View Full Version : Bloated and gassy very worried it’s ovarian cancer

26-07-22, 07:31
This all started when I got my period on the 5th it was heavier than usual and I was passing a lot of clots. When it was supposed to be over for a week extra I had very light bleeding when wiping this never happened before. Then after bleeding stopped o started getting sore feeling in my vulva area on both sides and into bottom of butt too feel it. The most scary is now for a week I have bloating very bad uncomfortable feeling. When I wake up after eating or when urinating which I’ve been doing a lot also new. I feel gassy in my back and up to my chest constipated even though I’ve pooped. Bloating is in middle of stomach and also in pelvic area it feels heavy to walk and pressure feeling down the there. I also have lower back pain and hip when having to urinate. I’ve read all the symptoms and have almost every symptom. I’ve had this worry before but this is different since this started with bleeding and never had. Please don’t tell me to go to dr I really couldn’t deal with it but if it doesn’t stop another week I’ll prob go. I just need hope right now that others have had these symptoms and for a long time and they are ok. I’m laying here with a horrible bloating feeling my thighs also are twitching I’m very scared this is cancer and I don’t know what to do

26-07-22, 10:36
I think that if it’s still bothering you after a week then you should go and get checked out. Not because I think you have anything horribly bad, but you may have a cyst or fibroids / which are all perfectly normal. Or you may just have horrible anxiety that’s affecting your digestive system.

I used to get similar symptoms around ovulation.
I’ve also had a cyst, and that was discovered after spotting.

26-07-22, 21:04
Thing is I’ve had similar in past few times I posted about it and everytime they sent me for a ultrasound to check and all times they said I was ok just full of gas last time was 2017 I had one. I worry more this time cause it started with the bleeding idk if it connected. It’s weird when I lay on my side it feels good not all the time but would that be if it was a tumor would I all of sudden have all symptoms at once I could deal with annoying bloating if I knew it wasn’t ovarian what do you think

29-07-22, 23:17
Things been hell for me for almost month now started with having a period extra week with very light bleeding. Then starting having uti like symptoms and last week felt bloated and feel pressure heavy feeling in pelvic area. I also been for two days having stomachaches cramps. Now for about three days have very light stools never seen it that light and I’m afraid It over for me. I read nothing good about having that light stool. I read it could liver or pancreatic cancer or even gallbladder cancer I have a gallstone but I’ve never any symptoms from it. I know ovarian or colon cancer could spread to liver now I’m worried it’s one of those. Have a dr appointment but not for a week. Anyone have any of things and they were ok. This doesn’t t sound good

30-07-22, 05:33
Had it last week; wasn't concerned but made a note. It's fixed itself now.

30-07-22, 05:57
Good to know thanks. I’m thinking all my probs are separate or maybe even anxiety at this point. Two days I thought bloating pressure feeling was getting better now it’s bad again makes no sense. I’m telling myself that ovarian cancer would cause all these probs at same time all of a sudden

30-07-22, 10:38
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


31-07-22, 23:13
I’m not getting any replies to the bloating post and I need advice I moved dr appointment to Tuesday cause I’m very scared I just want to know if anyone had bloating for two weeks more in pelvic area and it wasn’t cancer I just feel it’s over for me

01-08-22, 04:08
Why don’t my post get anymore answers thsy why I posted a new others do no one ever cares when I post this is scariest thing I’ve been through I have appointment Tuesday need someone mail o talk to make myself relax I cannot sleep I’m too scared my pelvic area feel kinda hard

01-08-22, 19:45
Its not that nobody cares, its just sometimes people don't know any answers or haven't experienced it themselves.

Bloating ? Yes, often and terribly badly - from IBS. If you were stressed/are stressed about things going on then your period can change, and if that stresses you (and you say that you've never been so scared imagining all sorts of malignant outcomes) then certainly you can get weeks of gas, disturbed bowel flora and then digestion not being effective. Outcome - gassy bloating.

I've looked through your history, and threads, and in 2015 you had an IDENTICAL situation where you thought you had Ovarian Cancer, with the same symptoms. Might be worth rereading that ?


01-08-22, 22:53
Hi yes know I had similar even a year before that too has similar and both times I’ve had pelvic and stomach ultrasounds. This is different feels worse could that be in my mind tbh I hope it’s just my anxiety. This started cause of long period own a stressed before that happens I didn’t start the bloating till over a week later. I been told by my family that it’s prob my anxiety I hope it is but feels worse than last time. Last night laying in my sides the pressure bloating feeling above belly button and under pelvis felt very uncomfortable all and walking also makes pelvis feel heavy. Last time I know had to pee more but this time I have to pee every few minutes.

