View Full Version : Painful/Sore Lump on Breast (Male)

15-07-22, 00:07

I am back with yet another post.

While I am still waiting for my mole biopsy results (likely to get them in August) I have yet a another scare.

This time, as the title suggests I discovered a rubbery-ish lump on the side of my right nipple (side closest to sternum). I went to the dr today and a nurse practitioner saw me and said that it is very very very unlikely it could be something malignant, as breast cancer in men is ultra rare, particularly in someone my age - 33.

But she did say that if it grew or got worse to go back. She said it was likely an ingrown hair (which to me seems unlikely as I have not shaved my chest) a pimple (I don’t see a pimple head forming or anything) a comdition that I forget whats called (that causes enlarged breasts in men) but she said is often on both breasts, and I only have it in one side, and a lipoma or a cyst.

I don’t know, but I got the feeling she didn’t really know, and was just brushing me off. When she first touched it she said: hmmmmm, which got me supper scared. Thats not a good sound. But, then she went on to say what I mentioned above.

I AM SO TIRED. Every month something new, weird, potentially dangerous. I can’t. This whole situation is for sure breaking me mentally. I keep trying to keep moving, but I don’t know what else to think anymore. I’m just tired of all of this.

Needed to vent. If anyone has anything to say to make me feel better, please do.

Thanks for reading,


15-07-22, 13:56
I am very very concerned about this. If someone can help me put my mind at ease I will really appreciate it.

15-07-22, 14:10
I went to the dr today and a nurse practitioner saw me and said that it is very very very unlikely it could be something malignant, as breast cancer in men is ultra rare, particularly in someone my age - 33.

...it was likely an ingrown hair...a pimple...a lipoma or a cyst.


15-07-22, 14:35

Thanks Fishmanpa.

Yes, I am trying my hardest to rationalize this darn thing. But it is very sore, and the lump seems to be underneath the skin (not above, such as pimple etc). Also, my armpit on that side is a bit sore (all symptoms that could lead me to believe it could be something more) but it is so unlikely, I can't be that unlucky can I? Waiting for biopsy results, and now this, its really messing up with me big time. Trying therapy, but it is overwhelming, I am trying the techniques but it is very very hard when you have so many health scares thrown in in such short period of time.



16-07-22, 18:05
Has anyone heard or of something like this or experienced it themselves which turned out to be nothing to worry about?

16-07-22, 18:53
For the record, you don't have to shave to get an ingrown hair.

But honestly it sounds a lot like a cyst. I've never had them on my chest but I had cystic acne and they don't always form heads and can be very painful.

16-07-22, 18:56
I don't have any expertise, but even in women who find lumps in their breasts, the vast majority of them turn up as benign - cysts, or fibrous tissue, or something else non-sinister. With the likelihood of your lump being malignant significantly lower than a female, I would not be worried about this. It's most likely a cyst or lipoma or one of the other things the nurse stated. For things like this I like to set a timeframe for myself to pause worry. I would set a reminder in your phone for a month or two weeks or something to check in on it again. This will stop you from messing with it constantly and making it more sore or more swollen, etc... When the alert goes off check it out. If it's bigger or still worrying you, call the doctor back and ask for a re-check or further investigation. More likely than not it will either have shrunk or disappeared or you'll have stopped worrying.

16-07-22, 20:39
Thank you to you both Poppy and Erin! Really appreciate it!

well, I always look at statistics and I keep telling myself that is virtually impossible to get such disease in my early 30’s.

I hope it goes away in the next little bit, and I’ve booked an appt with my GP before he retires in 2 months and I’m left without a family physician.

My armpit area in my right side is also tender and achy.. adding to my stupid anxiety….


20-02-24, 14:45
Hey - what ended up happenning with this? Going through very similar thing. It gets irritated and I cant stop touching it and checking it! Ugh!