View Full Version : Water bottle covered in mould

11-07-22, 16:15
The irony of me looking into my water bottle, halfway through my therapy session about my health anxiety, and realising it was covered in mould...

I usually check the inside of the bottle often and it's always been clean. But last month I've started putting some lemon juice into my water and then not cleaning it out so the inside of it was completely covered in mould. And I drank half of it...

I'm worried because it's not usual mould you get from JUST water, there was an actual foodstuff in the liquid so I'm worried the mould is more harmful. And again there was a lot of it...

I feel really disgusting, I wish I could disinfect my stomach, and of course I'm worried about this causing me health problems, I already feel like I might be getting ill :sad:

11-07-22, 16:40
I think your stomach acid will destroy any mold you may have swallowed

11-07-22, 19:51
I mean, bleurgh! But it’s done now, you’ll be fine because like the previous post said, your stomach probably killed it all.
Don’t fret too much, it’s done now, people have eaten way worse and been fine. And at least you’ve learnt your lesson! Xx

12-07-22, 12:30
Thanks guys.

I appreciate everyones affirming replies but at the same time there's a reason we are advised not to eat food if there's even a little mould on it. Not long after making my post I rushed off to buy activated charcoal somewhere, I just couldn't not try do something about the toxins I ingested. I could only find a bottle of pills marketed for "excessive flatulence" haha so I'm not sure how strong it was, but taking it helped me calm down a little

This is the next day now, I'm having stomach pain and cramps which I did read can happen when you ingest mould. Just hoping my body deals with it fine

13-07-22, 17:32
You'll almost certainly be fine. I have a lot of anxiety around food so I completely understand. But, I once chatting with a US Department of Agriculture help person (I forget exactly who/how) when I was concerned about spoiled food and she told me that the vast majority of spoilage mold/bacteria is not harmful. What we really worry about are the foodborne pathogens like salmonella and e. coli, etc... most of the time spoiled food, though unpleasant, won't make you sick.