View Full Version : High calcium found in blood test

22-07-22, 05:38
Hi all

Wondeing if anybody can help. I had a blood test at my GP recently for an unrelated problem and my calcium came back as slightly elevated. I was very concerned but GP said not to worry and have it retested in 2 weeks. I have just had these results and it is now high even higher! I am very panicked about this. Also had my parathyroid and vit d checked and they were normal so now thinking the only other explanation is a malignancy somewhere and from what I’ve read it’s always advanced when you have high calcium. Please help - I’m absolutely petrified! Previously diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 1 13 years ago and also wondering if this is a recurrence of that. Just so scared.

22-07-22, 13:18
So this was discovered as a result of a blood screen and not because you had symptoms of high calcium in the blood. Could it be that you are a bit dehydrated if the level was only slightly elevated? I don't think you should be googling this. I think you should ask your GP whether you need any more tests or whether this level is normal for you based on any past blood tests?

You had a stage 1 ovarian cancer many years ago which was successfully treated and you did very well to get that picked up at such an early stage. I think you would know if you had an advanced cancer now and I think your GP would too and wouldn't just have requested a re-test in 2 weeks. I know the level was a bit higher on the re-test but significantly higher? That's what you need to ask your GP rather than "consult" with Dr Google.