View Full Version : One thing after the next... the HA pile on!!

16-07-22, 14:52
I'm having a tough time right now. I posted the the other day about back pain, but after several days I deleted because checking back and forth was making more more anxious.

Then yesterday we had a new washer installed (last week out AC was leaking and our washer broke on the same day).

After the installation we discovered a small leak from the water turn on and below was soaked. We couldn't tell if it was so wet because the installation people spilled out a lot of water when they switched the machines (they did) or if it was from the leak. I have a big fear of mold so this was upsetting.

We cleaned up the area and cut out a small bit of drywall to check and it looks fine, but it was upsetting. Then I found one small patch of mold near where the AC had been leaking.

Today I woke up with gunky lungs, as always happens when I'm around a lot of dust - especially dry wall for some reason.

I took a shower and while I was washing my hair somehow water went straight down my nose to my lungs - like STRAIGHT DOWN. It choked me and was really unsettling. Now I've got myself worked up about getting pneumonia or pulmonary edema from getting so much water in my lungs.

I bent over and started coughing hard when I felt it going down the back of my nose, so it's hard to say how much actually got in my lungs. But I had to cough for a good minute.

My back pain is around my ribs, so that will likely get re-irritated (it never stopped hurting all the way) from the coughing and deep breathing.

I haven't been in a big pile on like this in a while. I just feel so overwhelmed.

16-07-22, 18:03
I'm sorry you're under so much stress, when it rains it pours, doesn't it?

Mold is scary but it would take a large amount for a prolonged amount of time for it to cause you harm. It sounds like there wasn't much and you're on top of things so I really wouldn't worry about that at all.

And your body has ways to keep water out of your lungs - that's what the coughing was for. It would be incredibly surprising if more than a few drops made it as far as your lungs, and you'd need a lot more than that to become ill, unless you are already compromised for some reason (and I don't think you are).

Can you do anything to just calm your mind today?

16-07-22, 18:14
Thanks for the reply, Poppy! I took a lorazepam to try and nip the panic in the bud before it got out of hand. My house is cluttered because we were away for a week so I'm going to try and put on a podcast and do some cleaning/organization, which usually makes me feel better. With the new washer and the repairs in the basement, I got my husband to clean his bathroom in basement and set a plan to clean out that area - which is what makes me the most stress/anxious because it's always a mess.

16-07-22, 19:06
I wouldn't worry about cleaning a little patch of mold.

We had a leak in our kitchen a few months back, and there was mold growing on a 1m x 1m stretch of wall (drywall too). Not a lot, but enough to need cleaning down. I'm still ok!

I can sympathise with feeling overwhelmed, it's my current state as well these days.

17-07-22, 07:51
I hope you’re feeling ok today Erin.
Making a plan is a great idea.
I’m sure everyone has a little bit of mild somewhere. It’s not pleasant and I know it can cause health problems, but it sounds like you have in under control as much as possible, and that’s the best you can do x

18-07-22, 12:36
I was feeling much better and not worrying about anything and then last night started with a scratchy throat and today have a mild chest cough, so I’m back to worrying about that water that went all the way up my nose and down my throat. I know it is probably just a cold or maybe even Covid - we’ve been out and about a lot - but it’s just 2 days after inhaling shower water so I’ve got myself worried I’ll get a chest infection from the water getting in my lungs! I’m exhausted.

18-07-22, 16:48
But even if you do, you will tell your dr and they will prescribe the appropriate antibiotics. It’s going to ok Erin x

18-07-22, 21:19
Thanks, Scass. I haven’t gotten sick without knowing the origin (always my daughter) since before Covid, so it’s stressing me out. But we’ve been going out more and more so it makes sense I’d pick something up.

19-07-22, 02:53
Haaaa [laugh/cry] it IS Covid. WOMP WOMP.

19-07-22, 12:58
Oh Erin! That’s annoying.
I hope it’s very mild for you though & that you start to feel better soon xx

19-07-22, 13:25
Oh Erin! That’s annoying.
I hope it’s very mild for you though & that you start to feel better soon xx

Thanks, Scass! So far it's pretty awful but hoping I may be able to get the antiviral. I can't remember the last time I had a fever - and man, it sucks.

19-07-22, 17:56
Get well soon Erin!

20-07-22, 00:03
Get well soon Erin!

Thanks! Feeling a tad better than I was last night. Still fever, but lower and less headache/achiness. My doctor said it's up to me if I want to do the Paxlovid. I qualify based on BMI but she doesn't expect I'd have a severe case based on my overall health. So, I may decide tomorrow based on how I'm feeling.

20-07-22, 06:00
That’s good to hear

20-07-22, 10:33
Hope you feel better!