View Full Version : Headache lasting a few days

03-07-22, 09:19
Hello everyone,

just after some insight..... I have had a dull ache on the left side rear top of my head, just above the ear on and off for at least 3 days.

its not intense.i just started holidays from work today so I thought it may subside especially since we r stuck inside due to bad weather.

how long would a normal person wait and see a dr? I have taken nurofen and Panadol and it seems to go away but then wen it’s back, it’s the exact same spot.

my sister just had a burst anyuresm , she Is fine after operation but it caused a car crash and im wondering are these things hereditary? My blood pressure was slightly elevated two weeks ago and it neve has been before.

i already wear glasses and have had an eye exam roughly a year ago.

any advice would be lovely

03-07-22, 11:02
my sister just had a burst anyuresm , she Is fine after operation but it caused a car crash and im wondering are these things hereditary? My blood pressure was slightly elevated two weeks ago and it neve has been before.

i already wear glasses and have had an eye exam roughly a year ago.

any advice would be lovely

I have headaches that last for days (sometimes weeks -on and off)

What's standing out to me here is what's happened to your sister. Often with anxiety, we can take on symptoms that actually belong to someone else. My gynae issues ramped up when my mum was going through ovarian cancer but there was nothing psychically wrong with me, you get me?

Personally, I'd get checked out. The slightly raised BP can easily be explained by anxiety (and you've just gone through a stressful time with your sister) but it's sensible to get yourself checked out by a doctor..

03-07-22, 11:47
Thanks NoraB, i actually just looked at your sticky thread on headaches, im hoping against hope that it will go away. i will go back and get a check, just to be sure but gee whiz i haaate going to the drs,lol.

Thanks for replying.

03-07-22, 12:39
NoraB or anyone really, i just looked up some other posts here and it seems high blood pressure could cause headaches... is that bad? Like do I need to get to the dr straitght away, or can i see how it goes?

It was only slightly elevated and I was there to get the pill and he still gave it to me. But said I need to look at alterantives. I am 42 years old and not overweight. My diets been consumed by heaps of chocolate since I went back to work this year. Ive put on about 4kgs in a year. But still fine. Could this all be tied together, and is it as bad a brain tumour or anuyersum....funnily enough i dont think i was that worked up by my sister....weird i know but we have strained relatioship, but i was still upset but not overtly panicked if you know what I mean...

sorry for the rambling. this is what happens when you stay up late and dont need to get to work tomorrw,lol.

thanks if youve made it this far x

03-07-22, 13:03
NoraB or anyone really, i just looked up some other posts here and it seems high blood pressure could cause headaches... is that bad? Like do I need to get to the dr straitght away, or can i see how it goes?

It was only slightly elevated and I was there to get the pill and he still gave it to me. But said I need to look at alterantives. I am 42 years old and not overweight. My diets been consumed by heaps of chocolate since I went back to work this year. Ive put on about 4kgs in a year. But still fine. Could this all be tied together, and is it as bad a brain tumour or anuyersum....funnily enough i dont think i was that worked up by my sister....weird i know but we have strained relatioship, but i was still upset but not overtly panicked if you know what I mean...

sorry for the rambling. this is what happens when you stay up late and dont need to get to work tomorrw,lol.

thanks if youve made it this far x

Headaches from spikes in blood pressure are quite intense, and don't feel like mild headaches at all. There are still differing opinions on whether blood pressure can even cause a headache or not, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Besides, your blood pressure was only slightly elevated.

Aneurysms almost never cause headaches, unless they rupture. If one did, you would have a headache so horrific you wouldn't be able to move or speak and you'd pass out extremely quickly. A headache in one location that comes and goes, or is stubborn and dull doesn't sound remotely like one.

Tumours don't just cause headaches without a bunch of other very obvious symptoms along with them. Symptoms your doctor would spot right away.

There's no harm in talking to your doctor about your concerns. I'll always recommend somebody get checked out if they're not sure. I did recently as I have a family history of brain bleeds. They can be hereditary, but you would have quite a few close family members who would have had incidents in their life. It might be that your sister was just unlucky enough to have one, or something in her lifestyle caused it. If your GP is at all concerned, they will send you for any tests, but it's unlikely. Aneurysms are very rare, and its even more rare for them to burst.

The location of your headaches sounds A LOT like a tension spot. Maybe you're leaning forward too much without thinking, or clenching your jaw, or you're just a bit anxious in general. The scalp is covered with nerves, and countless things can irritate it to produce a headache. Try gently massaging the area and seeing if you have any tension in your face or neck :)

03-07-22, 23:25
Thank you WorryRaptor for those explanations, it helped tremendously. I have woken again with the spot, it’s just a quick flash and then gone, so I will try to calm down and see how’s i go.

i have been looking down at my screen a bit while sitting on the lounge, I will not do that as well.

thank you. I love this forum. I’d love to be able to be normal and say I have a headache and that’s it, but everyone on her is so helpful to point out the realities that you just can’t see.

04-07-22, 06:57
My diets been consumed by heaps of chocolate since I went back to work this year. Ive put on about 4kgs in a year. But still fine. Could this all be tied together, and is it as bad a brain tumour or anuyersum....funnily enough i dont think i was that worked up by my sister....weird i know but we have strained relatioship, but i was still upset but not overtly panicked if you know what I mean...

You don't have to be panicked; just having the knowledge of your sister going through this will do if you're prone to health anxiety...

Re the increased chocolate... there's caffeine in chocolate and if you're eating a lot of chocolate (as you say) then you'll be taking in a lot more caffeine - which can cause headaches...