View Full Version : Bowel Anxiety Causing Bowel Problems

13-07-22, 17:25
Hello everyone 👋🏻

I was taking iron tablets, off my own back just thought it'd be a nice additional vitamin. I didn't feel tired so have regrets now. Two weeks later I started experiencing constipation and heartburn and reflux. I saw that these were common with iron tablets do should be the end. However I then googled and I hadn't in over 6 months of recovery and saw these also sign of BC. Following on, 2 weeks after this I had diarehea I'm assuming from a bad batch of milk (1.5 weeks old and I'd been drinking it). That cleared up after 24 hours. I'd have a normal week of BM. Sausage like, some if not most around Type 5. I was tracking them but had stopped because realised it was obsessive. However today I haven't been properly. I've always been a once or twice a day. I went to go earlier but I've been nervous about poops I only managed a small nugget sized poop. Heartburn and reflux stopped, no blood or pain.

I can't shut this niggle up. The more I worry about my poops the more nervous I feel. I know in the past I've done similar tiny poops and gone a day without going but I'm doing that anticipating anxiety and assuming I have constipation again.

13-07-22, 17:27
I'd honestly not health anxiety so bad in a long time, when I've had worries I've used logic and got over them however reading blooming BC forums (awful old habits) and thinking omg that's like me!

13-07-22, 23:27
So as mentioned I'd gotten back to normalise poops, ngl I've never really looked at them in detail before but they were 4/5 on the Bristol chart.

I've had need to go today but only managed small soft blob singular, twice. Now I'm fretting I have a huge tumor blocking my intestines. I'd appreciate an ear.

14-07-22, 21:33
At this point I'm waffling on to myself but just went for a normal looking BM but noticed mucus on it. Without being crude (says the girl talking about poo) it was similar to cervical discharge?

I can't wait to when I stop analysing my poops, this is a gross anxiety to have.

14-07-22, 21:41
Anxiety and diet will both mess with your bathroom habits. I have a "generally, my movements are like ____" but they change a lot based on what I'm eating, how much liquid I'm getting, if I'm stressed, etc.

If I feel a bit stopped up I just have a small iced coffee or a Coke - the caffeine will get you going for sure.

15-07-22, 08:19
I dont feel my diet has changed much though. I've stopped having breakfasts that's it. I was working out more but anxiety stopped that this week

I just thought I was starting to poop on toilet but nothing in bowl just when I wiped....

A month now:

Constipation from iron tablets (I thought)
And then my diary from that:

Fri eve normal
Sat morn bit loose
Sat eve normal
Sun morn normal
Mon diarehea all day and night
Tues Loose Diarehea once
Weds Normal am
Thurs Normal am
Fri normal am
Sat normal/bit loose type 5
Sat afternoon type 5
Normal all week
Weds barely nugget x 2
Thurs normal/soft am, normal pm
Fri shart am

15-07-22, 08:25
It's like each time I go to *go* I'm nervous because I'm analysing how easy it is/what size it'll be. This morning as I said I went to go but nothing came out, just when wiping. No ghost poo as my loo is blocked with tissue (repair on way as we speak) so I'd have seen it.

After mucus worry yesterday I told myself it's likely my very huge piles I have, and now worrying again this morning.

15-07-22, 08:42
And it's taken away that I'm losing weight as I've been trying/not trying (eating little less) and now I'm fretting loss is from cancer and not my diet/exercise.