View Full Version : Found lump under below rib cage, right side? I am freaking out!

07-07-22, 04:51
I've posted here before many times of all the diseases I've "had". Anything from testicular cancer, lymphoma, oral cancer, brain tumors, you name it.

But now I am freaking out yet again.... The other night, I was laying in bed and just randomly pressed into my stomach and felt a soft lump? knot? right below my right rib cage. I am freaking out. I have never felt this before, however you cannot feel it when pressing into the my abdomen. I can feel it sometimes and I have to kind of look for it. However there is something there. I am not sure if it's a lymph node, or a muscle knot, or fatty deposit. What could this be!? I did do an ab workout for this first time in a while which is what caused me to press my abdomen because I was sore. and then noticed this lump.

The thing is... it could've always been there and I just never noticed it before. Because like I said, you can't really feel it easily and have to search for it. Can't visibily see it. And like... who in their right mind presses into their stomach like that.. so it couldve been there but idk.nAt first I thought it was an organ, but it feels like a lymph node? But in that area!?! I tried to replicate what my doctor does when she checks the abdomen, but I cannot feel it. I can feel it sometimes and it's tender but that could be because I've been poking my stomach area and touching it.

Like... I went to the Dr. in January for an annual and nothing was mentioned then. And I've never touched my abdomen the way I am doing now, so again, it could have always been there. It's not a big lump, it just feels like a lymph node. Everything on google says like liver cancer or kidney cancer.... but those are rare and I am a healthy 23 year old!!! I am just so scared.

Maybe it's always been there and I just never noticed. Any advice would be appreciated.

07-07-22, 22:08
I'm no doctor but I feel weird 'lumps' in my abdomen all the time. These used to trigger my anxiety an awful lot, but the fear suddenly disappeared.

Try some distraction techniques every time you feel the need to check, the more the poke things in general, the more of an issue they will become in your mind (and probably become sore after long enough lol)

08-07-22, 02:20

08-07-22, 04:57
please somebody! Can anyone else give insight about this :( Does anyone have lumps in their abdomen? Idk if its a lymph node... lump... lipoma?? idk what to do or how to think

08-07-22, 05:19
Your abdomen has all sorts of lumps, it’s where lots of your organs are, muscles, intenstines etc. if you go poking around you’ll feel things. I remember being pregnant and finding all sorts of new things when I prodded my abdomen.

08-07-22, 11:02
How is a lump on abdomen normal? Im just worried. Idk if it was there before bc it’s not easy to feel

08-07-22, 12:40
Your abdomen has all sorts of lumps, it’s where lots of your organs are, muscles, intenstines etc. if you go poking around you’ll feel things.

Absolutely. We're not made of porcelain. Stop the obsessive self examination and move on. This is a non-issue! :lac:


09-07-22, 03:13
Absolutely. We're not made of porcelain. Stop the obsessive self examination and move on. This is a non-issue! :lac:


so it’s normal for me to feel this “lump”? It feels like a small grape, and can only feel it sometimes depending on how I prod my abdomen. But how do I know this is normal, and not sinister?! How do I know if it’s always been there? Everyone always says check on lumps…. but idk if I would’ve known it was there had I not randomly pressed my abdomen one night. And now it feels sore..maybe from all the poking and prodding . I’m stressed!!!!

09-07-22, 08:22
Someone please… I just read about liver cancer… and this lump seems like it’s in that area… Im freaking out

09-07-22, 12:09
You have replies and the reasons are obvious (HA and associated behaviors). If you're that concerned, see your doctor.


09-07-22, 16:45
I know i have HA… but how is it normal to have lump on one side? How did I never feel it before and what if it IS something bad? I’m scared. Could it be that I never noticed it was there?

09-07-22, 19:33
Anyone :( Now i feel full pains.. idk if it’s from me poking and prodding… or just being hyper aware of the area but :(

09-07-22, 20:23
Hi tsmc223. The advice given so far is sound and accurate. I understand how you feel however, I've had the occasional episodes of HA myself and know how the fear takes over. And before we know it, we've diagnosed ourselves with the most serious illnesses, its never anything mundane.

