View Full Version : Argumentative, rude behaviour followed by incoherent / black out

09-07-22, 16:32

This is not for me but my partner.

A year or so ago my partners heart rate was sky high so I took him to hospital as I thought he was having an issue with his heart/
This situation freaked him out further and they eventually told him he’s stressed.

Since that he’s been stressed near enough once a month..

Sometimes to the point where he seems to black out.

If we have a stressful week he doesn’t say much but can be snappy. That usually builds and he will be unkind and usually push me till I snap and say something unkind myself.
At this point he’ll tell me my behaviour is bad etc etc ..

And he’ll start to space out..
Literally incoherent. He’s awake but doesn’t speak, doesn’t communicate. The first time I felt he was having a stroke..
he was slurring and couldn’t hold my eyeline ..
rambles and feels to be unable to control his bodily function (not the toilet ) but more of.. if you hug him it’ll be really tight to the point it hurts.
It’s like he just isn’t in his body.

It’s gotten to a point where I feel I cause his upset and stressed and am thinking about leaving to make his life easier as I’m wondering if it’s me.

We’ve just had a baby but have two girls already.
We have a flat etc .. this started before the baby and the week after she was born he had an episode and I ended up spending Christmas with my kids and he was on the couch staring into space.

I get frustrated which doesn’t help I know.

But has anyone experienced this.
His blood pressure is managed with medication but can rise quite high at
he doesn’t seem to cope with anything.

When he’s not with it , it’s like speaking to a wall..
he stares at you but cannot communicate.
The gp didn’t seem to want to do an mri or anything else which I felt should happen.
They say it’s mental.

Please can someone help

09-07-22, 18:29
That sounds really tough for you and your partner to be going through.

When it happened the first time (the slurring speech etc) did you go to the hospital?
Did your GP carry out a neurological exam?

If no to either of these, it's probably a good idea to make another appointment and push for more of an investigation. It's more than likely due to stress, but they should rule anything else out before they chalk it up to something mental.

If another episode happens like slurring and spacing out, call 111 and follow their advice.

Does your partner suffer with any mental health problems which have already been diagnosed?

09-07-22, 18:57
Heya! Thanks for the reply.

We called 111 on the first episode where they said blood pressure was so high that they wanted to take him in as it was in stroke / heart attack territory.

He wouldn’t go and I watched him sleep basically to make sure if he started having issues I could call an ambulance but was fine.

Went to gp next day and they said you have high blood pressure.
Take propanolol . You have anxiety. We aren’t sure which one came first.
Did bloods and an ecg but that’s it.

That’s as far as this has gone and they’ve said he’s just stressed but surely there’s more to it than that!

It’s hard.
I have anxiety and ocd but I don’t understand what’s going on with him.