View Full Version : Diabetes worry after bloods

27-06-22, 21:09
I have my blood results and they show the following:

Haemoglobin A1c Diagnostic (IFCC) 37.7 mmol
HbA1c % is 5.6%

Google has so many different stats for non diabetics.

Would be so grateful if someone has any knowledge. 5.6% is JUST in the normal range...does that mean I'm on the cusp of prediabetics or can it fluctuate for non diabetics anywhere between healthy range? I'm so confused.

27-06-22, 21:19
Just read that normal Hba1c normal is below 6%..is that correct? Sounds different to glucose levels?

27-06-22, 23:26
HbA1c normal range is less than 42 mmol.
42-47 is considered prediabetic
48 and upwards generally means you’ll be diagnosed as diabetic, however they are unlikely to go on just one blood test, they would most likely repeat it before making a definitive diagnosis.
Your results look good :)
Is there a reason why you are worried?

27-06-22, 23:47
I think too, even if you are prediabetic, you can get out of that with good diet + exercise. I believe my mom was deemed prediabetic for awhile, but then she retired and started going on longer walks/hikes with me and my dog, and had more time to cook healthier foods, and now she's in the clear.

28-06-22, 17:43
I had a blood test about 2 1/2 months ago and my HbA1c was 49. Because I have a lot of contact with diabetics through work and knew that the threshold for diabetics was 48, I absolutely shit myself! Then I had to do a fasting cholesterol test and that came back at 7.2 - again was really shocked. Was I immediately put on medication for both? Nope. I got a leaflet about the cholesterol and in a couple of weeks time I go back for more bloods to see how things stand. I have something else in my blood that needs checking too.

In the last 2 1/2 months, I've cut back on sugar, fat and general crap and had been exercising more (although having another bout of covid last month set that back). I'm hoping the changes have some effect on my blood test results when I get them done in in a few weeks. If I've made changes and they have no effect I guess I'll just have to live with it.

So basically, you're not diabetic or pre-diabetic so I wouldn't worry about it.

28-06-22, 20:10
Catkins, I also had cholesterol woes for several years. I thought it was because I had taken Accutane, and that it would never go back to normal. Last year, my doctor was going to set me up with a nutritionist but I got busy and didn't go, and I don't currently have a kitchen (house reno) so I haven't been eating the best. But, I have upped my walking as I walk to work now. And my cholesterol was back in normal range as of a few weeks ago, which is awesome!

29-06-22, 17:09
That's brilliant news Poppy!