View Full Version : Brain symptoms scared

04-07-22, 08:19
So I'm hoping you all could read this and give me any reasurance or advice. I'm at a complete loss right now.

Two years ago I had a CT scan of my brain. For my vertigo symptoms. They said it was clear and nothing to worry about. Well now two years later and I'm experiencing these weird symptoms.

Constant deja vu moments. I'll be thinking to myself or talking to someone then bam, a quick thought that feels very familiar, like it's from a dream, hits me. As soon as I try to focus on it, it goes away. It feels so familiar yet I can never tell what it is.

I heard constant deja vu could be small seizures and it could be a brain tumor.

Anytime I try to focus my eyes on something or if I blink slowly, the back of my neck and my whole head twitches. Enough to cause it to move. It's really odd. I can make this happen if I tighten my neck musclesin the back? I think that's what I'm doing idk. It feels like a twitch in the back of my neck and whole head. Again, I heard head twitches can be a seizure.

If I move my head around, I'll notice extreme vertigo and my eyes can't focus on anything.

And I'm also seeing moving objects like floaters in the corners of my eyes.

All of these symptoms have convinced me I have a brain tumor. Am I over reacting? I feel so hopeless. I just want to be happy.

05-07-22, 22:54
The least of my concern here are the physical issue fears you're having. What concerns me the most is the mental state. The mind is interesting and complex to say the least. We all have memory flashbacks, dreaming and awake, many of which can seem like a deja vu (if you believe in that sort of thing). The vast majority of people brush it off and many hardly acknowledge it and move on about their day. I'm that way for sure. A random thought or memory can pop in anytime but if they do, I'm usually too busy to care and forget about it moments later anyway. Your hyper-focus on it combined with the rather off self-testing behaviors are straight up mental speed bumps.

Working on your mental state is vital to alleviating the symptoms and behaviors that are plaguing you. Hope you feel better soon.

06-07-22, 08:21
Constant deja vu moments. I'll be thinking to myself or talking to someone then bam, a quick thought that feels very familiar, like it's from a dream, hits me. As soon as I try to focus on it, it goes away. It feels so familiar yet I can never tell what it is.

The scientific explanation for this is that you previously had a conversation with somebody but were not been listening properly. However, your brain takes all information in and then you have a similar conversation with somebody else (or even the same person) and you get a sense of 'Deja vu' when in actual fact it's your brain doing some fact checking...

Most people experience this but stressed/anxious people can experience it more often because the brain is fatigued..

All of these symptoms have convinced me I have a brain tumor. Am I over reacting? I feel so hopeless. I just want to be happy.

Yes, you're overreacting..