View Full Version : Scary stuff I've handled the heck out of this week

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09-07-22, 05:52
Tuesday: presented to a whole department of teachers. Result: answered their questions, got the information I needed, everyone confident and happy afterwards.

Wednesday: Presented to own work team on unfamiliar subjects. Twice.
Result: First presentation resounding success, second presentation handled constructive criticism without breaking tride.
Wednesday: Team dinner. Wore an above the knee dress for the first time since my teens.
Result: Persuaded a colleague to come in on the bus with me as I felt naked. Lots of compliments but still won't be doing it again in a hurry. May carry on using makeup, though.
Wednesday yet again: Epic restaurant panic attack after pushing my luck with food choices. I always get nervy while waiting for the bill, but this was my first full-blown attack in ages.
Result: Let the table know and tried to pay up so I could escape, but allowed myself to be persuaded to stay a little longer. Panic attack dwindled and was gone within ten minutes of getting home.

Thursday: Checked bank statement and it was carnage. Felt my soul leave my body.
Result: Texted Mr. Iris to let him know and get a little reassurance, asked if we could just cut back on spending without a big formal analysis of everything. He was good with this, and I was able to calm down before...
Thursday: Four hours of teaching assorted college staff how to bead a bracelet. All staff had zero experience.
Result: Nailed it! Created a really positive environment, everyone had fun and I've been asked to design and teach some projects to our hairdressing students.
Best thing of all: A building lecturer came and was a natural, he says he wants to carry on with the hobby and it makes my heart sing.

Friday: Broke up for a week of annual leave. Migraine aura within an hour of getting home.
Result: Not a flicker of panic. Quietly thankful that it happened before a planned massive TV binge. Went to bed to doze and watch the pretty lights grow and fade.

A week of massive stressors and I'm still here. Looking forward to a quiet week at home, though.

Anybody else want to share their little wins?

09-07-22, 07:22
Sounds like you did indeed nail the the crap out of a very stressful week Blue! :shades:

I pulled on my paint-spattered leggings and ancient Stone Roses T shirt (also paint- spattered) and started painting our bedroom..

Two walls done. Physically, it broke me - I ended up in bed (once my hundreds of books had been shifted off it) feeling like I had flu. I also had a sore neck, blurry eyes, and lots of wind (painting makes me fart) :shrug:

Mentally, I feel good for having accomplished something.. It still bothers me that I can't start and finish in the same day (as I used to be able to) but this is all part of learning to pace myself with the fibro. I should have stopped at one wall, and I wouldn't have felt as wrecked, but I'm a tit so I went for two. (I will learn eventually)

Waking up this morning was a bit of a :scared15: moment with one side of the room in a lovely warm Oyster shade and the other blue.. (messes with my autie brain does this)

And before anybody says it, no I can't ask Mr Batty to help me with the decorating. He's good for wallpaper and shelves but when it comes to the painting he has the skills (and patience) of a toddler. I might as well stick a roller in my two year old grandson's hand, you get me? My husband thinks that 'cutting in' is something they do at the barbers.:whistles:

Let him loose on the walls? Not while I breathe...:)

09-07-22, 07:43
Congrats on a productive week, Nora!

09-07-22, 17:05
I have to congratulate you on remembering what you did on Tuesday BlueIris :yesyes: I have trouble remembering what I had for dinner yesterday let alone anything else. Lol.

Nora my other half is the same. I'm the decorator, gardener, home repairer in the house. Mr C is a bit 'Frank Spencer' and its something I've had to get use to and laugh off. :D

09-07-22, 20:08
Well I certainly can't beat or even emulate your brilliant achievements but I did manage to reprogramme the Sky remote knowing that i could wreck everything by getting it wrong..I was shaking afterwards!!:D I knew what the "repercussions" from daughter would be!

My daily challenges are constant as a carer but DIY always fills me full of dread. I want to limit having to get tradespeople in but I am wretchedly hopeless at anything practical.

09-07-22, 20:25
Oh my Pulisa :ohmy: I can imagine the pressure of that
Well done for doing that. :yesyes:

09-07-22, 21:19

09-07-22, 22:05
Loving your achievements! It’s so important to recognise the stuff we do each day that’s actually pretty impressive.

I went for a bit of fine dining in London and had a fabulous time without any anxiety at all.

This week I have made lots of meals, tidied up lots, washed, dried and ironed clothes for everyone, got everyone to school and work (and home again), worked 6 hours a day in an office, gone to a sports day (put sun cream on my daughter but not on myself obviously, got burnt), talked to the assorted cats that visit my garden, spent at least 2 evenings with my neighbour who has dementia and gets very scared on her own at night, met up with friends in the park.

I do have a few fails though, but I don’t think this is the thread for them.

10-07-22, 06:38
Nora my other half is the same. I'm the decorator, gardener, home repairer in the house. Mr C is a bit 'Frank Spencer' and its something I've had to get use to and laugh off. :D

Mine definitely channels his inner Frank Spencer...:whistles::D

10-07-22, 07:59
Loving your achievements! It’s so important to recognise the stuff we do each day that’s actually pretty impressive.

I went for a bit of fine dining in London and had a fabulous time without any anxiety at all.

This week I have made lots of meals, tidied up lots, washed, dried and ironed clothes for everyone, got everyone to school and work (and home again), worked 6 hours a day in an office, gone to a sports day (put sun cream on my daughter but not on myself obviously, got burnt), talked to the assorted cats that visit my garden, spent at least 2 evenings with my neighbour who has dementia and gets very scared on her own at night, met up with friends in the park.

I do have a few fails though, but I don’t think this is the thread for them.

I think it sounds as though you've achieved a hell of a lot this week, Scass. I'd say the time you spent with your neighbour was priceless for her. Your understanding of dementia through bitter experience and genuine kindness makes you the perfect neighbour and friend. She's so fortunate to have you xx

I don't really know what "success" means for me..I am always pleased when I can help others but don't really analyse myself in terms of achievements. Being honest I don't think I'd want to. Just getting through the day is enough for me:D

10-07-22, 08:36
I think we've all done really well this week. Pulisa, I don't think I even have a fraction of your strength.

10-07-22, 10:51
Well I certainly can't beat or even emulate your brilliant achievements but I did manage to reprogramme the Sky remote knowing that i could wreck everything by getting it wrong..I was shaking afterwards!!:D I knew what the "repercussions" from daughter would be!

My daily challenges are constant as a carer but DIY always fills me full of dread. I want to limit having to get tradespeople in but I am

wretchedly hopeless at anything practical.

Fair play with that one P. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I guess it’s bad that I leave all that stuff to Mr.D. Not a healthy way of doing stuff:weep:

Not particularly rocking stuff but I am finding my mothers nurse appointments increasing hard to get through. The ulcers aren’t healing, her foot is constantly wet and she’s been referred to a wound clinic. I hate medical stuff and I’m awfully squeamish so I suppose the fact that I’m still standing after a twice weekly battering is at least something to, if not shout about, at least give it a loud whispering.:roflmao:

10-07-22, 14:22
I think we've all done really well this week. Pulisa, I don't think I even have a fraction of your strength.

That's very kind of you to say this but I'm no warrior. I just get by by hook or by crook:)

10-07-22, 14:25
Fair play with that one P. I wouldn’t even know where to start. I guess it’s bad that I leave all that stuff to Mr.D. Not a healthy way of doing stuff:weep:

Not particularly rocking stuff but I am finding my mothers nurse appointments increasing hard to get through. The ulcers aren’t healing, her foot is constantly wet and she’s been referred to a wound clinic. I hate medical stuff and I’m awfully squeamish so I suppose the fact that I’m still standing after a twice weekly battering is at least something to, if not shout about, at least give it a loud whispering.:roflmao:

Loud whisper away, D! You're certainly facing your demons with visual exposure to weeping wounds on a very regular basis. That must be very challenging yet you persevere and your mum must be very grateful for your support.

11-07-22, 11:34
Blueiris, these weren't small wins! They were amazing! I seriously couldn't have stood up and talked in front of people.

I have my own wins this week too! We went to London early Friday morning. We visited Tate Britain in the afternoon and went to see the Pixies and Pearl Jam in Hyde Park in the evening. On Saturday we spent the day with our son in his new flat/surrounding area (Wimbledon) then went back to Hyde Park and saw Stereophonics and Pearl Jam. Sunday morning we met our son at Euston, had breakfast and caught the train back.

I can honestly say I feel very proud of myself, it was very challenging at times, but I did it all and managed to feel relatively relaxed most of the time. Particular challenges were;

* The heat! Bloody hell it was hot! I drank more water than I thought was possible to ingest, we didn't go to the festival in the afternoons because it was too hot, to be honest I would have liked to see a couple of the performances that were on in the afternoon but the thought of sitting out in the open in the sun was just too much for both of us. I wore my trusty bucket hat for most of time time and was incredibly glad I had taken it (added bonus - I realised it was reversible!).

* The tube! Again the heat was awful and the sheer volume of people on them at times. On the way to the show on Saturday we had to literally squeeze in by the door.

* My insides! On the Friday and Saturday morning my insides were having a bit of a party, fortunately I always managed to be near a loo when necessary!

* Panic attack in a cafe! Our son took us out for lunch and despite having some anxious moments I hadn't had a panic attack until the Saturday lunchtime. It was a strangely calm experience, I told myself to just sit with it and it dissipated quickly enough that I could still eat my lunch. Often I get all wound up, start fidgeting around, go to the loo and then can't settle at all. But this time it passed without too much fluster.

* Overwhelmingly busy concert! The sheer number of people in Hyde Park was incredible! Fortunately I'd bought fan club tickets so there was a large enclosure in front of the stage that was fenced off from the rest of the crowd, it meant that we could be at the back of that where there was more space and still see the band on the stage.

