View Full Version : Blood with yellow mucus /reflux, sinus issues /hay-fever

06-07-22, 10:43
I'm posting this because I'd like to know if anyone else has had any of this or similar.

Waking up with thick yellow mucus in the mouth
Gum/teeth pain, particularly after eating or drinking
A taste of blood but no trace of where it comes from
Acid reflux brought up in the morning with blood

06-07-22, 11:17
I’ve woken up with a taste of blood lots of times but it generally goes after a drink of water.

Are you sure you don’t have a tooth abscess? A vertical crack in one of your teeth?
Dont spiral Mrs. C. I know you hate the dentist….don’t we all but maybe just maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get it checked.

The reflux is an ongoing thing. My money’s on a tooth issue. Do you have a regular dentist that you trust.

06-07-22, 11:40
Darksky, thank you so much for your reply it means a lot to me. :hugs: I've been spiralling this morning.
I think your thoughts on a tooth issue is very probable. Especially as I can taste blood and nothing there.
I also had some stuff come out from my nose last week which was dark red snot. Sorry, I know it doesn't sound very pleasant. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time but knew I'd never had it before but put it down to my sinuses.
The tooth where the pain is, is a already filled so it's possible the filling has worn away causing exposure.
I have been putting off going to the dentist but that may be the answer to my worry. He is a good dentist but my old one wasn't and the last time I had some work done I thought I was going to pass out. So obviously I'm fearful of going. Jeez, it's nightmare either way.
Generally I feel ok, actually more energised just the anxiety taken over big time!

06-07-22, 13:47
You could well have a small crack in the tooth which is causing the sensitivity? I had something similar and got away with a composite filling without even a local anaesthetic. I'm glad you have a kind dentist now..These old school butchers do so much damage psychologically in their need for "power".

Go on..Make that dental appointment this afternoon? Just get it looked at rather than leave it to get more troublesome? :hugs:

06-07-22, 13:49
I hate the dentist with a passion. The damn pain killing jabs don’t work on me, I have to have horse strength stuff:winks: However I think of them as a necessary evil. Toothache is a real crappy pain.

If the pain is in your gum too, maybe there is a abscess underneath. An xray will check that for you.

That will be all they do on that first visit, so,don’t worry.

Get it checked and xrayed and if treatment is needed we can talk you through that if and when it happens.

06-07-22, 13:53
You could well have a small crack in the tooth which is causing the sensitivity? I had something similar and got away with a composite filling without even a local anaesthetic. I'm glad you have a kind dentist now..These old school butchers do so much damage psychologically in their need for "power".

Go on..Make that dental appointment this afternoon? Just get it looked at rather than leave it to get more troublesome? :hugs:

yeah, my first dentist was an old school butcher. It’s vastly improved now of course but those men left scars didn’t they.

06-07-22, 14:03
Thank you as well Pulisa :hugs:
I'm not doing well in the anxiety department today.
I'm still not certain it's my tooth because the blood came with the acid reflux but it is possible I jarred the tooth area. Mr C keeps telling me I'm over thinking myself into a rabbit hole. I'm actually nervous of clearing my throat and holding coughs back.
Darksky, it was the pain killing jab that I fear. I asked for extra and I think he fed me too much! I didn't have any after pain though.
I really appreciate you both replying. I know it's not easy to read other people's issues with such detail.

06-07-22, 17:35
I've had intermittent pain/sensitivity in a tooth I've had filled before and I went to the dentist and he found a cavity beneath the gum line. It was such a relief to get it filled.

Re the blood, could it be allergies? If you get hayfever your mucus membranes can get a little inflammed and have small bleeds, like little burst capillaries can happen.

This may sound a bit odd, but are you doing anything in your sleep? I have a habit of poking and picking things that are sore in my sleep. I'll wake myself up doing it, sore spot in my mouth I'll wake up rubbing it with my tongue or even worse with my finger in my mouth. I've woken up bursting spots and scratching bites. Just a thought.

06-07-22, 17:49
Thank you catkins for your reply :hugs:
Since this morning I've had the blood taste in my mouth again and just recently some watery blood fluid. So it's either got to be coming from the tooth or gums and the retching with the acid reflux kicked it off. So I was experiencing two different issues first thing this morning. To be honest I think the tooth in question is rotten and needs to come out and maybe my gums are trying to do that causing the blood issue. I can feel a sharp ridge against the gum.
I think a visit to the dentist is probably adamant. I've been putting up with this pain for well over a week now.

And yes catkins, I grit my teeth in my sleep which apparently is very common. Also not good for my current situation. Let's see how else I can punish myself, lol.

06-07-22, 18:18
Just make that appointment, Carnation? Then you can stop the speculation and get a professional opinion. Much better to know where you stand rather than guess? xx

06-07-22, 18:21
A further update. It is the tooth!!!! Just had more blood and it definitely came from the tooth area. It's also throbbing away. So I'm going to phone the dentist tomorrow.

