View Full Version : Hot weather

12-07-22, 20:04
The current heatwave in the UK is just about finishing me off, or rather my anxiety about the potential effects of it on me is doing for me. I live in the south and it’s way too hot for me. I am still struggling with uveitis which I posted about before and which is giving me vision problems and ramped my anxiety up to levels I’d not experienced for a while. The heat means I have to get up very early to walk my dog (between 5.30 and 7) and then I can’t take her out again until just before sunset. and then I have to go to bed and don’t get a chance to get a real through draft into the house ( I live in a bungalow on a pretty busy road and so I can’t leave windows and doors open all night.) I’m not sleeping much even with a fan running all night. I feel woozy and light headed which may be from anxiety as much as being hot and I can’t distract myself from all the scary sensations that are going on with my eyes, my ears, my balance etc. I’m spending a lot of the day just lying on my bed (it’s cooler in there the first half of the day) making myself feel more ill and more miserable.

I’m sorry that I keep coming on here to moan about different things when I know lots of people are much worse off but I don’t really get to see other people apart from fellow dog walkers and none of them know how I struggle. I need to tell someone what’s going on. My doctor’s surgery is not functioning at the moment due to acute staff shortages and the local hospital is recording ‘critical’ incidents due to high Covid numbers and high demand. This makes me anxious. Is anyone else suffering in the hot weather and have any advice on the best way to get through it?

12-07-22, 20:12
I’m suffering too & in south east.
Currently in a Luke warm bath which will make me nice and cool.
Spritz yourself with cool water regularly, keep hydrated, try to relax. When you’re laying on the bed, why don’t you try and watch something on the tv to take your mind off it?

I bought us some clip on fans, I can move them round with me & clip them to cupboard doors etc in the kitchen.

It’ll be better soon. It’s going to be a smudge cooler for a couple of days now.

12-07-22, 20:28
Thanks Scass, good to know someone else is out there dealing with it. I am drinking plenty of water and splashing cold water on my face and neck when I need to. It’s the fear of the heat that I struggle with. I could watch tv but I just don’t take in what’s going on, my mind is determined to ruminate on my bodily sensations until I exhaust myself completely. It’s still 27 degrees outside and 26 degrees indoors. I don’t know why but just the figures frighten me and Sunday/Monday we’re hitting the dreaded thirty plus scenario. What is the point in my anticipating what it will be like at the weekend? Why can’t I stop?

12-07-22, 20:55
I am in London and dread the summer every year when we have these mini-heatwaves. Can't bear the muggy heat and don't venture outside until the evening when the sun has cleared off and it starts to cool a little. When I was working in central London I refused to spend all day in a non-air conditioned office and my employer agreed that it was better to work from home on such days. My rooftop flat is actually the coolest place to be as being two floors up I get a through breeze coming off Ally Pally hill behind my house.

Doesn't stop the feelings of nausea though and the regular panic every time the media launch their 'heat fear porn'!! Many people do naturally have these physical reactions to hot weather, but I think our inbuilt anxiety also exacerbates the physical symptoms - thick head, stomach upset, aches and pains and generally feeling on the edge. I have fibromyalgia too which absolutely hates extremes of temperature. Am stiff and aching all over.

I have a little atomiser bottle that I fill with cold water and mist myself regularly during the worst of the heat, or just get a wet flannel and wipe yourself all over with it - creates an amazingly cool fresh feeling. Hanf on in there.

12-07-22, 20:56
It’s another type of anxiety & you’re allowing it to circle in your brain unchecked.

How about go into your local shopping centre or supermarket to wander around in the aircon for a bit?

12-07-22, 21:44
I understand - I live somewhere that hot summers are common (we're currently anywhere from 33-37 C, with a heat index of higher) and I still don't like the heat. I much prefer colder weather, especially since I walk to work; I'm nearly drenched some days walking up.

I agree with other posters - you may just have to ride it out as best you can. If you can go into buildings that are cooler that may help. Also colder foods (ice cream!!) are great.

13-07-22, 17:20
I think a lot of us struggle with anxiety when it's hot. I always find the following work best for me; drink plenty of water, avoid anything caffeinated, if you're outside wear a hat and sunglasses, if it's really hot run the hat under cold water before you put it on. If you're at home a cold compress on your head/neck, run your wrists under cold water, only wear light natural fibres, if you're home just wander around in your underwear (I have done this many times), cold water sprays. A new one I saw on the Internet the other day was hanging ice packs on the front of your fan - never tried it, but it might work.

I also live in a house which is directly onto a main road (no front garden or anything), normally sleeping with the bedroom window open is a no no, but we have been know to have to do it, when we do we use earplugs. The little yellow rubbery ones, now this is probably contraindicated by health and safety guidelines but we cut them in half so that there isn't a lump sticking out, this way they seem less likely to come out and I've never lost one inside my ear.