* Train cancellation. When we got back to the room on Saturday night I checked my email on my phone and discovered our train for the next morning home had been cancelled. I had to work really hard at staying calm and not going down the rabbit hole of thinking I was going to be trapped in London for the rest of my life. I quickly formulated a back up plan that we could go up to Leeds and then get on the Carlisle to settle line and then get someone to pick us up in one of the villages. It might have seemed a long way round, the the trainline app was telling me there were no tickets available on any of the other trains coming home that day. Of course we went to the station early Sunday morning and they just said, 'oh it's fine just get on either this or this train'. At 11.30 the previous night it really hadn't felt that simple!

So anyway, I had prepared all week by doing guided meditations every morning in the lead up and I really felt it helped. I didn't try and cram too much into our time there and even watched a bit of the tennis on the telly with our son on Saturday afternoon - it did amuse me that I was in Wimbledon watching Wimbledon on the telly. I ate sensibly to help settle my tummy and avoided all festival food, even the churros which were very tempting. So that I had no nighttime backlash from that.

I think I did pretty well 😁

11-07-22, 13:15
You did really well Catkins. I had to smile at thinking you would be trapped in London for the rest of your life. That is so my way of thinking.

11-07-22, 17:37
Catkins, you were awesome!

Ps: the trick to public speaking is not caring :)

11-07-22, 19:49
You did great Catkins! I can honestly say I don’t think I would have done the tube in this heat. Although I love the breeze it generates!

I saw Barbra Streisand at the Summertime event before lockdown. Quite different from Pearl Jam! Wish I’d seen the Rolling Stones this time, gutted I didn’t check the acts.

You did really really well.

11-07-22, 20:03
Way to go Blue! A little over a year ago I had to start doing presentations for my job; I'm very shy so it was incredibly hard. It's still difficult, but I'm hoping I can use the skills I gained from it to leverage into another position, so there's a bit of a silver lining. But I agree with the others, no small task!

I also very much empathize with you on the finances. I just got my electric bill and...:scared15:. My dad's been in my house working on things and he sets my AC really low, and then leaves it low, and I forget to turn it back up. Bill paying is no fun. But I'm doing a little bit better at telling myself "NO" when I start coveting things to buy lol, though anytime I think about paying back my renovation debt I have a bit of a panic attack.

I did a deep clean on both bedrooms in my home. I'd been putting it off because my depression was sinking in and the motivation wasn't there. But I did force myself to do it, and it feels a little better having it done.

I also took my dog on a walk both on Saturday and Sunday. We can't walk in my neighborhood so I have to drive up to campus, and we had to go early to beat the heat. But campus on break is a really nice place for both of us, it's nearly empty. We usually walk along the edge but Sunday did venture into the main part of campus and never got super close to anyone else but it was good practice for him being in a new(er) area, seeing/smelling new things, and we worked on emergency U-turns and other management stuff. Had to take some unique routes to avoid some people but overall it was a really pleasant couple of mornings.

11-07-22, 21:04
Wow catkins you did amazingly well :yesyes:

You too Poppy.

BlueIris, this is a great thread and what you achieved in a week is amazing!

12-07-22, 08:41
You did really well Catkins. I had to smile at thinking you would be trapped in London for the rest of your life. That is so my way of thinking.

Mine too!:D

12-07-22, 08:44
Catkins, you were awesome!

Ps: the trick to public speaking is not caring :)

I think not caring is the key to anxiety in general!!:D Impossible unless you're a robot or Boris Johnson!

12-07-22, 09:00

:shades: :emot-worship: :yesyes:

And to Blue for creating such a positive thread... :bighug1:

@Poppy - one cannot underestimate the healing power of a damn good deep clean. I try to channel my inner 'Mrs Hinch' every few months..:winks:

12-07-22, 09:38
Seriously, let's keep posting our successes here? They matter.

14-07-22, 17:40
Today's win: went to an unfamiliar city with a friend, bought her lunch without freaking out about money, went into a non plus-size clothes shop and bought a top. Was out 8 hours and not a flicker of panic.

14-07-22, 19:08
Today's win: went to an unfamiliar city with a friend, bought her lunch without freaking out about money, went into a non plus-size clothes shop and bought a top. Was out 8 hours and not a flicker of panic.

Way to go!

Struggling a bit myself to find wins, but....I only had the TV on for a couple of hours while I slept last night (instead of all night) and slept the most continuously I have in awhile. Didn't panic, even when I heard my neighbor across the street yelling (I assume at his cat).

Learned my boss didn't get a promotion he was up for and instead we have another boss coming in to take that space. I don't love the idea, my boss would have been great and change is hard, but wondering if maybe that's a good sign that it's time to more seriously look at alternatives.

14-07-22, 19:10
I used to sleep with the TV on for a lot of years, Poppy. Well done on being able to switch it off!

14-07-22, 19:51
You both should feel very pleased with yourselves. It must feel great to have achieved something significant when confronted with triggering situations.

I signed my new updated will this week. It took months to complete and I was very worried that I had not covered every eventuality to protect my 2. It's made me feel better about what happens after I die and i need to face up to this.

14-07-22, 21:38
That's good Pulisa! That must feel relieving to have off your plate.

I need to do a will; I don't really think of myself as having much in the way of assets and I don't have any children so everything would go to either my parents or my brother. But it would probably help care for my dog and cat (somewhat) so I guess that's something.

14-07-22, 22:20
It will certainly give you peace of mind pulisa x

15-07-22, 08:32
You both should feel very pleased with yourselves. It must feel great to have achieved something significant when confronted with triggering situations.

I signed my new updated will this week. It took months to complete and I was very worried that I had not covered every eventuality to protect my 2. It's made me feel better about what happens after I die and i need to face up to this.

This is something that's on my mind at the mo - expect an incoming PM...

16-07-22, 09:02
I haven't ever done a will. Maybe I should think about it.

I went to a friend's house last night (with a few others), had a few drinks and stayed to the end. First time in over a year I've managed to do this at her house.

16-07-22, 10:06
Congratulations, Catkins, that's awesome! Did you have fun?

17-07-22, 07:34
Congratulations, Catkins, that's awesome! Did you have fun?

I did, there were a couple of moments when I really had the urge just to go home, but I hung on in there.

17-07-22, 08:14
Well done Catkins! :shades:

17-07-22, 12:51
Well done from me too!! You're really surging ahead now! Puts me to shame!:D

17-07-22, 13:14
Brilliant catkins well done!

18-07-22, 15:47
Some small wins...

I got stung in the face by a wasp yesterday. It hurt! I then started to worry, what if I go into anaphylactic shock? But was able to remind myself that I've been stung tons of times before and been fine, and I'm not really allergic to anything at all except mild pollen allergies. And yes, I was fine.

Also been feeding a cat colony and one of them took a snap at me, so naturally had to talk myself down from a rabies fear (I have no idea if they are vaccinated). It didn't break skin and really didn't hurt, just startled me, so I'm sure I'm fine, but I did resolve not to try and pet them anymore.

Got started catching up on some work stuff that I've been putting off.

Made timed entry reservations for my upcoming trip in August. It was kind of hard because there weren't the times I wanted, and I can try to reserve better times the night before but they apparently sell out pretty quickly. But I'll make it work. Currently am also entrenched in some battles with my dad, who is coming along on this trip, as there are things I want to do so will have to do alone and he very much likes to be in control, but he just can't be. May have to end up driving separately in my own car so I have some transport up there (he wants to drive our massive family van, which I don't want to drive/park in the mountains). But again, will make it work.

Started putting away some stuff in my kitchen. Need to pick out countertops but am torn because of the cost; I know it's an investment but am unsure on spending a lot in a home I won't be in forever.

Took my dog for a walk, a short one because it was hot, and drove around with him a bit (he struggles in the car). He did very well, I was proud. He did have an incident later in the day but I tried not to let it get me down.

Today I plan to just do what I absolutely need to and take it a bit easy; I've got a list of stuff to accomplish tomorrow at work but am just not feeling especially on the ball today and need to accept that.

18-07-22, 15:56
That sounds really impressive, Poppy. Congratulations!

18-07-22, 16:44
Catkins, well done on your night out.
Poppy, we’ll done on all your wins! The cat colony sound fab.

My small win is making it through online therapy yesterday without snapping at the therapist who was being a bit patronising. Probably all for my own good, but still.

18-07-22, 16:46
Well done for keeping your cool in the heat, Scass!

18-07-22, 18:05
Well done Poppy :yesyes:
Scass you did well too!

18-07-22, 20:09
Yes, well done Scass!

I told my mom that I got the timed entry tickets. Apparently my dad is a little bitter about it and figuring out the logistics of having the dogs, etc. but she told him to get over it and assured me they'd happily drop me off at trailheads and pick me back up. Again, we'll figure it out (somehow).

I am making some purchases as well; it always makes me nervous to spend money but I need some hand sanitizer and I have to get lights for my kitchen. I'm also really coveting a really fancy pack (I think you all call them bum bags :D) but I'm trying to justify the cost. Am doing some online surveys here at work to make a little extra money to help out.

19-07-22, 09:26
I missed not going to see John Lennon and Paul McCartney's childhood homes. (And the Universe was seriously taking the piss as I heard THREE Beatles songs yesterday!) :lac:

But it was the right decision because this is too special a deal to me to ruin it with anxiety & feeling ill. When I finally get to stand in the room where Paul and John wrote I Saw Her Standing There, I will be all sorts of geeky awe. I have to sit on a mini-bus with other humans for 40 minutes (there and back) but it will be worth it...:yahoo:

Today is all about getting through the day and maintaining my sanity. Might stroll around in my undies, not decided yet. :shrug: But I plan to do nothing but read my new books (several on pain ha ha) and watch Netflix..