06-07-22, 18:27
Pulisa I was posting so didn't see your post until I'd finished my post.
Yes, I'm phoning tomorrow. Now I'm more fearful of the dentist than the tooth, lol.
Thank you so much to everyone who managed to calm me down today. If no one's told you before, you are bloody brilliant (excuse the pun) and I wish I could hug you all. :hugs:

06-07-22, 18:30
There you go :yahoo:

The dentist is short term pain for long term gain. You will rock it like a boss, I have no doubts.

Let us know how you get on. Xxxx

06-07-22, 20:35
Thanks Darksky x
Just the anxiety to get under control. :scared15:

07-07-22, 22:55
Oh poor you!
I was going to say tooth too, I’m having some aches in one of mine at the moment.

Hope you’re ok C. Xx

08-07-22, 09:44
Thanks for asking Scass, sorry you are suffering too. :hugs:
Been having trouble contacting my dentist. I've tried 4 times so far, no one answering the phone. I'll try again today. Although it's almost the weekend now. The website is under construction too so I hope it's still operating. :shrug:

10-07-22, 10:42
How’s your tooth Mrs.C?

10-07-22, 11:54
Thanks for asking x It's agony Darksky. As Mr C has just told me, I'm my own worst enemy. I don't like this heat either. If its not too bad I will drive to the dentist tomorrow. Although the car will probably be reading 30c. More anxiety, bring it on, lol.

10-07-22, 14:18
Could you plan to go first thing so that you are there as they open? Cooler then and you may be able to be fitted in there and then as an emergency?

10-07-22, 17:41
Hi Pulisa, yes, probably seems the best idea x

10-07-22, 17:44
It's just an option x

11-07-22, 15:45
So I overslept this morning, probably due to the tooth giving me a rough night's sleep. I thought I'd try ringing again and this time someone answered this time.
The earliest appointment was Wednesday at 2.30pm, right in the heart of the heat of the day. Can't be helped.
I was also told I could no longer have my normal dentist as he's gone semi-retired, so I'm seeing a stranger. :ohmy:
I was told I have to wear a mask which seems strange if they need to look at my teeth.
This bit caused me to burst into tears after the call. They lock the door once inside to prevent any walk-ins. A possible trigger for a panic attack. So I made sure I was very explicit about my condition. My anxiety, PAs, agoraphobia. All this and not even got there yet.
Mr C is allowed to be with me which was the only positive so far.
I presume they are only going to look at me, a possible x-ray and knowing there's not another appointment for 10 days doesn't leave me feeling very comforted.
It is what is and I have to deal with it. The hammer in the toolbox is looking very tempting at the moment. :wacko:

11-07-22, 17:36
Nooooo, not the hammer in the toolbox! Or the ice skate blade…re Tom Hanks.:D

My dentist has only just recently opened their doors fully. Masks have gone by the wayside. I suppose these new cases have spooked some practices.
I know you think you’ll feel trapped but tell yourself you really aren’t. You’re not in prison, the door can easily be opened. And time always passes, it never stands still. You will go in and the clock will start ticking. And when you get out…go and treat yourself. Buy something frivolous as a reward. I’m a fan of reward based therapy…..lipstick for me:yesyes:

i imagine all they will do is check it out, poss X-ray and rebook. They won’t know what’s awaiting them on first visit so I doubt they will go in. But if they offer….go for it. Save yourself the 2 nd visit.

Shall be thinking of you come Wednesday.

11-07-22, 19:01
Thanks Darksky x
I'm hoping they will leave the key in the door and not have to prise the keys off the jail key keeper, because there may be one almighty tug and a kerfuffle with the receptionist landing on the floor. :D
I'm going to take some things with me as a just in case.
A paper bag to blow in, which will be interesting wearing a mask. A bottle of water. Also difficult when wearing a mask. Elastic bands on my wrist to twang when I feel I'm losing it. A box of tissues incase I cry. Lol.
This is going to be one almighty challenge for me.
Not sure what reward to have. Probably my choice of TV and the sofa all to myself.

11-07-22, 19:53
You'll have to wear a mask in the waiting room but can take it off for the examination.

It seems a very strange policy to lock the door while you are seeing the dentist. Who are they expecting to barge their way in if it's a "rule" made by this surgery and all inside are wearing masks?

11-07-22, 20:21
I would have thought locking the door with the public inside was illegal Pulisa. It breaches fire and safety rules not having an exit. Its also quite obvious the receptionist is not at her desk most of the time because of the amount of times I have rung the practice. So there may be some pounding on the door from me shouting "let me out", lol.
The mask wearing I half expected tbh. Anything medical and public will be an automatic rule.
I'm not too happy about not having my original dentist. Think my replacement is Spanish. Whether that's good or not I have no idea.
Believe me, its not a day I am looking forward to. Considering I'm in my 3rd week of pain and struggling to eat on one side has driven me to go.

