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View Full Version : Do your symptoms continue even after you thought you were feeling better?

10-07-22, 13:28
I feel like my symptoms have been going on for weeks at this point. I don't feel that anxious, although I know I am slightly anxious and stressed, but I haven't had a panic attack for a few weeks. I've been trying to relax more and stress a lot less, which isn't that easy, but anyway, I just feel like my symptoms won't go away. I get the digestive issues, I have mild lightheadedness occasionally, and some days I feel better than others. I just went to sit out in the garden for a bit of sun for half hour and now I've come back inside I feel better. However, do anxiety symptoms take a while to dissipate entirely?

11-07-22, 06:55
I feel like my symptoms have been going on for weeks at this point. I don't feel that anxious, although I know I am slightly anxious and stressed, but I haven't had a panic attack for a few weeks. I've been trying to relax more and stress a lot less, which isn't that easy, but anyway, I just feel like my symptoms won't go away. I get the digestive issues, I have mild lightheadedness occasionally, and some days I feel better than others. I just went to sit out in the garden for a bit of sun for half hour and now I've come back inside I feel better. However, do anxiety symptoms take a while to dissipate entirely?

Simple answer, yes.

Slightly longer answer.. by your own admission, you are feeling stressed so your body will be producing the stress hormones..

A sensitised system can take quite a while to settle back down; these symptoms don't just disappear overnight but good work on trying to relax more. Keep this up and try not to fixate on your bodily symptoms & sensations as they feel much worse when focused on and this will make you feel anxious which will keep the cycle going. Accept them for what they are (and that they will not harm you) and gradually things will improve..

15-07-22, 09:58
I feel like my symptoms have been going on for weeks at this point. I don't feel that anxious, although I know I am slightly anxious and stressed, but I haven't had a panic attack for a few weeks. I've been trying to relax more and stress a lot less, which isn't that easy, but anyway, I just feel like my symptoms won't go away. I get the digestive issues, I have mild lightheadedness occasionally, and some days I feel better than others. I just went to sit out in the garden for a bit of sun for half hour and now I've come back inside I feel better. However, do anxiety symptoms take a while to dissipate entirely?

Yes, that's been the way for me for a while.

3 years ago I was having lots of stomach pain and flareups (been getting them recently too), so after numerous blood tests and doc visits, they sent me for a sigmoidoscopy. Everything was fine. I felt great, and relieved of course. However 3 days after I had another painful flareup. So I guess symptoms do take time to go away.

I've recently been having issues again past few months, and had clear bloods and stool tests a few weeks ago, but still getting some symptoms now. It does cause me a lot of stress still, and I'm not sure how to cope with it.