View Full Version : Worried about my frequent urination potentially causing an emergency type situation.

04-07-22, 20:47
I've made a post sort of like this but this is different so I'd rather it have it's own thread. I've been to urologists and tests have essentially narrowed it down to Pelvic Floor dysfunction and/or Prostatitis. However, I was not prescribed anything but antibiotics which aren't helpful because there's no infection.

I've been STRUGGLING to sleep at night because of the constant need to pee. It used to just be on 2 nights out of the week but now it's day/night endlessly. What's worse is that limiting liquids has zero affect on it.

I am worried that this is what is going to kill me. Not because of the urination itself but because it'll cause me to not sleep at all and I'll die as a result. Yes, I've dealt with sleep trouble before but nothing like this to where something is literally keeping me up at night. What am I supposed to even do? I wasn't prescribed anything as the urologist said that he's hesitant to prescribe anything to me because of unwanted side effects for my age.

It'd definitely be an emergency if this caused numerous sleepless nights in a row. I mean, it's probably impossible to fall asleep if you constantly have the need to pee, right? Because I keep feeling like I have to go even after I go. Like, idk what to even do about it.

I go back to the doctors tomorrow morning but I really need someone to talk sense into me or at least assure me that sleep is still possible even with the need to pee a lot. I'm very stressed and my anxiety over this is through the roof.