All i could think is it a tumor causing all this. My appointment is tomorrow I’m trying to not get anxious but it’s impossible laying on my back thy area feels bloated heavy.

I know you could not diagnose but you think is possible for ovarian tumor to come out of nowhere cause all these symptoms within two weeks I’m trying to tell myself that it makes no sense but still I worry

02-08-22, 07:35
It’s very likely to be stress related, and seems like your physical anxiety symptoms affect you there. Let us know how you get on.

02-08-22, 11:05
yes know I had similar even a year before that too has similar and both times I’ve had pelvic and stomach ultrasounds.

...and what was the outcome from those ? Surely something needs to be learnt from the previous occasions and variety of checks ? If you aren't learning to do positive personal reassurance from various times you've been wrong, with the same symptoms.....then that's what to work on and not asking for reassurance.

03-08-22, 04:46
I went to dr my urine was good and she checked my stomach everything she said no signs of anything being wrong she said I could do a checkup in few weeks if I want then could get a ultrasound but not do any reason just to for my anxiety. She thinks anxiety causing all probs I know that’s true I still worried cause feel that way still but I think it should go away. She also said I need to go to gastro for my acid reflex this way I don’t have to be take stuff for it

03-08-22, 08:03
I don't think you should have another ultrasound for reassurance purposes. It's unnecessary and just drags out this HA episode.

Glad to hear that all is well but as Carys says, you do need to stop yourself from catastrophising and recognise common anxiety symptoms which you have had in the past and which can reoccur at any time.

03-08-22, 22:58
Yea your right. I still feel little heaviness but I’m hoping it’ll go away soon I should’ve know it wouldn’t be as soon as went to dr. The dr told me I rally need to fix my s anxiety as you all see this has been making life hell for me for long time and I don’t want to feel this way anymore. I’m trying to find the right therapist I been to many I just need someone who could help i find a lot of them don’t really do anything but talk and need more than talking

05-08-22, 02:39
Feeling is still there I don’t if it gets worse when have to go to bathroom. I wake up ever day with low back pain and feeling like I’ve been holding in urine then it goes away but the pressure feeling under belly doesn’t. It’s worse when walking very heavy. I’m worried still that all she did was feel stomach she says show no signs of ovarian cancer that it’s my anxiety but it’s not going away. I don’t know what could cause this. I don’t want to go back two weeks from now ans get a ultrasound

05-08-22, 10:47
Yes, you do know whats causing it.......why are you even questioning it ? LEARN from your past symptoms that have been from being anxious, your past threads. You don't need an ultrasound, you need to recognise this for what it is.

07-08-22, 01:44
I thought it was going away it was better yesterday. Today it’s bad again I don’t know to describe it I don’t think it’s gas not all of it.If I have to go to bathroom it feel worse heavy under belly button and lower it also goes around to back. Pelvic pressure I don’t know what it is walking and sitting in car is when it’s worst when I lay on stomach feels better .

Was supposed to get period yesterday but I didn’t I don’t know when I’ll get since last month which started all this I had a long period for first time. I’m worried this is proof something is wrong with ovaries. I didn’t get blood test results I’m hoping it is good.
There’s no explanation besides what I worry if is for what I’m feeling. I don’t think it’s anxiety I know thst makes it worse but don’t think that’s causing this

07-08-22, 05:24
Have you tried Lactaid or changing your diet?

07-08-22, 07:44
Yes I been eating less and trying stop drinking diet soda I thought I was gassy from that but it didn’t seem to stop it. When I age to go to bathroom before after is when I feel all pressure in pelvis area it’s really weird thought it was uti but it’s not.

08-08-22, 02:21
If it’s not a uti why isn’t it going away this is definitely a pelvic bladder thing going on I’m very scared it a tumor pressing on bladders what’s causing this. Still no period either what am I supposed to think

08-08-22, 09:52
You are still revisiting the negative catastrophic reasons your brain in creating for these 'symptoms and sensations'. You've had this before, it was nothing and it went, its due to your anxiety - which is also probably why your period is becoming a bit less regular too.

this is definitely a pelvic bladder thing going on I’m very scared it a tumor pressing on bladders what’s causing this.

....but its not, same as it wasn't the previous times. Your doctor has checked you.

Still no period either what am I supposed to think

Your constant anxiety is affecting your hormones ...... common.

