View Full Version : Waiting for blood test results on holiday weekend

04-07-22, 19:05
I feel so stupid. I had diarrhea and didn’t feel well on Friday so I called for a virtual consultation. The doctor ordered some routine blood tests and I took yesterday.

Always the CBC test return time is 24hrs so it’s now passed that. That means something is wrong and the doctor isn’t in office to sign off on the blood tests.

She isn’t my primary doctor. Now I’m left wondering what Is going wrong 😑. I just had a CBC for something else 1 month ago and it was ok.

So I’ve learned a big lesson not to take tests on July 4th weekend. Now I can’t stop thinking

04-07-22, 19:53
So what is your worst case scenario self-diagnosis?

04-07-22, 20:15
Not sure why but I’m afraid something is wrong on the CBC one.
None of the tests are returned

05-07-22, 05:02
Ordering a CBC for diarrhea and malaise is kind of extreme. They are probably only concerned about your WBC count to see if there is any sign of infection. How are you feeling now? Any better?

05-07-22, 17:28
Ordering a CBC for diarrhea and malaise is kind of extreme. They are probably only concerned about your WBC count to see if there is any sign of infection. How are you feeling now? Any better?

Thanks FlapJ. I’m feeling better. The tests came back. CBC is fine. The Metabolic panel has Creatine Serum at 0.52 (min level is 0.57) and Alt 44 (38 is max).

The doctor ordering the lab tests haven’t called me. My primary care doc is not in office today.

I hope my liver/kidney doesn’t have a big issue because of these numbers ugh 😩