View Full Version : Mole has got bigger over time?

21-07-22, 22:55
Hi all,

I have been managing my health anxiety quite well until lately I saw a photo of myself from about 5 years ago and I saw that the mole I now have on my breast was a lot smaller then.

I have read online that it can be common for moles to change in size or appear in adolescence but this has freaked me out and all I can do is think that I have some type of skin cancer. To put things into perspective, I have not had too much exposure to the sun and I've never used a sun bed. I'm 23 now and the photo is from when I was about 17/18.

I don't ever remember thinking the mole had gotten bigger at the time but that was back when I didn't have HA :(

I can see in photos of me aged 21 that the mole looks about the same size as it is now, so I don't think it's gotten bigger in the last couple of years or if it has, not enough to notice.

I'm currently away on holiday so can't see my GP until early August. Has anyone else experienced this or can give me some reassurance? My brain knows deep down that it's hugely unlikely I have been living with skin cancer for the last 3 years, blissfully unaware but we all know what HA can do...

Just to clarify, the mole is not itchy or bleeding ever, I'm just worried it has gotten bigger over the last 5 years.

Thanks :)

22-07-22, 10:57
Is it changing shape dramatically? Has it become asymmetrical? Does it have multiple colors now when it used to not? Does it look more complex or irregular? Does it feel crusty or scaly?

It sounds like you're just saying it might possibly be slightly bigger than it was before, which you don't really seem sure of at all.

23-07-22, 00:19
I was told by my doctor (who is a specialist on moles) that they can raise over time. It’s irregular borders and getting big quick that is worrying apparently x