12-07-22, 07:51
Oh Carnation you really are having a time of it! I will be sending you lots of positive and calming thoughts for your appointment.

12-07-22, 08:11
This dentist could be even better than your regular one..I think you just need to see a dentist as you're in pain and need a professional assessment. You really don't want to let this drag on and whatever is done has got to be better than doing nothing and knowing that you've got to go eventually? I'd be very surprised if they don't give you some form of temporary treatment to give pain relief. That's the whole point of going.

Well done on making that appointment. I'm sorry you can't be fitted in as an emergency. That wouldn't happen at my surgery no matter how busy they are. If the pain wakes you up at night they will see you on the day xx

12-07-22, 10:18
Thanks catkins x

Pulisa, thank you for your continued support. xx
I was surprised to be honest they didn't ask me to go in on the day I phoned. Then again, the East of England are sooooo slow at doing anything. Manana, manana is their motto. Drives me crazy. I used to live your part of the world and they told me to come in straight away when I had a similar problem a while back.
I'm not too anxious at the moment about the appointment. That could change tonight / tomorrow. If Mr C has to take me by the arm, feet dragging, then so be it.
I'm very concerned about the locked door and the pain he might cause with the prodding. I'm going to tell him straight away that the least bit of friction sets it off and I'm in agony for hours.
I'm getting quite good at eating on one side now. I'm now conscious of having a lopsided mouth, lol. Certain things I defo can't eat like ice-cream, pastry and crisps.
I'm not a very good advert for dentists in general. Pain seems to override the fear eventually and that's where I am.

12-07-22, 15:13
Typical, I haven't had any pain today :shrug:

12-07-22, 18:00
Please don't cancel tomorrow's appointment? No matter how tempting? It needs to be looked at if the pain is that acute x

12-07-22, 18:25
You know me so well pulisa :winks:

13-07-22, 11:38
No one will judge you badly if you don't go today..but I hope that you do and that something really positive comes out of it ie the source of the pain is explained and things start to get better. No pressure from me though..Whatever is best for you xx

13-07-22, 12:25
Thanks Pulisa x you can imagine what my anxiety is like this morning and the pain came on again this morning. Another tooth is joining in now, lol. You have to laugh otherwise you'd cry. I'm going to do my best to get there and be brave! I can't carry on like this. I can barely eat my food. Everything cut up or mashed like baby food.

13-07-22, 13:51
I can imagine what your anxiety is like this morning….exactly like mine on dentist day:weep:

Remember the only side effect of this trip will be a cessation of pain. Yes heightened anxiety for a few days afterwards probably but that’s natural and to be expected. The other tooth is just nerve pain going along the line so don’t worry about that.
Will be thinking of you at 2.30 and give yourself a treat afterwards :bighug1:

13-07-22, 17:27
Hope all went well Carnation.

13-07-22, 17:58
Thanks darksky, catkins and pulisa for all the ongoing support. x
I've just got back from the beach as my reward for going to the dentist. :yesyes:
I have a gum infection, mainly around the tooth that is filled. A small hole was mentioned in that tooth which is probably why I struggle to eat ice cream.
Anyway, they offered me antibiotics which I turned down. And I'm going the natural route of salt water rinse and intense cleaning. The dentist said I also pointed out some wobbly teeth which I knew about anyway. Not much you can do about that. I was booked in to a hygiene clean straight away because there was a cancellation. Although he didn't do anything as I was in pain and very sore, so was a bit of a waste.
For anyone else going to the dentist....
I went very well prepared.
Bottle of water.
Elastic bands to twang on the wrist.
Sunglasses - to hide.
I was fine with the locked door as it only locks on the outside. I was fine with the new guy, even though I really missed my usual one.
I was fine with waiting in the room to be called.
I was fine with wearing a mask.
The only thing I was extremely nervous about was the lying down on the couch and becoming dizzy. But I was fine and had to do that twice!
I was nervous about them touching my teeth, but seriously, they are so gentle.
I must have reminded them about my anxiety about a dozen times, lol.
And since going my anxiety has gone down masses.
And although I'm still in pain and discomfort, I can relax far more than I was before I went. :yesyes:

13-07-22, 19:51
That's great news and really well done!! Now you know what is causing the pain and you have a plan to treat it.

Anticipatory anxiety is the pits and filling those hours pre-challenge is never easy but you've done it and now you know that it wasn't so bad after all and you could do it again..and will do.

I hope you will talk about this in BI's "Success" thread? xx

13-07-22, 20:47
Yes, I will pulisa and thank you again x

13-07-22, 20:54
You did really well to go through with it x

13-07-22, 21:42
Well done for going through with it.:yesyes: That alone should give you such a boost and reduce your fear for next time. Hopefully a long way off.:winks:

No need for thanks….When one falls the others lift up.

14-07-22, 06:06
Well done Carnation! You did so well!

14-07-22, 09:41
Thanks x I surprised myself :D