The pooch has found a semi-cool spot on the porch floor. I might take her outside and hose her down (then tolerate the smell of wet dog) and that's pretty much us for the day.. :yesyes:

Well done everyone for handling the living shit of this heatwave! :shades:

19-07-22, 09:57
Definitely the right decision nora. :yesyes:

I woke up in the night and my hair was soaking wet from the heat and I didn't panic. Although not a nice feeling and being hot can be a trigger for me I just muttered something about the friggin weather and telling it where to go and went back to sleep.

Last week I went to the dentist, a major step for me.
Was kept waiting outside for a good five minutes as no one answered the doorbell and it gave me a chance to leg it, and yes I was tempted by the thought. I'd only have to go through it all again so waited patiently until I was let in.
Faced a new dentist, new layout in the rooms, also a test because I'm not too good with changes of any description. Then after my appointment I agreed to a hygiene clean and waited another 15 minutes outside in the heat of the day, second chance to leg it. The universe must have been on my side because when I went back in, the hygienist didn't do anything but chat and thought it best to let me be as I was already in pain and think he could sense my nerves as I more than likely looked like a rabbit in the headlights. :D

19-07-22, 15:04
Okay, so, not properly scary, but...

In work on my own for the past couple of days, getting stuff done, and unfortunately a whole lot of that stuff has been fixing the messes left by colleagues who my boss insisted I asked to do tasks they weren't really capable of. As a result, I've had to make heavy tweaks to the vast majority of it.

When I've found myself getting frustrated, I've gone out for a minute and felt the blazing sun and the warm wind and listened to the dried leaves crunching beneath my feet, and it's felt wonderful - a proper grounding exercise.

19-07-22, 18:05
Well done Poppy, Scass, Nora, Carnation and Blueiris. :yahoo:

20-07-22, 08:36
When I've found myself getting frustrated, I've gone out for a minute and felt the blazing sun and the warm wind and listened to the dried leaves crunching beneath my feet, and it's felt wonderful - a proper grounding exercise.

I generally wake up feeling anxious (nocturnal PA's aside) so I go and stand outside and feel the breeze and smell the flowers. I have an ENORMOUS basket of scented Petunias and they smell especially potent first thing. Sometimes I stand there barefoot (though I have to be sure the pooch hasn't done a shit) and the anxiety leaves me.. :)

20-07-22, 08:38
...I should probably conclude the story, mind. It ended in sunburn, nausea and a mostly sleepless night. Working from home this morning, but not necessarily working terribly hard.

20-07-22, 16:25
Nora, I am so not a fan of the smell of Petunias, but that would certainly wake up the senses!

Blue, take it easy. I think you're a rock star. I'm really lucky so far that the people I work with in-office are great, but we work with everyone across campus and there are some individuals that can be really difficult. It's hard too when you have to pick up the slack of others - everyone in my office has had to do the job of others on several occasions and it's junk.

I bit the bullet and made some purchases today; got some first aid stuff for my upcoming trip and to put in my new pack, which is exciting but spending money is hard for me. I made a decision on what to do with my cat when I'm gone, and have a phone call tomorrow with the carer for him. I also listed a couple of things for sale online, which I hate doing and managing but some extra cash will be nice if I can get them sold. And agreed to do some social media help for a group my parents are a part of, which I also don't want to do but they did offer to pay me.

22-07-22, 06:54
Seriously, Poppy, that's great!

Okay, properly impressive one today. I defy anybody not to stress when they're awakened at 3am by stabbing chest pain. I waited a couple of minutes to see if it would go away, then got up to check Google and see if it was something that needed an ambulance.

Google said probably not, and I knew that indigestion and muscle pain were both likely causes given what I'd been doing that day. So, I tried going back to sleep. No luck there, so I grabbed my phone and played some games until I finally fell asleep again.

Feeling fine this morning, but I do have an achy shoulder - probably the original cause of the pain.

No panic attack, just calm, sensible, logical behaviour. If I can do it, so can you.

22-07-22, 10:41
That's basically what I would have done BlueIris, minus the Google search. Logically thinking, if you can play video games it's not an emergency! Well done for letting it pass calmly.

22-07-22, 16:08
Way to go Blue! I've had some heart anxieties recently so I know how scary those feelings can be! I think you handled it like a champ.

23-07-22, 06:45
Excellent BI!

23-07-22, 07:26
No panic attack, just calm, sensible, logical behaviour. If I can do it, so can you.

You made a good choice, Blue - and your brain will remember. :shades:

23-07-22, 08:02
Very well managed, Blue..

Down here there's a real problem with ambulances so even more need not to let HA distort rational thinking.

08-08-22, 09:04
Explained to my boss that I was struggling financially and could really do with picking up a few more hours (I'm on two contracts at the same place, one is term time only). She's not usually open to talking about money, but she listened and said she'd see what she could do. I don't really think anything will happen, but I'm proud of myself for giving it a shot.

08-08-22, 09:58
It's not easy to ask or put your cards on the table. It takes a lot of courage. Well done BI. :hugs:

08-08-22, 10:13
Thanks, Carnation. Hope you're doing okay?

08-08-22, 11:04
I've handled the heck out of ongoing tooth pain and visits to the dentist, so I'm feeling quite proud. :D

08-08-22, 11:15
You should be, I wouldn't be brave enough for that!

08-08-22, 12:05
You'd be surprised, if it comes down to it, you do find the courage from somewhere.

Last night I had chest pain and didn't panic because I knew it was indigestion and dealt with it. Plus it was self inflicted from pigging out. :noangel:

08-08-22, 12:11
Oh, I totally get that one :) I made refried beans at the weekend and it was so worth the eventual fallout - pun intended.

08-08-22, 17:11
That is really brave BlueIris, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

08-08-22, 18:10
I hope you get what you would like, Blue and well done for asking her..I think everyone is going to have money worries (apart from Phil)...It's good that you can access extra income to help your funds.

My daughter is terrified about "the cost of living crisis" and it has reawakened all her fears about spending money which she had managed to control over the past few years. I'm worried too but can't show it.

08-08-22, 18:17
Honestly, I'm terrified right now, the way our savings are evaporating. Taking action takes the raw edges off the panic, though.

...I wish I knew the shop Phil worked at, the pay must be amazing.

08-08-22, 19:19
Blue, I feel your pain and also hope you are able to get a few extra hours. I'm going to have to job hunt soon I think, which is nerve wracking because my job has both low pay but also great stability which is hard to leave. But my electric bill this month was 96% more than it was this time last year and I have no idea how but...yikes. I've already got my a/c set on 80 degrees and I'm just one person; there's no way this can be sustainable.

08-08-22, 19:30
AC is a luxury over here. We just fry in our houses/flats instead!:D

08-08-22, 20:03
AC is a luxury over here. We just fry in our houses/flats instead!:D

That would honestly be me; if it weren't for my dog and his health issues I'd have it set higher. My friends all keep their houses at 72 or lower and they all have much larger homes than I do so I can't imagine their bills, though they can handle them better.

08-08-22, 21:13
Honestly, I'm terrified right now, the way our savings are evaporating. Taking action takes the raw edges off the panic, though.

...I wish I knew the shop Phil worked at, the pay must be amazing.

Yes!! Or maybe just some money advice from him because I cannot keep any in my bank whatever I try.

Also worried about the cost of living, everything is just so expensive and gloomy.

Well done on all your wins my lovelies. Pats on backs all round x

09-08-22, 08:28
I just handled the living shit out of turning down a party invitation from my extended fam..

Historically, my anxiety would have gone orbital from the second of seeing the invitation. I would have felt pressured into going (although I don't 'know' most of them) - dreading every second leading up to the event, and I'd have got horribly pissed while I was there (projectile vomiting beer into some bushes around midnight) and then semi-dying for the next few weeks - never wanting to see another human being ever again..

While I did experience a few 'flashbacks' of times gone by...:scared15:...I reminded myself that I have my autism diagnosis (which explains the cringe-worthy-kill-me-now flashbacks) and that my body is now buggered and I'm invariably in bed by 7pm (party starts at 7.30) so I have politely, but firmly, declined the invitation..


Get in, Nora!! :yahoo:

09-08-22, 08:32
Well done you, that's awesome!

I was with the in-laws the other weekend (we had a trip to Liverpool and I thought of you) and at one point they wanted me to walk a narrow path around this historic castle, with the other side of the path having a steep drop. Massive, massive anxiety trigger for me.

I gave it my best shot, but when I really couldn't handle it I said as much and promptly bolted back to safety. Glad I spoke up for myself rather than turning into a sniffling wreck.

09-08-22, 09:03
but when I really couldn't handle it I said as much and promptly bolted back to safety. Glad I spoke up for myself rather than turning into a sniffling wreck.

Well done! :shades:

My son is getting 'married' in a few weeks and I am going (I'd have to be dead not to go, and even then I'd reckon I'd give it a go) but I've told him that I (we) can only be there for a few hours. He understands. He's seen me struggle socially when he was growing up and he's seen me at my worst with this shitty health condition. I need to be there when they say their vows to each other and to have a brew, a bit of cake, cuddle the grandkids, give my lad a huge hug from his mama, and then it's back home again, and that's what I can cope with..

I've been in training for weeks, watching my diet and trying to keep my stress levels low - giving myself the best chance I can. (I have my Rocky Balboa bandana on - running up and down the stairs, ok maybe not running - but I'm definitely in preparation lol)

There are always going to be certain events that I need to attend, and in terms of importance my son's wedding is right up there. He's my world; him and his brothers. And Mr Batty, obvs (when he isn't annoying the crap out of me) and for them I want to give everything I have in terms of effort and energy, but it's also has to be about what I can realistically cope with - hence it can only be for a few hours (and believe me, this will take weeks to recover from - but he's worth it) :)

09-08-22, 10:48
Well done BI and Nora :yesyes:
Why do stuff that makes you feel uncomfortable, definitely not enjoyable, just to please others that probably don't give a monkeys anyway.

