View Full Version : Dental Abscess

18-07-22, 21:15
Hello all once again,

Before anyone asks, I have contacted my dentist already and am waiting to see if they can book me an appointment today or at least tomorrow. But, I have a tooth that 6 months ago (ironically when I was ill with Covid), I had intenste pain and pressure in that tooth and it literally felt like it was going to explode it hurt so bad. I did contact the dentist and while they did respond, I was unable to go in due to being sick with Covid. However, the pain subsided and went away completely. I never had any swelling, no cavity, no fracture in the tooth, etc. Now 6 months later, I just noticed I have a bump above way above that same tooth and off to the side a little bit on my gums. The bump doesn't hurt, the tooth doesn't hurt, nothing out of the ordinary. I worry because some people say that while most abscesses are extremely painful, some of them can be painless. And it worries me that I could have a possible infection spreading and not even know it until it became too late.

To be honest I thought the pain was due to sinus pressure pressing on my teeth when I had Covid and that tooth just happen to be sensitive because of it. The bump isn't bigger than an eraser, but it still concerns me. It kind of looks like a pimple, but at the same time not really, I just don't know how to describe it. If this is in the wrong section I apologize. Thank you all!

18-07-22, 23:42
It could be an abscess, but I would not freak out about this! I had the same thing many years ago and ignored it for a long time before finally going to the dentist and I was just fine - it didn't spread beyond that area. And, there's also a possibility it's just a small cyst or something else localized. I will occasionally get little cyst type bumps in my mouth. All will be well.

10-10-22, 17:26
Thank you for responding! I’m sorry I didn’t respond to that sooner. I just wanted to ask a question to anyone out there about something dental related. I was finally able to get an appointment with my dentist, unfortunately it was canceled as the dentist was out sick that day. Now I have rescheduled it for next week, but my biggest worry is I’ve had this for almost 3 months now. I’m scared that it’s an infection that’s been spreading and I haven’t had symptoms of it yet. I’ve seen these horror stories of people like me who have dental infections and they get news that this infection has spread around their body or at least has spread to their brain and they die soon afterwards. I still don’t have pain or anything like that, plus the tooth in question has no nerve and had the root canal done on it over 4 years ago. Anyone have any insight to help me calm down or at least have a similar story? I should mention that the bump comes and goes sometimes. Thank you ��

10-10-22, 20:05
Hello all once again,

Before anyone asks, I have contacted my dentist already and am waiting to see if they can book me an appointment today or at least tomorrow. But, I have a tooth that 6 months ago (ironically when I was ill with Covid), I had intenste pain and pressure in that tooth and it literally felt like it was going to explode it hurt so bad. I did contact the dentist and while they did respond, I was unable to go in due to being sick with Covid. However, the pain subsided and went away completely. I never had any swelling, no cavity, no fracture in the tooth, etc. Now 6 months later, I just noticed I have a bump above way above that same tooth and off to the side a little bit on my gums. The bump doesn't hurt, the tooth doesn't hurt, nothing out of the ordinary. I worry because some people say that while most abscesses are extremely painful, some of them can be painless. And it worries me that I could have a possible infection spreading and not even know it until it became too late.

To be honest I thought the pain was due to sinus pressure pressing on my teeth when I had Covid and that tooth just happen to be sensitive because of it. The bump isn't bigger than an eraser, but it still concerns me. It kind of looks like a pimple, but at the same time not really, I just don't know how to describe it. If this is in the wrong section I apologize. Thank you all!
Aha! Something I am finally an expert on! I got dreadful tooth pain from a dodgy filling as a teenager, got some antibiotics and pain went. However a white bump was left above the offending top molar. Then to my horror it popped and pus came out… then it promptly refilled itself. It was never huge. I was terrified of dentists after the dodgy filling escapade. How we when the tooth actually hurt and I got the antibiotics I was told it was an abscess and to come back after I had had the course of metronidazole… which I never did. I had that bloody small abscess for 7 YEARS! (I believe I wrote a post about it once) my friend forced me to a dentist when I was about 23/24 who said it was a chronic abscess and it had developed it’s own little drainage fissure. Oddly enough I never had bad breath and the rest of my teeth where ok and they are fairly straight. You never would of known. I had the tooth removed and it buggered off. Never killed me.