View Full Version : Do you think it's theoretically possible to inflame your appendix by prodding the are

20-07-22, 15:05
So as it says I need to stop doing it but my biggest fear is still appendicitis I don't think I'll ever shake it to be honest anyway everytine I get a stomach twinge or anything in that area I end up testing to see if the area is tender by pushing down on it sometimes harder than I should if I'm freaking out big time. Anyway I obviously know there's stomach muscles there but wondering if it's possible to push the muscle down far enough for it to irritate it and inflame it or am I totally left field here? It's turned into a bit of a compulsion today I need to stop doing it but now just worried if it's possible. Feel like I've gone into a big spiral again this week not fun at all

20-07-22, 18:01
No is the answer to your question. Compulsively prodding the area is a manifestation of your anxiety/biggest fear.

21-07-22, 02:38
No is the answer to your question. Compulsively prodding the area is a manifestation of your anxiety/biggest fear.

Thank you, I've spiralled big time this week constantly worried about multiple things. I read before blunt force trauma can cause it in rare cases so I just assumed that could mean prodding around. I think now is the time to try and do something about this because it is really starting to affect my life now every twinge or stomach pain I go straight Into appendicitis panic mode.

I just thought that when you push down basically the the top and bottom part of the muscles move down in like a u shape and the bottom part could theoretically rub against the appendix and inflame it but I guess muscles don't work like that guess it's more of like a trampoline on the top and bottom doesn't move

21-07-22, 07:58
I think your anxiety is trying to justify your fear and make this scenario possible? As you so rightly say, now is the right time to take positive action and challenge the ruminations around appendicitis and how you might make yourself develop it...

Please stop googling? All you will do is reinforce your fear and introduce all sorts of potential "scenarios" into your head which you will find difficult to dismiss as you are particularly suggestible to any scenario at the moment, no matter how unlikely. Medical "knowledge" is a false friend with HA as you have found out.

21-07-22, 11:52
I think your anxiety is trying to justify your fear and make this scenario possible? As you so rightly say, now is the right time to take positive action and challenge the ruminations around appendicitis and how you might make yourself develop it...

Please stop googling? All you will do is reinforce your fear and introduce all sorts of potential "scenarios" into your head which you will find difficult to dismiss as you are particularly suggestible to any scenario at the moment, no matter how unlikely. Medical "knowledge" is a false friend with HA as you have found out.

Yes it does feel real that's for sure and Google yes is usually a no go but I couldn't stop my self last night I wonder how deep your intestines are actually are in the body then

21-07-22, 12:54
It really won't be helpful as regards your HA to know!

21-07-22, 14:02
It really won't be helpful as regards your HA to know!

Probably correct but damn it's stuck in my head now keep panicking I should have stopped doing it last night i did it a bit this morning after some slight trapped wind I will stop now It turned into a sort of a compulsion to keep seeing it it was tender guess you could bruise if you kept doing it so trying to stop now and take my mind off but usual hobbies aren't working so far. I am skinny aswel hence why i thought it wasn't any fat just straight intestines

21-07-22, 17:58
It really won't be helpful as regards your HA to know!

Ok I've gone about 2 hours now without prodding and poking around damn it was hard it must be some kind of reassurance/compulsion to stop there's still that voice in the back of my head saying "I've caused damage and probably inflamed it" but I'm trying to put that in the back of my mind

25-07-22, 11:44
So I've writ a few poets on here but damn am I spiralling worse I'm on a holiday here in UK and at the moment I'm stuck on this it started on Friday and it's been same ever since. 10 or so people now have told me you can't Inflame your appendix via prodding hard on your stomach but i still believe its possible so I've been stuck in a spiral or prodding around my lower right abdomen holding down with 2 fingers leave it a bit and release check for tenderness.

Issue is in stuck in check nothing, I've caused damage check again damage rinse repeat yesterday was bad must have done it 30 or 40 times just 4 this morning so trying to stop but panicking again I've had bits of cramps they've moved top abdomen , flash of right, flash of left last night I had bits of flashes in the lower long muscle where yiur pelvis is before groin so have I bruised something?

Also feel really stiff when I move or scared to move but I did go fishing yesterday I can run around all of a sudden but I just keep freaking out that I've caused damage

25-07-22, 12:18
Just a heads-up, and I speak from experience. If you do this often enough, you'll get sore and it'll take a few days for it to go away.

25-07-22, 13:38
Just a heads-up, and I speak from experience. If you do this often enough, you'll get sore and it'll take a few days for it to go away.

Have you done the same thing then? Then the issue is you get a little flash or so from bruising then you freak out again.

Problem is with me I've had for a few days but keep thinking it could just start at any point so everytime it comes back it's like oh its starting now

25-07-22, 13:46
I've done it so many times, yes.

These days, I remind myself of cause and effect ;)

25-07-22, 14:34
I've done it so many times, yes.