09-08-22, 14:04

It's Quality not Quantity anyway, Nora and my gut feeling is that you will be able to share in your son's happiness on the day and bring back wonderful memories to keep you going when times are tough..You won't be one of the grislies determined to stay until the bitter end in order to get their money's worth..

Why are we all fed this rubbish that we need to be socially active? Some do, some don't. We're all different. It's ok not to like parties/get-togethers in my book!

19-08-22, 12:21
This may seem daft, but with my increased anxiety the last couple of weeks I nearly cancelled my hair appointment. Well I didn't and managed to sit in the chair for 2 1/2 hours and even kind of enjoyed it. So instead of moan and say the bad stuff I am celebrating a little. :D

19-08-22, 12:24
Congratulations, Catkins, great going!

19-08-22, 13:32
Blimey..2 and a half hours!! What did you have done?!! I could no more sit still for all that time than fly so well done!!

Are you pleased with the results? Is this in preparation for Portugal?

19-08-22, 13:46
We've got major road works going on outside the house and a 4 way traffic control system as a result..

Every morning this week at 720am on the dot a car has been in the queue waiting for the traffic lights to go green...with the window down and loud rap music absolutely blasting out for a good 5 mins. This morning I decided that I'd had enough and went out to confront the driver...who turned out to be female and intimidating to say the least..but I stood my ground and she turned the volume right down after telling me that if I didn't like it I could walk on by..Difficult when you happen to be in your own house at the time.

The test will come next week when she could well have it blaring even louder..

19-08-22, 15:01
Good on you P! That's very brave, I would really struggle with that.

Haircut was just the usual, hide the grey and cut the ends off, just nicely coincides with Portugal (and so does the extra counselling session I booked in the week leading up to it).

Thank you both!

19-08-22, 15:09
Pulisa, I absolutely could not have done that.

Currently trying to get the nerve up to tell a colleague I don't appreciate receiving religious texts at any time, but most especially not at 6.30am when she knows I've got annual leave.

19-08-22, 16:04
Every morning this week at 720am on the dot a car has been in the queue waiting for the traffic lights to go green...with the window down and loud rap music absolutely blasting out for a good 5 mins. This morning I decided that I'd had enough and went out to confront the driver...who turned out to be female and intimidating to say the least..but I stood my ground and she turned the volume right down after telling me that if I didn't like it I could walk on by..Difficult when you happen to be in your own house at the time.

The test will come next week when she could well have it blaring even louder..

I wish I could do things like this, but my brain would scramble everything up and I'd probably end up asking for a decaf cappuccino with oat milk. :unsure:

Way to go though P!! :shades:

19-08-22, 19:51
Block her BI. Then you don't have to confront her.
If she brings up the texts, innocently say, "oh, anything like that I take as spam. :winks:

Well done Pulisa. The old me would have done that but not now. I just rely on karma.

24-08-22, 13:30
Survived my own stupidity, just about.

Last night I got word on FB that a work friend had died. It turned out they hadn't, it was somebody else with the same name who'd worked there, but I was rattled.

Minutes later, Mr. Iris wanted me to look at a couple of brown patches on his inner thigh. I went straight into the mother of all panic attacks and felt myself coming unmoored from reality. Took a photo to show him, which put his mind at ease but resulted in me spending an hour down the Google hole convinced he had the same rare melanoma on both legs.

Brought myself down to earth after a few false starts, and got off to sleep. Woke up, had a lie in for once, got up and noticed there was one of Mr. Iris' coffees left in the pot. Yay, thought idiot me, iced coffee.

Against all odds I didn't have another panic attack, just palpitations and prolonged bathroom time.

Can still feel my body settling back down after the panic, but I'll get there.

24-08-22, 17:45
BI, you do so well with the control.
I know there's the initial panic and the symptoms that go with it and neither are pleasant. But if you can do your best to stay rational and learn the skills for calming yourself down, then you are doing very well.:yesyes:

24-08-22, 17:47
You did well BI :yesyes:

24-08-22, 18:18
Really well done BI, that’s the way it’s done x

24-08-22, 18:21
Thanks. Really worn out now but will live.

24-08-22, 19:27
What made Mr Iris show you these "marks"???? You did very well to recover so quickly and effectively.

24-08-22, 19:45
He wanted my opinion on them. My opinion as a professional HAer is that any new brown marks are melanoma, and if they're on both legs it counts as metastasis ;)

Honestly, can still feel the fear trying to get its claws in, and it's not pleasant.

24-08-22, 21:08
He was asking for trouble..Good idea to laugh at it now to diffuse the fear.

25-08-22, 07:37
Honestly, can still feel the fear trying to get its claws in, and it's not pleasant.

There will always opportunities for HA to get back in control. (I have to work to keep mine under control)

What matters is that you handled it. Some people become so disheartened when this stuff happens. They think they're heading back down that hole again, but HA control/recovery isn't about not ever having those irrational thoughts again (because we will), it's about the way we handle them. Even if there's initial panic and a slip back into some of those unhelpful habits, it's what we follow up with which matters. (You haven't gone back down that hole)

I was watching the rock-climbing thingy on the Commonwealth Games last week. One of the climbers had a belting start but lost her footing enough to lose several seconds (and the advantage she'd had over the other girl) but she carried on grafting her way to the top and won. That's what you've done here, Blue. You lost your footing but you still came through. Really well done. :shades:

25-08-22, 07:47
Thank you so much, Nora.

Last night I got the overwhelming urge to Google again, it felt as though it was the only way I'd be able to set my mind at ease.

I actually asked myself what I thought I could possibly gain from looking at stuff that would scare me. I reminded myself repeatedly that it would only make me feel worse, and after an hour or so the urge went away and all I'd done with my phone was play match-3 games.

Pretty proud of myself for that.

25-08-22, 07:59
Last night I got the overwhelming urge to Google again, it felt as though it was the only way I'd be able to set my mind at ease.

I actually asked myself what I thought I could possibly gain from looking at stuff that would scare me. I reminded myself repeatedly that it would only make me feel worse, and after an hour or so the urge went away and all I'd done with my phone was play match-3 games.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is how you're following up - with rational thinking. (You're doing the work)

Pretty proud of myself for that.

And you absolutely should be. :shades:

25-08-22, 08:16
I always think about the "what do I have to gain" aspect before I do anything remotely triggering..I avoided weighing myself yesterday even though I really felt the urge to (I've held off for over a year now)

Also the "how will this make me feel and will it affect how I function" question is helpful for me to repeat in my head.

I've never done formal CBT..just made up my own rules.

25-08-22, 08:28
I always think about the "what do I have to gain" aspect before I do anything remotely triggering..I avoided weighing myself yesterday even though I really felt the urge to (I've held off for over a year now)

Also the "how will this make me feel and will it affect how I function" question is helpful for me to repeat in my head.

Someone direct Chloe to this thread?

25-08-22, 12:11
I get the weighing issue pulisa and I can go for months before plucking up the courage and then it's normally a time I think I have gained weight. Strange, it's normally the other way round for most people. When I had my tooth problem I knew I'd lost weight and was fearful of how much. Even though I'd gained a good healthy amount during the lock down I know for me how quickly that can be lost. I braved doing it anyway and yes, I was losing weight. I'd cut out most sugary items and immediately my brain wanted to replace that immediately even though we are just talking a few pounds. When you've fought a eating disorder for most of your life it doesn't just go away.

BI, I would have wanted to do the exact same thing with checking on Google. It's like wanting to find the answer that all is ok. We know that's not normally the case with Google because they have to cover themselves legally with 'go and get it checked out'. Or 'Contact your GP'. They'll give the worst case scenario to save themselves from being sued. It's basically not reliable and scaremongering. Remember that.

25-08-22, 14:07
Someone direct Chloe to this thread?

She wouldn't be interested in self help.

25-08-22, 14:21
I've tried explaining it to her so many times.

25-08-22, 18:00
I've tried explaining it to her so many times.


06-09-22, 01:28
I have a win and I am going to put it here so it doesn't set off people in the very specific forum dedicated to it. I follow a Reddit community for benign twitchers, and in the last few days there have been TWO people who have (albeit vaguely and without definite proof -- and both these people have pretty obvious anxiety issues, one of them has even been sectioned before) claimed to have been diagnosed with MND/ALS. That's on top of two other people in that Reddit who were diagnosed earlier this year. The group has about 4k people in it. A lot of more vocal posters proceeded to post in panic.

Using my powers of rational thinking, I did two things: (1) Reminded myself that one in a thousand is still pretty good odds; (2) took my ssri and then leaned back and said "shucks, this is some drama!" :shades:

Did it also spike my anxiety? Of COURSE it did. I had a more unsettled weekend than I would have liked, and I have heartburn right now as I type this... but I have done the hand-to-hand combat with my HA-OCD long enough to know that this much is true:

Nobody else's situation means much in relation to my own. Nobody's story is a "talisman" for me.
At the moment, I personally don't feel like I am dying. And while I certainly could grasp for some straws to believe I am -- I've done that before, and it was miserable! So I'm choosing not to do it anymore. Que sera, sera!
Gandalf was right: All we can do is decide what to do with the time that's been given to us (I thinned out my late crop of beets/kale/carrots yesterday and tidied the rest of my flower beds.)

And with that, I go back to doing my early Xmas shopping for myself, because if I buy everything now I can hide it in a closet and have my mum come over and wrap it next month, and then I really WON'T have a clue what I got myself, and that too will be a giant win over the last few years of having to wrap my own stuff because my husband isn't very good. :lac: (Please note I use Xmas as an excuse to buy myself basic things like *socks with cute patterns*, *soap that smells nice*, *slightly nicer than usual tea/coffee* and *non-American milk chocolate (because most of ours is awful)* ... so we're not talking fancy things here, just niceties for daily existence!)

