View Full Version : Health anxiety through the roof!

18-07-22, 16:34
Hi All

I’ve been suffering with health anxiety for the last few years. It manifested right after my grandmother passed, having found her dead in the hospital bed before the nurses did!

My mother passed when I was 15, rather suddenly after the doctors realised she had severe coronary artery disease, requiring a triple bypass ASAP. Unfortunately, within 24 hours post surgery she suffered a stroke leaving her in a semi coma for 2 months before the decision was made to turn off life support. At 15, I was visiting every day until the last few weeks where I couldn’t take it anymore.

It’s clear to me that my grandmother passing was the trigger and the real issues are routed to my mum.

I’ve had CBT which helped for a little while but I’m back to square one. Having watched a man die on the beach this weekend, I am now back to heart worries and convinced I will die young like my mother did, at 54. I have 2 siblings with type 2 diabetes which fuels my anxiety too.

In the last 5 years I have had 2 ECG’s, chest x ray, complete blood count tests, diabetes checks, blood pressure etc.

I had a baby 2 years ago and my BP was perfect through out. During lockdown and whilst very anxious I checked at home and was seeing 120/81 which freaked me the hell out, so I obsessively began checking every half an hour for days on end until I really calmed myself and saw it was 115/77, I forced myself to stop, as I told myself that pregnancy would have picked it up if it was an issue. It had been checked every few weeks for 9 months!

I digress. My real worry now is the issues my mother had. I haven’t had my cholesterol checked since I was 14, and in the UK it’s not routinely tested until you reach 40. On one hand, I want to check it, but on the other... I’m just succumbing to my health anxiety. How much can I give in to it? Only the other day I booked an emergency dental appointment having convinced myself a tiny lesion was terminal oral cancer. The dentist was bewildered.

Just looking for support, and to hear from others suffering this hideous illness.

My partner was supportive but even he is now fed up. Every tiny feeling I am convinced is the end for me. For the last 2 days I’ve had a random ear ache that occurs for around 2 seconds once a day, I’ve convinced myself it’s oral cancer the dentist missed, having smoked for 20 years! (I’ve since quit.)

Oh dear.