These days, I remind myself of cause and effect ;)

Do you think it's possible to cause Internal damage? Ahh I've just given in and checked once more 3 times trying to set my self a time now I've not doing it say 8 hours or something

25-07-22, 14:38
I'm absolutely sure you can't cause yourself internal damage.

25-07-22, 19:52

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25-07-22, 20:38
Do you think it's possible to cause Internal damage? Ahh I've just given in and checked once more 3 times trying to set my self a time now I've not doing it say 8 hours or something

Why not try asking yourself this question? When you have the urge to prod and before you prod? Ask yourself what benefit will you get from prodding? What will you find out? How will you feel?

25-07-22, 21:19
I'm absolutely sure you can't cause yourself internal damage.

How many times do you rekon you've done it in a day before then? Honestly it's been up and down I've had a few pretty intense panic attacks with cramps on and off can't even get my mind off it fishing which worked before. I think the issue is if I don't check that gives me anxiety so it's basically a compulsion. Think tommorow if it's the same I'll just check once in morning and write it down on my phone so I know so I don't have to rely on my mind

25-07-22, 21:21
Why not try asking yourself this question? When you have the urge to prod and before you prod? Ask yourself what benefit will you get from prodding? What will you find out? How will you feel?

True I think it's seeing if it's tender or not on release

25-07-22, 21:31
And what if it's tender? What does this mean to you? What could it mean if you didn't have HA?

25-07-22, 21:43
And why would you have to prod something to produce pain? if you had appendicitis you wouldn't have to prod to feel intense pain so all this prodding is counterproductive and just makes you sore.

25-07-22, 22:37
And why would you have to prod something to produce pain? if you had appendicitis you wouldn't have to prod to feel intense pain so all this prodding is counterproductive and just makes you sore.

I guess you're right you wouldn't even be able to touch that side at all lightly or what ever but not sure I think it's what I've read over time testing for rebound tenderness and do forth.

Also I wonder if all these things like jumping around moving etc hurts when the pain first starts in the centre or if only happens when it moves to the right

26-07-22, 07:48
I wouldn't "wonder" anything..If you had appendicitis you wouldn't be wondering anything.You'd be in severe pain and not bothered about any form of testing. This is just a compulsive urge to justify a fear of appendicitis. All you're doing is feeding this fear and irritating the feared area. What are you getting out of this?

26-07-22, 12:22
I wouldn't "wonder" anything..If you had appendicitis you wouldn't be wondering anything.You'd be in severe pain and not bothered about any form of testing. This is just a compulsive urge to justify a fear of appendicitis. All you're doing is feeding this fear and irritating the feared area. What are you getting out of this?

I guess so this morning about 10 i did a check 3 times nothing but now yes I'm feeling the anxiety again with the cramps thinking again I've inflamed it and im waiting for it to start. Think best thing tommorow is just not do it period.

I think I've created a cycle now where if I check I get anxiety I've done something and re check but I think I might just try and ride this one out it's going to be hard but I'm going to try.

I guess using my logical side of my brain there would be no delay it if you did get thst deep surely it would be pain instantly not say In four hours time and then it starts

26-07-22, 22:38
No definitely not, I've had this fear in the past and even asked my gp, she said no.

27-07-22, 11:06
No definitely not, I've had this fear in the past and even asked my gp, she said no.

Ahh ok, did you do just poke and prod all day definitely not alone in this then at all thinking the same done it once this morning going to try and hold out today not been a good week to be honest ruined my fishing holiday waking up with really severe panic attacks not had anxiety like this in a very long time this is chronic

27-07-22, 18:46
So got some questions here so I can get over it quickly in future if it happens

1. The main worry I have is the dull ache that starts in the middle is this tender at this stage touching, standing moving etc. Or is this later on when it's moved to lower right ?

2. If it the pain decreases even for 30 seconds or gets better am I fine? Or if it moves around allot

3 . How long does it usually take before it moves to lower right or become agony?

4. Are you always sick or feel really sick with it or feel unwell in the early stages.

It's been dodgy today I did have a burger from chip shop last night had wind on and off and been to toilet a fair few times with a few painful cramps. Been straining a few times to release wind didn't work had to wait now worried that could've pushed something in there and blocked it.

Even though it's been on and off all week every one I get i keep thinking this time this is it and start the worry all over again I've actually logged down on my phone think I'm up to 15 times now.

31-07-22, 18:07
Ok so im currently on omenzoprezole for gerd type and it worked until id say last thursday ever since last thursday night i had a bit of stomach upset possibly from something ive ate i can usually ignore it anyway this time no it snowballed hard. Keep worrying about my very long term fear appendicitis so i started prodding and poking then i worried in case id done damage or if it was possible to inflame your appendix via the prodding with your fingers.

So since then even though im on my tablets im still getting that gnawing upper abdo pain middle under ribs its all over the place sometimes after eating had it in morning at times and feels worse when i move around but not sure if its anxiety making me feel like i cant move. Now also getting the stomach cramps again they move but sometimes they can stay in one spot for a while but every single time these cramps start up its appendicitis worries every single time even though ive had the same feelings all week or similar. Think a big issue i have is in the week its been check, panic done damage, anxiety on loop.