Anyway, Thank God for this thread and all of you wonderful people. Really. <3

06-09-22, 06:47
Kylikki, that was awesome, I know how much it must have taken you.

Well done, and don't forget to steal a little of your own Christmas chocolate as an early treat!

06-09-22, 08:24
Well done, kylikki...You must also remember that people are at liberty to post anything they want on health-related forums. You have no way of knowing whether these cases were genuine or not but even if they were unfortunate enough to get a medical diagnosis,this has no correlation on your situation. Why would it? If you hadn't read this you would be none the "wiser". I'd never post about a sensitive diagnosis like this on a forum for people trying to manage benign twitching.

it's a great idea to get started on your own personal Christmas shopping now!! What is your favourite chocolate brand? I really love this soap shop in York


06-09-22, 14:32
Yes pul, that's exactly what I tell myself!

I am planning a run over to a very good grocer a few towns away to get some Milka this year... for some reason Americans can't manage to make milk chocolate that doesn't have a waxy mouth-feel and wrong melting point. We do dark chocolate just fine (often with real sugar), but the milk's all wrong and usually sweetened with corn syrup. Blech!!

Thanks for the soap recc too, pul, believe it or not this brand has been on my list for over a year as I did try them last time I was in the UK.... but they don't ship internationally!! Ah well. An excuse to travel again soon!

06-09-22, 19:47

This Belgian chocolatier is high end of the market..

07-09-22, 07:33
Nobody else's situation means much in relation to my own. Nobody's story is a "talisman" for me.

ABSOLUTELY! (It's their story, not yours)

Gandalf was right: All we can do is decide what to do with the time that's been given to us (I thinned out my late crop of beets/kale/carrots yesterday and tidied the rest of my flower beds.)

And that's this moment. That's what any of really have, and in this moment, I am thrilled to read this post, Kylikki.

Nice work! :shades:

07-09-22, 09:48
So, not a positive one this time, I'm afraid.

I'm scared I'm backsliding at the moment. I'm picking at my skin, and because money's tight I can't bring myself to buy a can of drink at work without asking my husband's permission. I'm obsessively checking the bank account and silently worried about Mr. Iris' health, plus I'm starting to worry about my own.

In my (vague) defence, it's early September and my work life is chaos (particularly because I'm trying to prove my worth for a raise), but I'm terrified I'm going to slide back to square one.

Can anybody offer any support, please?

07-09-22, 11:05
Sorry Blue that you are having a blip,can you take a can of drink from home?
I just want to send you a hug and if I was in the UK I would bring you a case of cans.
You will get the raise.:bighug1:

07-09-22, 11:13
Thanks, Lola, means the world to me.

07-09-22, 12:25
Do you have a work fridge BI? If not, could you suggest to the person who has the power to grant it? It would be so handy to bring stuff from home and pop in the fridge. Labelled with your name on your goods.
Finances are a big issue at present and it's obviously having an effect on you. I expect there's very little you can cut as well. You also can't live your life feeling guilty about buying a drink or something to eat.
I know you asked for pay hike and I have no doubts you are entitled to it. Realistically that could take some time.
You therefore have to look at other ways to generate income. I know you have your bead making, could you set up an etsy account for selling. Also sell some stuff on ebay. Clothes are making good money on ebay.
I feel you need a little injection of cash now. Maybe chat to hubby about it.
Don't give up. Keep the fight going. And don't keep your feelings in BI. :hugs:

07-09-22, 13:45
It's a blip not a backslide though, Blue. Anxious thoughts/skin picking/financial worries and HA/HA by proxy..All very unsettling but not a backslide to "Square One".

You know why this is happening as there is so much uncertainty out there ..Spending/not spending money is something my daughter has struggled with for years and now of course it's really causing her so much distress.

Maybe the CoL announcement tomorrow will bring some relief for us?

07-09-22, 13:54
Thanks both.

I have a couple of side hustles - my beaded jewellery and some occasional IT work I do for a local tutor who pays me generously.

It's our 20th wedding anniversary next month and we've got a date planned. It's indulgent but not extravagant - a restaurant good enough to have a Michelin-star chef and to have been reviewed in the national press, plus a night at a pub we like and fancy breakfast in the morning. Fortunes can change, but this day is only going to come around once, after all.

I'm lucky enough to work next to a park full of very tame waterfowl, and being surrounded by geese and swans was also a tremendous mood lifter. Granted, things aren't great, but I'm never good at September and October and I'm 45 now, so presumably perimenopause is a factor. I suspect you're both right, and that uncertainty is the issue given that I'm falling back into my old maladaptive behaviours.

Got a few more hours of work, then I'm going to head home and doze in front of old Star Trek episodes - Mr. Iris loves them and they're definite comfort TV.

Would anybody like to see some of my more recent beadwork?

07-09-22, 14:25
That's a much more encouraging post BI.
I definitely recommend you enjoy your anniversary celebrations and not feel guilty about the cost as it's important to the both of you. Everyone deserves a treat now and then, more so if you celebrating an important date. Sounds wonderful.
Mr C and I watch Star Trek the original series, we love it!
Anything with a bit of fantasy and nostalgia is right up our street.
I would love to see your latest work BI. I already know you are very talented.

07-09-22, 14:37
Me too, Blue. Congratulations on your 20th..Definitely deserves to be celebrated in style!

07-09-22, 14:45
Thank you, will post once I'm back from work in a couple of hours.

07-09-22, 14:50
I'm looking forward to it :)

07-09-22, 16:30
Two days until I have to socialise.

Having my highlights done tomorrow so I look slightly less 'badger'.

Anxiety is a good 7.

I will have one day to recover, then it's off down to the Pewl to do that Beatles childhood home thing that we had to cancel that week it broke the temperature records..

Wish me luck, cockers!

07-09-22, 16:31
It's our 20th wedding anniversary next month and we've got a date planned.

Nice work, Blue! I hope it all goes well for you and the light of your life. :yesyes:

07-09-22, 16:33
Two days until I have to socialise.

Having my highlights done tomorrow so I look slightly less 'badger'.

Anxiety is a good 7.

I will have one day to recover, then it's off down to the Pewl to do that Beatles childhood home thing that we had to cancel that week it broke the temperature records..

Wish me luck, cockers!

Luuuuuck! Hope you have a wonderful time.

07-09-22, 16:42
Luuuuuck! Hope you have a wonderful time.

I won't, but at least I get to stand next to John Lennon's bins. :yesyes:

07-09-22, 16:57
Imagine.....that you are having a good time? It's easy if you try? (sorry)

Nowt like a bit of Tin Foil Therapy re the highlights (or is that last century stuff?)

07-09-22, 18:21

07-09-22, 20:43
Blue, you made those?! They are incredible! Congrats on the anniversary. Enjoy every moment.

Nora, I can't beat Pulisa's puns (which it took me a moment to get, good grief...) but I do hope they are nice bins, at least!

07-09-22, 20:46
Thanks, Kylikki! Yep, this is how I wind down.

07-09-22, 20:54
They are beautiful BI. You are so talented!

Nora, you'll be 'here, there and everywhere' before you know it and everything will 'come together'.

07-09-22, 21:03
They are beautiful BI. You are so talented!

Nora, you'll be 'here, there and everywhere' before you know it and everything will 'come together'.


07-09-22, 21:10
Blue, your pieces are stunning! Do you advertise on etsy?

07-09-22, 21:12
I don't, because it's such a huge marketplace I can't imagine ever gaining traction.

07-09-22, 21:36
You would have your followers from here for starters!

07-09-22, 21:43
I think you would do very well on Etsy BlueIris
Like pulisa has said, you have followers from here.

07-09-22, 21:51
You are so talented Blue! They look so cool and also quite different to a lot of generic jewellery.
You’ll never know unless you try! It’s all about search terms and good pictures too. There must be some good guides on the internet to selling there.

Sorry about everything else, it is tough at the moment. How about a little cool bag with a can a day in it from home?
I know September is very busy for you anyway. I’m not a big fan of September either really for one reason or another xxx

08-09-22, 06:52
I don't, because it's such a huge marketplace I can't imagine ever gaining traction.

I use Etsy a lot. Your work is quality and people would absolutely follow you. (I would for a start)

08-09-22, 07:04
Aww, you guys! I'm inspired, I'm going to start investigating on my lunchbreak today.

08-09-22, 07:51
BI, they are beautiful! You are so clever!

With regards to the blip, it is just a blip. We all slip into old patterns of behavior when we feel anxious, look at me a few weeks ago - I was convinced I was going to be in exactly the same position as I was last year. Keep doing all your coping techniques and posting on here, it will pass.

The COL crisis is definitely getting to me too. So far no holiday souvenirs purchased, the only thing I nearly bought was a thick chunky fisherman's jumper that was on sale outside the most South easterly point of Europe, I was convinced it would help me save on heating over the winter. Even then I convinced myself I could live without it. I known I'm incredibly fortunate to have a holiday, but, thinking about the coming months is preying on my mind.

Anyway, good bit; went on a three hour boat trip yesterday and saw bottle nose dolphins swimming in the sea, which was just beautiful. There were no bathroom facilities (which is always a concern for me), but with lots of slow deep breathing and staring at the horizon I kept calm and had a lovely trip.

08-09-22, 08:15
Aww, you guys! I'm inspired, I'm going to start investigating on my lunchbreak today.

Do it. You could make some decent coin on Etsy. :shades:

08-09-22, 08:22
You sound as though you are coping really well on holiday, catkins! I'm sure it's not easy but seeing those dolphins at play must have been a fantastic experience and something that you can remember when feeling stressed? It's pouring with rain here so make the most of the sun while you can! Thanks for the update too.

I'd certainly support you on Etsy, Blue. I've bought a lot of unusual and original stuff off there (capybara earrings/tapir jewellery for example!)

