View Full Version : Am I having a heart attack? (Pregnant)

17-07-22, 02:04
I haven’t been on this site for a while. I try to avoid it as much as I can when my anxiety is more under control, but this scared me tonight.

Background: I’m a female in my early 30s. I’m expecting my third child (I’m second trimester). I have dealt with anxiety heart stuff before with palpitations. I also have SIBO, which causes acid reflux and bloating.

Yesterday, I had pain in my shoulder blades that I assumed was gas pain. I also had typical SIBO symptoms. Tonight, I started getting the shoulder blade pain again, but only on the right side. Then I felt the pain go down my arm and then to the right side of my jaw and neck.

I try to calm myself down and say it’s from carrying a heavy diaper bag, but it’s been concerning.

i hate to the go the ER only to look like an idiot, but I also don’t want to be an idiot by ignoring signs of real issues.

17-07-22, 07:46
It is unlikely, and could definitely be from carrying the bag. If it continues, could you call your midwife (or equivalent).

18-07-22, 00:14
I saw your post yesterday and was going to reply but as Scass stated, highly unlikely. There was no mistaking something was terribly wrong with my two heart attacks and I was straight off to the ER with both of them! I can assure you I wouldn't be on an internet forum waiting for reassurance!