View Full Version : Bleeding after menopause now I have a gynaecology referral

18-07-22, 23:09
So I had the menopause quite earlier around 47 im now 62 and last week I had some abnormal bleeding I went to a&e and they referred me for an urgent scan which I had on Friday I've now had a letter saying I have a gynaecology oncology appointment booked for the 8th August.....im really scared has anyone else had something similar I'm so scared they've found something on the scan. Does it mean I have cancer being referred here? Just looking if anyone else can offer some guidance or abit of resurance.

Many thanks

18-07-22, 23:43
I have had that when I had a cyst, did they mention seeing anything on the scan?
The gynaecologist/oncologist is a gynaecologist who is also an oncologist, so try not to read too much into the job title.
It may not seem like it now, but the best thing is to have it checked.

19-07-22, 07:48
I have had that when I had a cyst, did they mention seeing anything on the scan?
The gynaecologist/oncologist is a gynaecologist who is also an oncologist, so try not to read too much into the job title.
It may not seem like it now, but the best thing is to have it checked.

They didn't mention seeing anything on the scan 😪 im trying to not worry too much but it's so hard.

Violet Blue
19-07-22, 09:07
Anecdotally I know someone who was referred to oncology and it was very big noncancerous cysts. She was around 40 and went on to have two children completely naturally. It's unfair of the hospital to mention the O word before you've been diagnosed but as someone has said knowing what it is is best. Plus, you have a longish wait, be reassured by that.

19-07-22, 09:09
I was fast-tracked to gynae for a scan because I had a post-meno bleed. During the scan they found that my womb lining was a bit thicker than it should be so I had an Hysteroscopy and a biopsy. No cancer was found..

I know it's worrying but these things do happen and they're more commonly due to things other than cancer..

27-07-22, 19:26
So I had my appointment today I had some bleeding over the weekend and called to see if there was any cancellations and they were able to see me today. They've confirmed a 13cm cyst on my right ovary i will need an mri and I will be having an operation to have it removed along with my ovaries to hopefully stop this happening again has anyone else had the same who can share some advice I don't really want to Google and add fuel to the fire is this a common thing that can happen?. Many thanks.

11-08-22, 23:30
Hi so I'm quite anxious I posted awhile back saying I'd been referred to a gynaecologist in the oncology department after having some post menopause bleeding. Since then I've had two cancer marker blood tests one of which came back normal one im waiting on results I've had an internal ultrasound a hysteroscopy a mri and I'm due to have a ct scan tomorrow they've said regardless I'll have an operation to have my ovaries removed but they've said the mri showed some solid parts in the cyst which could be borderline cancer but they aren't sure until they remove it I'm so scared as I know solid parts can mean cancer has anyone had a similar experience and it not be the worst case can benign cysts have solid parts and not be cancer I'm so scared I can't concentrate on anything. The cyst is 13cm would just like to hear if anyone has had a similar scenario

Thanks in advance

12-08-22, 11:58

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

12-08-22, 15:34
I had a smaller cyst in my ovaries which was a bit different, I can’t remember the other bits. It was all fine though & I didn’t need to have it removed.

I do wish you all the best, I can recommend the ovarian cysts group on Facebook if you are a member as they are full of knowledgeable people who have been through similar and come out the other end ok xx

12-08-22, 15:35
Ps, I think that because of your age and the size of it they just whip it all out anyway. Don’t read too much into that x

26-09-22, 20:52
Can I ask what other symptoms you had and how much the bleeding was if you don't mind?