08-09-22, 10:03
Catkins, that sounds wonderful. And to think at one point you were thinking of cancelling. I'm so pleased you decided to go.

Go for it BlueIris, what have you got to lose? :winks:

08-09-22, 10:07
Catkins, that sounds amazing! I love boat trips. Well done on keeping your head together and getting some fantastic memories as a result.

08-09-22, 18:47
It was really worth the trip just to see them!

12-09-22, 10:22
Just walked into a loud, stroppy class of beginner electricians whose teacher wasn't inclined to calm them down.

I raised my voice to get their attention and got the information I needed and the lads were really well-mannered, did everything I asked and didn't complain.

So proud of myself that I've reached the point where I don't feel anxiety in these situations any more. Fake it til you make it really is a thing.

12-09-22, 12:12
That's brilliant BlueIris. :yesyes:

12-09-22, 18:47
Excellent BI!

12-09-22, 19:27
Just walked into a loud, stroppy class of beginner electricians whose teacher wasn't inclined to calm them down.

I raised my voice to get their attention and got the information I needed and the lads were really well-mannered, did everything I asked and didn't complain.

So proud of myself that I've reached the point where I don't feel anxiety in these situations any more. Fake it til you make it really is a thing.

That's great! Being able and confident to be positively assertive is very beneficial when it comes to raising self esteem.

13-09-22, 08:01
Good on you BI:yesyes:it takes a woman to sort them out.:D

13-09-22, 08:50
Most people are decent if you treat them decently, I've found - not all by any means, but enough.

13-09-22, 19:09
So, I went and handled the living shit out of two things over the last week...

I went to my son's wedding. After all that anxiety, fretting, and mindshittery, I only went and enjoyed myself! :huh: (Nicest wedding I've ever been to)

Yesterday, (sorry) I went to see John Lennon and Paul McCartney's childhood homes in Liverpool.

This trip was originally booked for that week in July when the temperatures were scorchio (This time it rained) :whistles:

I sat on a minibus with about fifteen other people. (Go me!)

For a music geek and Beatles fan, this trip was a tick off the bucket list. It was huge. Mahoosive!

But now I can say that I've stood in John Lennon's bedroom in the house that he grew up in (under the watchful eye of his Aunt Mimi) and where he dreamt of being the next Elvis.

I discovered that Yoko Ono bought the house when it came up for sale, and that she immediately donated it to the National Trust with the request that they use it to tell John's story of who he was before he became a Beatle..

Then it was back on the bus and onto the ex-council house where Paul grew up...

I stood in Paul's bedroom: the one he shared with his brother, Mike, and the smaller bedroom he moved into when their mother died. (It was in this smaller room that he wrote 'I lost my little girl')

I touched the brickwork where countless fans (mostly girls) have chipped away at the bricks to own their own little piece of 'Paul'. I ran my hand up the stair banisters as Paul would have done, and in the sitting room (where there was mismatched wallpaper) I imagined Paul and John mirroring each other on guitar (Paul being left-handed, John being right-handed) and them writing some of their early songs. This is where The Beatles began...

It was a blinder of an experience, and one that I will never forget.

Last night, I was knackered - completely drained - and wrapped up in my electric blanket. Everything had caught up with me, but my God, was it worth it! :shades:

Next stop, The Cure in concert in December!

13-09-22, 19:22
Great job, Nora! So glad you had the great time you deserve.

13-09-22, 20:33
Nora, that's absolutely Fantastic!!!!! :yesyes:

14-09-22, 05:33
Well done Nora!

14-09-22, 07:01
Thanks all. :hugs:

14-09-22, 10:09
BI, it's nonsense if it's the way you feel. :hugs:

14-09-22, 10:29
Thanks, Carnation. Had some HA concerns as well as the insane workload and I was just tired and grumpy.

Still have a truly revolting rash under my arms but the other stuff is fixing itself, and I'm making sure that outside of work I spend my time doing things I really want to.

How are you doing?

14-09-22, 10:58
Tbh, the grumpy mode hits me more than I want and I try to make fun of it. Seems to raise itself particularly when I'm tired, hungry or hot.
Definitely helps if you can do stuff you like.
I know what it's like to get rashes too. I've currently got one on my bum, lol. At least no one can see it and I'm not likely to show anyone, lol. Don't think anyone would appreciate a moony from me. :roflmao: Last year I had it on my chest and people kept asking why I was wearing a scarf on a hot summer's day. It didn't stop me from doing anything but I was quite aware of its presence and was putting all sorts of ointments and creams and thoroughly washing the area until Mr C said, "why don't you just leave it too heal naturally, you are just making it worse '. So I did and it healed. It was obviously an internal reaction.
Are you doing anything nice at the weekend? (Monday excluded, of course).

14-09-22, 11:05
Hoping for a quiet weekend, as the last couple have been busy and we have a few more to come. Last weekend was brilliant because we had front row seats at a local wrestling show and had a great time.

Will be happy to spend this one relaxing, making jewellery and maybe having a long walk, or possibly getting some kitchen time in.

Seriously, the skin under my arms is going red and then falling off. Eww!

14-09-22, 11:07
Seriously, the skin under my arms is going red and then falling off. Eww!

Sounds sore. A reaction to anti-perspirant or something?

14-09-22, 11:16
I'm using the same brand I have for years, Nora, but that's still my best guess.

14-09-22, 11:25
I'm using the same brand I have for years, Nora, but that's still my best guess.

All I can say is that I used the same brands for decades and then started reacting to everything. (All part of the fibromyalgia, apparently...) :shrug:

14-09-22, 11:30
Yeah, going to try a switch, plus changing out my flannels and towels.

14-09-22, 11:35
Yeah, going to try a switch, plus changing out my flannels and towels.

Have you changed your detergent recently?

14-09-22, 11:40
I love a bit of wrestling BI. I find it soooo entertaining, lol.
Definitely worth changing antiperspirant to see BI, could even be a heat rash. You've been working through all those hot days, presuming your office isn't air-conditioned either.
Ditch any nightdress for a few nights to let the area breathe and raise that arm over a cushion when sitting watching tv and definitely don't shave your armpit until its settled. I've had a rash come from that quite a few times, especially during the hot weather. x

14-09-22, 11:50
Haven't changed deodorant recently, Nora, although we're about to.

Carnation, I'm a typical bloody feminist and I don't shave my pits ;) Heat rash could definitely be it,, though, because citalopram messes with my heat tolerance and the rest of me has been getting mildly blotchy on hot days.

Next time you're feeling really brave you should find a local wrestling show and go to. We had front row seats, I got landed on and Pete had someone get chopped whilst sitting in his lap. It's the most fun way to escape everything.

14-09-22, 11:50
My sister was a wrestler,she did nude jelly wrestling back in the late 90’s when it was popular in the pubs.
Mum and Dad were not impressed when my brother showed them a picture of her in AusBike,he was and still is a bit of a pussy.
BI, I love your jewelry :yesyes:

14-09-22, 11:59
Aw, Lola, thank you!

14-09-22, 12:01
My sister was a wrestler,she did nude jelly wrestling back in the late 90’s when it was popular in the pubs.

They wrestle in gravy up North where I live. :huh: (clothes on though)

14-09-22, 12:35
I'd have to be really brave to go to a wrestling match, come to think of it, any match. Not quite that confident yet. As for gravy? That's definitely for my roast dinner :D

14-09-22, 21:55
I took my son and a friend of his to watch wrestling when they were younger. They absolutely loved it! It was the American style, very rehearsed but a lot of fun to watch - and whatever anyone says you have to be fit to do it.

Well I'm back at home and very proud of myself for going on holiday. I had a predominantly lovely time with only a few wobbles which deep breathing and doing the five senses thing really helped with. I meditated a few times when I was there to reduce any sneaky anxiety and generally enjoyed myself. I even managed to look out of the plane window on the way home! I couldn't look down, but I looked out sideways and saw all the lovely pretty clouds. :D

14-09-22, 22:47
Well done catkins :yesyes: I'm pleased you had a good time and you actually went!

15-09-22, 07:18
I'd have to be really brave to go to a wrestling match, come to think of it, any match. Not quite that confident yet. As for gravy? That's definitely for my roast dinner :D

They have some weird customs up North lol

15-09-22, 07:20
Well I'm back at home and very proud of myself for going on holiday.

Nice work, Catkins! I know that holidays can be big deal for some of us when it comes to anxiety. Sounds like you nailed it though. :shades:

15-09-22, 07:43
Well done, Catkins! It's annoying how anxiety-provoking holidays can be.

15-09-22, 09:29
How are you feeling today BlueIris?
Only a couple of days to go and you've got a nice long weekend :)

15-09-22, 09:41
Bit tired and stressed; the lady who gives me a lift into work is being really annoying, plus I'm working til 7.30 tonight. Pacing myself, and reminding myself I finish at 1pm tomorrow.

How are you?

15-09-22, 09:49
That's a long one BI. Hope you got something easy and quick planned for dinner / tea tonight.
Why do you find the lady annoying? Is she talking too much or talking for the sake of it? You can always mentally switch off. I do that with Mr C when he starts talking politics. :D
I think you need this weekend to brush off what seems a bad week. Like you said, it's a short one tomorrow, yay!
I'm ok thanks, it's much cooler today. :)

15-09-22, 10:10
Unfortunately she was badmouthing my department because she got told off for doing stuff she shouldn't have. Switching off was hard.

Mr. Iris is cooking tonight, pierogi with romesco sauce - if I let him know when I'm leaving it'll be ready when I'm back.

