View Full Version : Want to go to Australia but scared of all the deadly animals...

03-07-22, 00:38
I want to go to Australia but scared of things like the box jelly fish and which can cause your heart to fail within 15 minutes of being stung.

There are lots of other examples but I will not list then all.

Anyone know how to handle these thoughts?

03-07-22, 01:35
Based on your recent threads, its apparent you're really struggling I see :( Hope you feel better soon!


05-07-22, 01:33
Hi i have been to South Africa several times and found it to safe when it came to any deadly animals, i swum in the sea and only had sunburn and scratches to my knees to contend with and i saw the odd monkey. Most wild animals keep away from humans and you are quite safe in built up areas and in resorts .
I have been on safari and that is a different matter but that's for the more adventurous .
I sometimes get stressed when going on holiday away from my normal routines and surroundings but i am glad when i push myself , i find airports with crowds and foreign customs and security can be a bit daunting but easier than you think.
There are jellyfish and spiders but with a bit of commonsense they are fine..:)

05-07-22, 10:08
I want to go to Australia but scared of things like the box jelly fish and which can cause your heart to fail within 15 minutes of being stung.

There are lots of other examples but I will not list then all.

Box jellyfish stings can be very painful, but death is rare. Only about 80 people have died since the late 1800s. You're 7-8 times more likely to be struck and killed by lightning. Also these jellyfish usually only occur in northern tropical waters.

The most deadly creatures in Australia, after Homo sapiens, aren't box jellyfish, or snakes, sharks, spiders and crocodiles, but horses and cows. :scared15: Seriously.

Anyone know how to handle these thoughts?

By controlling the anxiety disorder. How is yours being treated?

30-10-22, 00:08
Lived in Australia my whole life and have travelled extensively throughout the country. Never had any encounter with a dangerous animal. The box jelly fish are only located in certain areas, for example Cairns Australia. They section off areas of the beach that are safe to swim in and protect it with netting to prevent any jellyfish getting in. If you do go out into the main water (for example kayaking) they provide you with a stinger suit, which protects you from getting stung. All the best!