View Full Version : Water in stomach

29-06-22, 16:44
I promise this is my last post. I had an endoscopy today and all was clear. However towards the end of it he asked if I had drank before I went as had water in stomach. I hadn't drank for 12 hours....I'm now panicking and can't stop crying. I hate Google.

29-06-22, 17:49
So why do you use it?

You had the all clear.

29-06-22, 18:09
I know :( but then I keep wondering why he said there was water in the stomach when I hadn't had a drink for 12 hours.

Keep thinking there is an issue....surely he would have picked up on the fact that I said I hadn't drank in so long.

Going to have a brandy and try to relax.

29-06-22, 18:13
Did you tell him that at the time? I just wondered why you needed to google this when you had the opportunity to ask the doctor?

29-06-22, 18:19
Because I was so relieved at it being done and getting through it. Brain wasn't thinking.

29-06-22, 18:47
I found a condition called Ascites which is when you have advanced cancer. My bloods seem OK etc. It doesn't look like water either so surely he would have known this.

30-06-22, 07:24
I haven't slept...I should be feeling so haply it's done. I'm going to see about private CBT today etc. Just don't know why he would have said that.

30-06-22, 08:09
He didn't know you had HA. It was a casual observation and you have come up with ascites..

Do you honestly think you would have been sent home with an all clear if something bad was discovered?

I'm pleased that you are going to look after your mental health now. You've had enough tests and you've been given really good news. Now you have to believe it.

30-06-22, 08:09
I found a condition called Ascites which is when you have advanced cancer. My bloods seem OK etc. It doesn't look like water either so surely he would have known this.

If you had Ascites from advanced cancer your abdomen would look like you're 6 months pregnant (or more). It would be very uncomfortable. There would be numerous other symptoms. Also, it's highly unlikely that this could be the situation and you have clear blood work...

You're catastrophising and you need to stay away from Google...

30-06-22, 11:46
Thank you for the replies...really has helped. I spoke to a nurse at the hospital over the phone amd she didn't speak to the doctor...just said that if there was anything abnormal then he would have said. Said didn't know why eater was showing but not to worry and relax.

I have also spoken to my work health company and they are calling me back to put something in place as this is the worst I've been in a long time.

01-07-22, 07:46
I have also spoken to my work health company and they are calling me back to put something in place as this is the worst I've been in a long time.

Good to hear that you're being proactive Willious...