15-09-22, 10:27
Oh dear. Not a bright cookie to be doing that in front of you. Not a good way to start the day either. Maybe suggest having the radio on or some music next time.
I have no idea what pierogi is, lol. I'll have to look it up. But it does sound Italian. Anything with an 'I' at the end is normally Italian. I'd be thinking of that meal all day. :D

15-09-22, 10:31
It's Polish, actually, little pies that you can fry or boil with a variety of different fillings. We usually get the ones filled with mashed potato and cottage cheese. We have them with Romesco sauce, a Spanish sauce made with roasted almonds, red pepper, tomato, garlic and lots of paprika.

It's a lovely meal, lots of different flavours and textures.

15-09-22, 11:22
Just looked it up BI. x
Jeez, it's much cooler today, just debating whether I need to wear a vest today, lol. :D

15-09-22, 11:27
Someone say vest? :yesyes:

15-09-22, 12:16

15-09-22, 12:34
Mine's on. Plus, I'm wearing a fleece.

I've told Mr Batty that he has to buy a dressing gown to wear in the house at night. Dude does this thing where he sits there in a t shirt (even in winter) and whinges that he's cold and the heating needs to go on. (Meanwhile, I'm shuffling around the house looking like I'm on an artic expedition!)

Well, he's got no chance now the bills have rocketed up. I will be guarding that boiler like a Rottweiler! :lac:

15-09-22, 15:21
Okay, holding it together right now but just barely. I'm so busy I've had to set up an auto-apology on my email asking people to be patient, the entire team is run ragged and the online pharmacy has now screwed my prescription up twice. Obviously, I'm not functioning fantastically without my ADs.

I'm taking things one step at a time; Mr. Iris has gone to pick up my prescription and I've made it plain to colleagues that they'll have to wait because I can't do everything at once.

I will be okay.

15-09-22, 15:34
That's all you can do, take one step at a time and breathe!!! Mr Iris is sorting the prescription so let him get on with it. You've already sent out apologies for any delays. You've got 4 hours, as you've said you are on a late one today. Anything that doesn't get done, which it probably won't come to that but if it does, it can't be helped and that's that.

15-09-22, 15:37
Nora, vest is on and a top and a cardi :)

15-09-22, 15:41
I will be okay.


15-09-22, 15:42
Nora, vest is on and a top and a cardi :)

Can't fault you, Carn. Woman after me own heart. :yesyes:

15-09-22, 16:05
Okay, holding it together right now but just barely. I'm so busy I've had to set up an auto-apology on my email asking people to be patient, the entire team is run ragged and the online pharmacy has now screwed my prescription up twice. Obviously, I'm not functioning fantastically without my ADs.

I'm taking things one step at a time; Mr. Iris has gone to pick up my prescription and I've made it plain to colleagues that they'll have to wait because I can't do everything at once.

I will be okay.
You've done everything you can and the automatic email message is a great idea!

15-09-22, 17:20
Nora, I've got a partner who doesn't like wearing clothes either. Although that sounds a bit kinky and he obviously dresses to go out but it's the walking around in his underpants in the morning and then opening the curtains. No nets! I'm no prude but I don't want the neighbours seeing what my o/h is made of let alone scare the little old lady that walks her dog. :ohmy:

16-09-22, 10:52
I just had meat and 2 veg for dinner,Carnation :D.

16-09-22, 11:03
Nora, I've got a partner who doesn't like wearing clothes either. Although that sounds a bit kinky and he obviously dresses to go out but it's the walking around in his underpants in the morning and then opening the curtains. No nets! I'm no prude but I don't want the neighbours seeing what my o/h is made of let alone scare the little old lady that walks her dog. :ohmy:

This made me giggle lol

Mr Batty strolled through the kitchen this morning wearing just in his undies. I shouted through, 'Diet coke break or what?' :yesyes:

His reply? You wish! :huh:

16-09-22, 12:08
Lol, lola :D

Why do they do it Nora? :shrug:

How you doing today BlueIris? Did you enjoy your meal last night? Get your prescription sorted and manage to get some rest?

16-09-22, 12:10
Prescription is sorted, meal was delicious and I'm generally feeling better.

Still exceptionally tired, so once it hits 1pm I'll be heading home and grabbing lunch and a nap. Very glad for the long weekend.

16-09-22, 12:19
Yay :yesyes: you on the homestretch now BlueIris, well done!

18-09-22, 09:09
Why do they do it Nora? :shrug:

I ask myself the same thing when My Batty is flossing his bum crack with his undies asking me, 'Does this do it for yer'? :lac:

18-09-22, 09:48

19-09-22, 15:28
I saw a friend this weekend - we went for a hike on the prairie and then went to a brewery for lunch. It was quite hot (about 35 c I think), and it had just rained so was very humid. I don't usually like the heat but actually did pretty well - there was a lot of wind, which helped a ton, and some occasional cloud cover. I was sure to bring a bottle of water along, and actually, did much better than my friends' boyfriend who really was struggling with the heat. He's in better shape than I am I think, so that made me feel pretty good about myself :roflmao:.

The brewery was lovely as well - it was still very windy so we had to eat indoors, and I haven't eaten at an indoor establishment in over a year I think. I was certainly nervous going in but settled pretty quickly and had a good time.

I get my covid booster later this week and then am hoping to be able to visit them in November.

20-09-22, 06:19
Well done Poppy!

20-09-22, 06:57
Nice work, Poppy! :shades:

20-09-22, 07:38
Great job, Poppy - glad you had a good time!

20-09-22, 09:27
Well, I'm off to Aldi to do the weekly shop. Got my wicket keeping gloves ready for when the cashier peep throws my goods at me at 100 miles per hour. :whistles:

Wish me luck!

20-09-22, 09:57
Good luck Queen Nora the 1st.:yesyes:

20-09-22, 10:12
Well done Poppy :yesyes:

20-09-22, 11:37
Good luck Queen Nora the 1st.:yesyes:

Ta mate.

As it was, the young chappy on the checkouts in ALDI was on a go slow. (Gloves not needed) :shades:

20-09-22, 14:10
Not scary, but I've baked (scones) and made a sausage casserole.

Mr Batty will be chuffed to bits as I'm invariably slumped on the sofa when he gets in, too knackered to move. :unsure:

I do enjoy baking, it relaxes me (Once I've got past the measuring part lol)

20-09-22, 14:33
That sounds lovely, Nora!

I made refried bean nachos this weekend, and a chicken and vegetable crumble.

Bus didn't turn up this morning, I landed up waiting for it for an hour before pooling funds with two other colleagues at the same stop and springing for an Uber. I'm normally early for everything so I didn't get in any trouble, luckily, but I have a banging headache.

20-09-22, 15:04
I hope your head feels better, Blue. That's no fun at all.

Scones sound awesome, Nora. I don't really care for baking but I love the result so it's all worthwhile!

20-09-22, 17:37
Scones sound fab!

What a pain in the bum BI, glad you got it sorted - a nice easy night is required!

20-09-22, 17:51
Are you getting in some practice for your Coronation banquet, Nora? :D

I'm sorry that the bus non-appearance got you off to a bad start this morning, Blue...So frustrating when you rely on public transport and it lets you down.

21-09-22, 09:16
Are you getting in some practice for your Coronation banquet, Nora? :D

I can guarantee you - 100% - that I will not be watching that crap. :lac:

However, seeing as this is a positive thread, I can say that I will absolutely be dusting down my Mary Berry baking book when he abdicates. :yahoo:

21-09-22, 09:17
Bus didn't turn up this morning, I landed up waiting for it for an hour before pooling funds with two other colleagues at the same stop and springing for an Uber. I'm normally early for everything so I didn't get in any trouble, luckily, but I have a banging headache.

Sounds like a mare, Blue.

Hope you feel better today.

21-09-22, 09:26
Much better, thanks. Was only a tension headache rather than a migraine, and Mr. Iris was suitably nurturing.

Buses seem to be back to normal and I'm in work doing my thing, albeit at a relaxed pace dictated by the big boss not being in.

21-09-22, 09:29
Much better, thanks. Was only a tension headache rather than a migraine, and Mr. Iris was suitably nurturing.

Good to hear.

Buses seem to be back to normal and I'm in work doing my thing, albeit at a relaxed pace dictated by the big boss not being in.

May your day continue to be a more relaxed one. :yesyes:

21-09-22, 09:42
Bugger, spoke too soon - she's in.

21-09-22, 11:58
Bugger, spoke too soon - she's in.

Bad luck, Blue. (Hopefully it's a flying visit?)

22-09-22, 04:57
Luckily she was disinclined to visit us plebs yesterday. In the afternoon, the library head and I had a mini rebellion. We're not supposed to spend our time on displays (especially not me) but we spent a couple of hours making papercraft dragons to decorate the fantasy fiction.

Great times.

22-09-22, 06:40
Luckily she was disinclined to visit us plebs yesterday. In the afternoon, the library head and I had a mini rebellion. We're not supposed to spend our time on displays (especially not me) but we spent a couple of hours making papercraft dragons to decorate the fantasy fiction.

Great times.

If it wasn't for the 'people' element, working in a library or book shop would be a dream job for me.. (As it is, I would probably be like Bernard from Black Books) :roflmao:

22-09-22, 07:20
It depends on the library, to be honest. That said, if you're working with books all day there's inevitably going to be a lot of heavy lifting, which isn't fun.

I love Bernard Black, but you can only get away with that crap if you're the boss, or if the person you're Bernarding at is universally loathed. Either or. Our head of library is a sweet girl but a bit vain; I once referred to a (male) lecturer as "well-groomed". She asked me if she was, too, and I said she was like Best of Breed at Crufts.

22-09-22, 07:50
She asked me if she was, too, and I said she was like Best of Breed at Crufts.

You wouldn't think I am Best in Breed at Crufts. (I'm more Scrufts) :roflmao:

Speaking of which, my pooch has lost her hearing. She's 13 now (lurcher, so she's on her last few laps) and I literally have to shout to get her attention now whereas I used to whisper her name (from the other room) and she would hurl herself at me. :weep:

This means that she can no longer be let off the leash. Her recall has always been brilliant but now she can't hear so it's out of the question. Sad times.

