View Full Version : Accidentally cut my skin tag while shaving

16-07-22, 17:59
I was shaving my armpits with my beard trimmer without the guard on, however I had forgotten about the skin tag that was there and sliced through it, it's still there but it's bleeding.

Is cutting a skin tag bad? Could I have cut a nerve or artery or something?

Can I put detol on it to avoid infection and skin damage

16-07-22, 18:35

16-07-22, 19:14
Come on now ... work through this one logically on your own.

16-07-22, 19:29
You're asking a ridiculous question, and if you want to be free of your HA you need to learn to answer these irrational worries by yourself.

I've been there, I empathise, but no matter what names you call me I'm not going to patronise you or treat you like an idiot.

Use your logic.

16-07-22, 20:19
I don't appreciate the reply you posted and then deleted. If you are not happy here then please move on to another forum instead of talking to us like that.