and my teeth feel weird like tingly I think thst could be me grinding due to anxiety at night I don't normally but damn it's been a rough time

30-06-22, 15:02
Aw bless your having a right rough time of it just now! Yes I think anxiety is definitely playing a part in your symptoms here and u are over thinking every little twinge just now.
You've definitely got a bit of sensitivity going on so keep up with the sensitive toothpaste, even rub it into the areas that u find most sensitive (do this at night before bed)
And definitely if you are stressed and grinding then your tmj will play up too, place a warm compress followed by a cold compress to the area (about 15 mins each) that should help.
Hope all this helps you a bit