22-09-22, 08:39
I'm so sorry, that must be really tough for you.

If Mr. Iris and I ever get anywhere with a garden, we want a sighthound of our own.

22-09-22, 09:01
I'm so sorry, that must be really tough for you.

If Mr. Iris and I ever get anywhere with a garden, we want a sighthound of our own.

I love lurchers. She's my second one and they are as loyal as hell.

This is the hard part now - watching her start to deteriorate and knowing that sometime in the not-too-distant future, I'll have to let her go..

And there will be no other dogs!! (Ever!)

That is, until another a pair of brown eyes (blue and brown in her case) look into mine and steal my heart again. :lac:

But it appears to be just deafness at the mo. Her heart was in good nick last check up (last year) and she's still scoffing her dins as if she's never going to fed ever again, so no issues with appetite. :yesyes:

22-09-22, 17:37
My dog is12 Nora, and I can definitely tell she's slowing down. It's ever so hard knowing they have a time limit.

23-09-22, 07:21
My dog is12 Nora, and I can definitely tell she's slowing down. It's ever so hard knowing they have a time limit.

It is, Catkins. :weep:

We're going to take her to the vets because her walker and I both agree that this deafness appeared to come on quite suddenly. I know, from my own experience of going deaf, that it's generally a gradual thing. Also, she's not herself. This could be because she's disorientated/fearful because of the deafness, but I want to get her checked out to be sure that this is age related, and that there is nothing else going on with her.

23-09-22, 07:36
Probably for the best, Nora; hope all goes well.

Yesterday I had the, err, pleasure of meeting with one of our heads of department to sort out digital learning for the next half term. Lovely lady, but seems to have a weird thing for perfume. Nearly 24 hours later, the headache, dizziness and sore throat have faded off but I can still taste the bloody stuff and it's revolting.

23-09-22, 10:54
Hi Blue.:DNothing worse than the smell of cheap or old perfume, I get headaches,sore throat and dizzy too.
I always remember a warden wearing 4711 I reckon she used a bottle a day,I was always sneezing and coughing.

23-09-22, 10:57
Awful, isn't it? My throat's sore again.

23-09-22, 11:01
I get the perfume affects too. And aftershave. Mr C is told to leave the window open if he's tarting himself up :D

23-09-22, 11:19
I'm quite lucky, in that Mr. Iris dislikes it as much as I do.

23-09-22, 14:12

24-09-22, 17:53
Need to take some time out from here, but will be happy to come back to respond to DMs.

I hope I'm brave enough not to come back to the forums.

25-09-22, 02:46
Blue, I'm sorry. I love hearing from you and hope you are able to find your way back soon. :flowers:

25-09-22, 08:32
Maybe you could limit yourself to this thread for a while and steer clear of the trigger topics/threads elsewhere?

08-10-22, 03:42
Can't remember the exact quote, but someone once said that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it.

Proved this right yesterday evening on a special night out. Had just got off the bus to our hotel when I was approached by a youth wanting me to call the police over a couple of people who had allegedly stolen some booze. I obviously had no proof either way, so I refused and got an earful. Was unfazed by this, possibly because I work with kids his age.

Later, got to the bus stop to travel to the (very fancy) restaurant, and the bus didn't show. No big deal, it was the city centre and it was easy to get an Uber.

Arrived at the restaurant and the flame from the candle on the table triggered a migraine aura. Once, this would definitely have been a huge panic trigger. I was determined not to let my anxiety destroy the evening, though, so I let it pass over. It was fading by the time we got initial nibbles, and completely gone by the time I finished my starter.

Had a wonderful evening and got delightfully drunk on cocktails. Currently awake because my hormones are misbehaving, but I'll be going back to sleep any minute.

Pretty damned proud of myself.

08-10-22, 04:04
I got on a plane for an 8 hour flight and didn’t freak out. I don’t really like flying and the longest I’ve ever done is 4 hours so…I think it’s a win

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08-10-22, 06:32
Pretty damned proud of myself.

And so you should be. Good work, Blue!:yesyes:

08-10-22, 06:33
I got on a plane for an 8 hour flight and didn’t freak out. I don’t really like flying and the longest I’ve ever done is 4 hours so…I think it’s a win

A very BIG win, I'd say!:shades:

08-10-22, 06:49
Well done both of you!

08-10-22, 07:26
Great going, Sara!

08-10-22, 07:52
Can't remember the exact quote, but someone once said that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it.

Proved this right yesterday evening on a special night out. Had just got off the bus to our hotel when I was approached by a youth wanting me to call the police over a couple of people who had allegedly stolen some booze. I obviously had no proof either way, so I refused and got an earful. Was unfazed by this, possibly because I work with kids his age.

Later, got to the bus stop to travel to the (very fancy) restaurant, and the bus didn't show. No big deal, it was the city centre and it was easy to get an Uber.

Arrived at the restaurant and the flame from the candle on the table triggered a migraine aura. Once, this would definitely have been a huge panic trigger. I was determined not to let my anxiety destroy the evening, though, so I let it pass over. It was fading by the time we got initial nibbles, and completely gone by the time I finished my starter.

Had a wonderful evening and got delightfully drunk on cocktails. Currently awake because my hormones are misbehaving, but I'll be going back to sleep any minute.

Pretty damned proud of myself.

This must be your very special wedding anniversary meal, Blue?!! Congratulations if so...Hope I've remembered right?!

What lovely memories you will have..despite facing challenges which you dealt with efficiently and quickly. Enjoy your weekend and revel in your successes!

08-10-22, 07:53
I got on a plane for an 8 hour flight and didn’t freak out. I don’t really like flying and the longest I’ve ever done is 4 hours so…I think it’s a win

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think it's more than a win! I think it's a fantastic achievement and very well done!

08-10-22, 08:08
I survived a trip to Chichester despite the hotel allocating us the wrong room initially and then getting an upgrade to a larger room where the hot water tap in the bath refused to produce more than a dribble and the TV was broken...All these things didn't exactly get our trip off to a good start but we got the train to the theatre and had seats on our own in the front row (there were just 2 seats anyway as the Festival Theatre is based on a round).

All looked promising until the woman behind me started coughing and continued to cough and clear her throat throughout the performance...My daughter was rigid with fear..It was potential covid versus seeing her favourite actor live and drawing attention to herself by legging it..So she stayed and is now paying the penalty (not with covid).

The play was about a middle aged woman's descent into madness.......Been there, done that..but pretty thought-provoking for me and I came out somewhat traumatised..like my daughter but for different reasons!:)

We haven't come away with covid though...So far..

08-10-22, 09:21
The play was about a middle aged woman's descent into madness.......

This is currently the chapter I'm on with my memoirs lol

We haven't come away with covid though...So far..

Fingers crossed it stays that way, P.

08-10-22, 09:34
Blue well done your drama filled night out, well done for floating through it all. Hope you’re ok, I haven’t been around much lately.

P, well done to your daughter for sticking through it. Sounds like a good trip away?
We went to the circus a few weeks ago & someone coughed behind me the whole way through too. I did get a cold, but it wasn’t a bad one xx

08-10-22, 18:02
I don't think people care now about spreading bugs around in public venues, Scass. The Covid Effect is well and truly over for most people..but not for everyone. I'm still over cautious as I can't risk lowering my guard and terrifying my daughter if I pick it up. I know I will at some point but can't face it just now when there is a lot going on with my son.

I don't like these overnight trips. I wish I could be spontaneous and just do minimal packing and walk out the house etc...but I can't. Just too afraid of forgetting something crucial..but nothing's ever "crucial" is it Apart from having the means to pay for stuff and a front door key!:D

09-10-22, 08:12
Well done P, and well done for your daughter too! A stressful situation without the coughing and the subject matter. I personally feel that it doesn't matter that you're not taking the minimal with you, you're still doing it, which is a good thing.

09-10-22, 21:36
I think it's more than a win! I think it's a fantastic achievement and very well done!

Thank you [emoji4]

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09-10-22, 21:38
I don't think people care now about spreading bugs around in public venues, Scass. The Covid Effect is well and truly over for most people..but not for everyone. I'm still over cautious as I can't risk lowering my guard and terrifying my daughter if I pick it up. I know I will at some point but can't face it just now when there is a lot going on with my son.

I don't like these overnight trips. I wish I could be spontaneous and just do minimal packing and walk out the house etc...but I can't. Just too afraid of forgetting something crucial..but nothing's ever "crucial" is it Apart from having the means to pay for stuff and a front door key!:D

This. I still carry and use sanitiser and wipes and wear a mask when I visit my patients and I always ask anyone in a public area if they want me to wear one.

I’m a paramedic and it scares me when I go into a vulnerable patient with a mask on and they say I can remove it. I do if they have hearing problems but put it on again if I have to get close. It’s still out there and people don’t think it is.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10-10-22, 16:53
I applied for a cool job and got an interview that lasted 3 hours and involved a tour, 2 separate interviews and a task. I’m pretty proud of myself because I spent most of the last 10 days doing research and I didn’t even slightly crumble, I really enjoyed it.

I haven’t heard from them though, so I’m pretty sure I didn’t get it. It makes all the hard work feel so pointless. But yay me for all the other bits I spose.

10-10-22, 17:02
Scass, they might just be disorganised. Don't give up hope, m'kay?

10-10-22, 17:39
Well done Scass! Will keep my fingers crossed.

10-10-22, 20:56
Thanks both x

11-10-22, 07:35
I applied for a cool job and got an interview that lasted 3 hours and involved a tour, 2 separate interviews and a task. I’m pretty proud of myself because I spent most of the last 10 days doing research and I didn’t even slightly crumble, I really enjoyed it.

Well done! :yesyes: