View Full Version : DVT worry. Diagnosed with DVT and then told no DVT

08-07-22, 02:28
About five weeks ago I had Covid. Following that four weeks ago I had to travel for work. I got leg pain that evening. The following day I went to an ER due to leg pain and was given an ultrasound and diagnosed with a clot. Two days later I met with my GP and they did a D-Dimer and was told it was negative but I continued with the blood thinner. Six days ago I went to an ER due to increased leg pain and was given an ultrasound and told I have no blood clot.

I'm struggling with that though as I feel like I shouldn’t stop it early and also if I had a clot, whatever caused it may still be a problem in my system.

13-07-22, 17:40
Hmmm. This is a tricky one. I would probably look into getting another opinion from a specialist to be completely sure. The negative d-dimer plus the second ultrasound is pretty convincing - but if you still have pain and the first scan saw one I'd want to get a final opinion from someone who specialized in this issue so you can put it to rest one way or the other.