View Full Version : Worried about tooth and infection

17-07-22, 18:44
Couple years back I had a bad cavity. The dentist cleaned it up for me but said if it keeps hurting I might need a root canal. That was 5 years ago possibly.

Lately the same tooth hurts a bit, it feels sensitive to the cold sometimes. And along my jaw line, if I touch where the tooth is, it hurts a bit.

Now this has been for many years on and off. Not consistent. But I知 so afraid after reading about something about the infection spreading to your brain. I値l probably go to the dentist next week. But I知 so afraid of going there. My anxiety gets so bad being in the chair.

Just so much anxiety about this tooth. :(

18-07-22, 14:20
You値l likely just need the root canal. If it was a deep cavity over time the nerve can start getting irritated and causing that aching. I have a crown on a tooth that had a really deep cavity and it will ache now and then. The last time I had it checked they still thought I didn稚 need the root canal.

I had another tooth years ago that just caused me tons of problems and kept getting reinfected. When it was infected it was very obvious and also not a big deal. It never spread anywhere else.