View Full Version : Freaking out over Bone Cancer!!!

07-07-22, 16:15
So I started noticing about 2 months ago that my left tip of the elbow is protruding out and more pointy then my right elbow. When I relax my arms down the right elbow point goes in but my left one is still protruding and leaving a visible bump. It does hurt only if I press on it . Of course I googled like a idiot and now have convinced myself that I have bone cancer and that the hard elbow bump is really a tumor. Help please I’m really freaking out .

07-07-22, 18:38
Don't google.

You have had a lot of "illnesses" that never came real and this is just another one.

Please treat the HA asap.

07-07-22, 22:04
How old are you? Bone cancer is really rare for any age group. Try not to stress, or keep poking because you'll make it sore and a bigger issue in your mind than it needs to be.

Distract yourself every time you feel the need to check, try anything like a book, TV or even meditation...

07-07-22, 23:17
I’m a 38 year old male. I know it’s very rare just my anxiety driving me nuts