Although it hasnt completely gone even when i have calmed down which is why i keep worrying that its not anxiety. But my biggest fear is god damn appendicitis i know later its tender and hurts to move etc but im on about the early stages when its just that dull ache in the navel area.

I litetally cannot break free from this at all this is the hardest ive had it its ruined my holiday just got back today also get scared when i havent passed wind in a while because thats a symptom aswel that you cant pass wind so keep straining to make sure i can.

So coming back today after eating ive had that upper abdo pain but it feels like its now navel area and around on and off im in big panic mode again.

I am going to call the place tommorow that does cbt im 26 and im not living my life it really is affecting my life now

Edit: got burping aswel at the moment just like little burps on and off. Also its that bad at the moment im waking up in sheer panic the second i open my eyes. Not really had any issues though with c or d been going once a day sometimes a little more if ive been panicking bad but if there was an appendix issue would you have c or d ?

01-08-22, 19:51
Hey, so it's come back with a vengeance this year last year if i had a slight upset stomach or know i ate a takeaway the night before I could shrug it off and to be honest this year aswel for the most part but i don't know if it's because I'm more stressed than usual or depressed but since last thursday I can't shake the feeling last thursday night i had what i described earlier after a take away aswel but this time it spiralled and spiralled then a new one came along I've never had before and this was when i get a twinge or a cramp i would always poke around and see if it was tender on release i've been doing this years but this time I had the thought of hang on what If i could do damage or even inflame my appendix via prodding with my fingers because sometimes If I'm ultra anxious i could be a little more vicious than usual which isn't good. Anyway this spiralled on through to friday and last week I've been on holiday till yesterday and lets just say it ruined my holiday cramps on and off all week, upper stomach discomfort like a gnawing pain in the morning but would come and go I'm actually on omenzo for gerd just finished my month on those but because it was still there the discomfort I was worrying about that. Eventually 2 days into the holiday It ended up in a cycle of prod, worry I've caused damage panic rinse repeat rinse repeat i had some strong cramps that came on mostly in upper abdo area but around stomach in various places aswel and oh my god it was hell some took a good 2 hours to come down from. One yesterday coming home i'd been to toilet 3 times in the morning normal no c or d probably just being anxious before we left I had it under my navel so i freaked out about that as it was stuck in one place for a good hour just dull it eventually went but damn that was a strong one.

Anyway issue is i seem to have is at the moment I feel like I'm doomed to get it sort of in the next week as crazy as it sounds i don't know but it feels like dread, It's what kicked of my ha back in 2009 now i was around 12-13 when a friend had it and scared the hell out of me I'm now 26 for reference so yes it's ruled my life for a long time now although it's always been with me it hasn't been so bad the last 2 or so years but now it's back and worse than ever every stomach cramp i get no matter how small I go into 10 panic mode from 0 start prodding to see if it's tender, do the heel test and others I've read online in the past i still remember them all so i can't really stop, the thing that really worries me is the start of it I know later it's agony but the start that dull ache/cramp sensation before it moves it's about 3 hours of absolute hell until i know it passes or it doesn't get worse but in that period it's 10 on anxiety scale the other one is get scared if i'm struggling to pass wind because that's one of the symptoms. I'm tearing up at this part I feel like it really is stopping me living my life now I would do so much more like adventures with friends I want to drive the nc500 as i love performance driving with friends but being that far out in the scottish highlands i'd just panic if something did go wrong and i couldn't get to a hospital or something i'm also terrified of hospitals, surgery etc aswel so that doesn't help either obviously. I don't know what the risk is of getting it in percentage but i just feel like It's going to happen. Moving more on the intrusive thoughts side I'll get intrusive thoughts about it at times aswel not going as far to call it ocd as I wouldn't do that to someone generally suffering from it but it's like basically wishing it on my self and it could become a self fulfilling prophecy then it's a big no to the thoughts but i don't think that's the best approach as they are just thoughts but damn it feels real to me.

I really need to stop looking it up today I've googled it several times big no no I know but i just had the overwhelming urge to search how many people get it a year in the uk and so forth think it was about 40-50k and searching it on here aswel so now i have more info which is not good because i'm constantly stuck on it. I think now is the time I've realized i need to go to cbt i do have a refferal from the doctor to ring a place near me it really is affecting my life now and in a bad way and I'm not realizing that after it ruining my holiday away i've also been recommended some stuff from cci by someone i know which i might have a flick through aswel.

Currently got a weird spasming in my lower right side I did prod the muscle earlier on but my anxiety is telling me what if it's something stuck in the appendix and my body is trying it's hardest to shift it

Sorry for another rant of mine I just need to get it writ down and it feels better now it's out of my mind.

01-08-22, 20:56

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01-08-22, 22:00

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No problem never thought about merging it sorry