View Full Version : Strange circles of darker skin

21-07-22, 01:05
So I’ve noticed two circles, maybe 5mm diameter, below my chest. They’re pretty perfect lol, nice and round and no patchiness, no texture (maybe slightly dry). They’re a few shades darker than my skin and evenly coloured. I first thought they were acne scars, but I don’t really get acne there and they don’t have the roughness or discolouration of acne scars. Plus they aren’t showing signs of fading.

Of course skin cancer comes to mind, but they don’t look anything like any picture of skin cancer I’ve seen and I find it strange there’s two right next to each other. If I saw them on someone else, I’d assume it was a birthmark.
I’ve noticed them for the past few weeks, possibly a few months. They don’t hurt or itch and they go slightly red after a shower, like the rest of my chest.

I know the best thing is to see someone about it, but for now it would be good to hear some thoughts :)