View Full Version : Uncontrollable worry

14-07-22, 08:05
Any tips to deal with uncontrollable worry? I can't stop my brain going over and over my worry. I have ocd along with general anxiety and even though this is not an ocd worry (it's a real issue) I am obsessively thinking about it. Everything I read about dealing with worry suggests things like creating a worry period (I cannot stop the thoughts coming or not engage with them for more than a few seconds) or reasoning and looking at cognitive (no matter how often I do this my brain doesn't accept it and starts all over again).

I'm so exhausted by this, I have a holiday next week that I just want to enjoy.

14-07-22, 09:01
Hi Danron, I have some experience with this so hopefully I can be of some help. I am personally going through something myself and find that I am constantly worrying about the worst case scenario. Something that seems to help me is focusing on something I am looking forward to instead. It helps me look beyond my current struggle/anxious thought. You made mention of a holiday next week and that's the perfect thing to focus on! Think about what you are looking forward to the most about the upcoming holiday and try to focus on that. When you start worrying again (which you will, I have it happen ALOT), try and remember how for those few seconds or minutes while you focused on something good, your worry wasn't there haunting you. I find that I have to do it a few times...heck sometimes I have to do it alot! With time I find myself not worrying so much.

Right now I got covid, and I got pretty spooked and still am. However, I try to remember that 2 weeks from now or maybe even less...I'll be feeling better than I am now!

Also, I like to drink warm milk with honey whenever I feel super stressed. Maybe try a snack you enjoy when things are feeling hard?

I hope you feel better!