I've diagnosed myself with congestive heart disease in the past. I read via google that it causes extreme fatigue. The very next day I felt exhausted, but I was assessed at the hospital and found to be fine, the ECG and echocardiogram were normal.

If we look at your situation logically, you are 23 years old and in your prime. What are the chances this is something serious? Vanishingly small. The pains you are feeling there are entirely due to the prodding. Think rationally, did you have pain there before you started poking? I'm guessing not, so that pain you're feeling is entirely due to being poked repeatedly. I wish you peace.

09-07-22, 22:24
Hi tsmc223. The advice given so far is sound and accurate. I understand how you feel however, I've had the occasional episodes of HA myself and know how the fear takes over. And before we know it, we've diagnosed ourselves with the most serious illnesses, its never anything mundane.

I've diagnosed myself with congestive heart disease in the past. I read via google that it causes extreme fatigue. The very next day I felt exhausted, but I was assessed at the hospital and found to be fine, the ECG and echocardiogram were normal.

If we look at your situation logically, you are 23 years old and in your prime. What are the chances this is something serious? Vanishingly small. The pains you are feeling there are entirely due to the prodding. Think rationally, did you have pain there before you started poking? I'm guessing not, so that pain you're feeling is entirely due to being poked repeatedly. I wish you peace.

Thank you for your reply. I understand, but how do I explain the lump?!

09-07-22, 22:35
Thank you for your reply. I understand, but how do I explain the lump?!

We're not made of porcelain. Our insides are not full of nothing. You don't need an explanation as its nothing to be concerned about.


10-07-22, 02:11
We're not made of porcelain. Our insides are not full of nothing. You don't need an explanation as its nothing to be concerned about.


How is it normal? I’m just scared. I read somewhere that a lump under rib where liver is could be a sign of liver cancer. I’m freaking out

10-07-22, 03:32
Look, if you don’t believe us, and we’re clearly not giving you the reassurance you need then what do you think the answer is?

10-07-22, 05:52
Look, if you don’t believe us, and we’re clearly not giving you the reassurance you need then what do you think the answer is?

I’m just trying to see if anyone else has something similar. Why is it there’s one on one side and not the other? How did I not notice this before? :/

11-07-22, 01:30
anyone else feel one sided lumps below their ribs ?!!!

11-07-22, 09:41

11-07-22, 13:46
If someone said they had would that satisfy you?

11-07-22, 13:55
If someone said they had would that satisfy you?

Well, i’m really just trying to see if anyone has something similar or can tell me if this is normal. Why is there a lump on one side? And it freaks me out cause I read somewhere that a lump under the rib could mean liver cancer and now that’s all I think about.

11-07-22, 14:11
"Somewhere"= on the internet?

11-07-22, 14:36
OK tsmc, do you have any early symptoms of liver cancer? I'm sure you know what they are.

11-07-22, 22:34
OK tsmc, do you have any early symptoms of liver cancer? I'm sure you know what they are.

Not that I know of… the area feels sore at times but probably because I’ve been poking at it. Idk… I just never felt that before but it’s also hard to feel if not looking for it. I also heard in early stages, it’s hard to feel symptoms cause there are none but also… apparently it’s rare. I just hate worrying about something new

11-07-22, 22:35
"Somewhere"= on the internet?

Yes… :/

12-07-22, 07:49
Thanks for your honesty. Can you see how toxic the internet can be when you have health anxiety?

It leaves a "legacy" and it's always very hard to "unread" the stuff you have stockpiled in your brain even when you're in a better place in terms of HA management.

13-07-22, 18:29
If you are worried, make an appointment to see your doctor and have it checked out. No one here could possibly know if your lump is normal or not. Most likely it's just an oddity of your anatomy that you've never noticed. But if I felt a lump that I was worried about I'd just call up my doctor and have her take a quick look.

I don't always think running to the doctor is the right choice, but I do think that with health anxiety we create more of a complex around doctors than we need to. Just have it looked at and move on.

15-07-22, 22:05
Yes, we have LOTS of "lumps" in our stomach/rib area. Muscles, fat, random bumpy inside bits. If you prod something enough it's going to hurt! Take a deep breath. Listen to the good advice on here. If that's not enough for you then make an appointment with your doctor. Unless you're illuminous yellow like homer Simpson then your liver is fine.