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View Full Version : Body pains make me worry about lymph nodes

13-07-22, 18:03
I’ve been so anxious! Over a month ago I got my booster shot and my lymph node by my collarbone has been slightly swollen.

Now I worry about my armpits, sometimes I get a pain there with movement and I think omg! Is it lymph nodes?? But when I lay in bed I spend a lot of time leaning on my elbows (especially the last two days), could that cause armpit pain that comes and goes?

Then suddenly I get a bit of pain/discomfort in my groin area. I jump to lymph nodes again and start to worry although I don’t feel any swelling. My mind is just non stop! I go to CBT and I sometimes still can’t handle these thoughts and worries. :(

Of course all of these things happen when I’m worried about a possible COVID exposure. My grandma saw my uncle and aunt last week on Thursday. Then on Monday their son tested positive for COVID. We say my grandma on Sunday (day before uncle’s tested positive) So I’m worried about contracting COVID. It’s almost been 1 week since she saw them and she’s tested negative twice and has no symptoms.