View Full Version : Covid+ and suffering mild shoulder and chest pain, scared!

19-07-22, 18:27
I hope it's okay to post about this here!! I'm really freaking out atm and don't have anyone to vent to so I figured there might be people here who are more clued in about the signs to look out for if I have a heart problem I should be addressing.

I am on day 5 of being covid positive. Most of the cold symptoms have cleared up (the runny nose, the sinus pain, the sore throat - I still have a slight cough). However today I don't know if it's because of the heat or covid, or a combination of both, plus the fact I have UC/IBS anyway, but I started getting some weird abdominal cramping and feeling slightly off. Somewhat nauseous, unable to stomach any food and having to run to the toilet occasionally.

I've had this weird left shoulder cramp and upper arm spasm going on, which just feels achey, and especially tender when touched or grabbed. But I also have similar pain around my left breast area just around the area where a bra underwire would normally sit (not caused by this as I've not been wearing bras lately often). It feels like a griping pain almost occasionally. I do have GERD/acid reflux issues and I am on PPIs but I don't know if it's related to this, and I don't know where to expect any pain if it would be stomach related or whatnot.
However I have noticed this shoulder pain in particular for a while now (long before I caught covid), since last year even (as I had written down my symptoms before). I did worry about it then but I think the pain subsided a little so I stopped thinking about it, and now it's really concerning me because I have COVID and if I have a heart condition that's undiagnosed then I am wondering if I'm probably putting myself in a dangerous situation.

With that being said though, I did get an ECG done last year I think when I had my first vaccine shot and I ended up in hospital with pains and so on, which they never commented there being a problem on. I also had a blood test done by the GP in feb 2021 for "n-terminal pro-bnp" which apparently can tell you if there's any heart issues and that came back normal I think. I can't even recall why I had that one done now. But would this be likely to have shown any issues that would crop up now??

I know this isn't the place to talk about this stuff but the emergency rooms are flooded with people atm, having COVID i don't wanna infect others as well as not having a car to drive me to the hospital, and there's a heatwave so I can imagine it being WAY busier than usual times (of which people are waiting up to 15 hours in some places).

Does the shoulder tenderness/shooting pain feelings and chest aching sound like they could be heart related? Angina related? Or could it just be muscular? I'm panicking more than I should I'm sure due to the other symptoms I'm having to contend with and the anxiety etc.

I hope someone will be able to read this and might be able to make some sense of it maybe at the very least haha.

19-07-22, 20:02

Sorry you're feeling unwell. My husband has Covid atm too aswell (2nd time). I have managed to avoid it this time...

I personally don't think your pain is heart related. I am no expert by any means however. If it is muscular, which it sounds like (chest wall pain can appear in the breast too), ibuprofen should solve it. I had pain like this and my doctor told me I could increase the dose to 800mg 4 times a day.


19-07-22, 21:20
haha I wish I could take ibuprofen but due to medication contraindications I'm unable to!
hoping that it definitely isn't related to the heart since it's definitely something I've noticed a lot more today (shooting odd pains in the arm, pain when pressing on my shoulder tip and shoulder area and the pain around the breast area).

sorry to hear about your husband! I hope he feels better soon and that you keep covid free. My partner actually recently caught it from me after going 3 days without getting it, so he's feeling quite unwell also atm. :(

23-07-22, 00:22
Ah he’s fine now :)

I still don’t think it’s heart related. All the symptoms you read up on online aren’t actually the case all of the time. I do ECGs daily and I have not ever come across one person with those symptoms alone who was having some kind of cardiac episode. X