08-08-22, 10:55
I think this is really infection though I was not as anxious after drs appointment and days later it got bad again. I try not thinking about like I used to nothing has stopped this. Today for some reason it’s worse than ever. I have to keep going to bathroom the pelvic pressure feels worse it uncomfortable to stand call it feels heavy laying on my back is hell. When I’m on my side it’s best. I just worry it a tumor spreading in there. The last time I had a pelvic ultrasound was beginning of 2017 could something has grown since then I know I’m afraid this time more than ever usually it goes away after I’m told it’s ok but this time it’s not it’s ruining everything I’m uncomfortable all day and night

09-08-22, 06:28
I wanted to say dr felt the outside of stomach and pelvis is didn’t hurt when she pressed but i worry that wouldn’t be enough to know for sure there’s no disease. I’m afraid I was too anxious i didn’t explain everything. I’m still in pain the pelvis all feels weird no period I just don’t know what else to think I stand up feels heavy down there spot right under belly button feels like muscular feeling kinda but not. I’m very scared I’m dying. The last time I had pelvic ultrasound was 2017 would anything.have grown since then

09-08-22, 08:45
So your dr said to go back if it still feels the same or worse after 2 weeks?

Maybe try keeping a diary & instead of continually monitoring how you feel, just check in twice or 3 times a day, when you wake up and after you’ve eaten. Write about how you feel and what you were doing when you felt that way. Then you’ll have something to take back to the dr. And especially note when you are feeling fine, and anything that helped you feel that way.


09-08-22, 10:14
Your doctor listened to your symptoms and they clearly didn't match 'large internal tumour' - so you do as Scass said, have the option to go back in 2 weeks.

09-08-22, 10:16
She just said come follow up I really don’t want to cause there’s nothing to do but the ultrasound and I’ll be too anxious to do that. She don’t think I need one or that anything is wrong. I don’t think I said all I needed to tjst day. Tomorrow I should finally get blood test results takes a week hopefully that’ll be good I’m still afraid. I don’t know if I count any more weeks worrying over this. I wake up everyday hurting and worrying I’m dying of ovarian cancer it’s hell. I thought it would go away if it’s anxiety but it’s not I don’t know whats wrong

10-08-22, 09:58
Woke up with bad period pain today. The cramps and still have the pressure on pelvis under the belly button and bottom of pelvisi thighs hurt but still no period. I know stress could delay it but with everything else makes me think there’s something wrong with my ovaries. Please tell me you don’t think if had oc would out of nowhere start having all this pelvic stuff in three weeks these weeks heve been terrifying

10-08-22, 12:11
Sounds familiar



11-08-22, 23:13
Look, please talk to your dr. We cannot diagnose you, and if you are going to refuse tests then I’m not sure what we can do.
You do not know how you will deal with tests until it’s your turn.

12-08-22, 04:36
I got my urine and blood test results but the girl left a message didn’t get to talk to my dr left two messages for her and she didn’t get back to me. It said my urine had three different bacterias in it. Then she said to follow up with a gynecologist. I want the real explanation what going. I need to talk dr isn’t that saying I have an infection which is what I’ve been suffering if it is why no mention of antibiotic. Why would I have to go to a gynecologist.

12-08-22, 20:39
I called dr again she was supposed to call during her break she still didn’t I’m still in pain with no explanation. I’m pissed off she needs to tell me my results if it’s an infection she needs to give me antibiotics my pain isn’t getting better. What else am I supposed to think it is she leaves me guessing. It’s not right she and everyone sssumes it’s all in my head brush off symptoms. I told her I’m on pain and have symptoms that seem like an infection and bacteria in my urine why is nothing being done. If it’s not an infection then I’m dying of ovarian cancer nothing else it could be. My pain isn’t like where a cyst would be it’s in middle of pelvis under belly button and everywhere it says that is where you have symptoms of oc and since dr won’t get back to me I have to sit and worry

13-08-22, 00:50
Dr called she said that my blood test was good and my red white blood cells everything were good. She said she think the long period I had last month which is what started this caused all this bacteria which is what was found in urine and is why she thinks my stomach has been like that. I told her I’m still in pain but hogue right under the belly button. She said she don’t t think I have ovarian cancer and to let all bacteria run it’s course to get back to normal. She wasn’t sure about if that’s causing the bacteria that’s what it sounded like and I’m still worried. I know I should t but what if it don’t go away then what.

13-08-22, 03:20
I’m having the same bloated/pressure feeling for a few days or so. You are explaining the exact experience as me, minus the period/bleeding. I am due for my period in about 4 days. So we will see how that goes. But in the meantime this bloated/pressure is so damn uncomfortable. When I sit down it’s the worst, especially on the toilet for some reason I feel the pressure more. Standing i don’t feel much. The best position for me is laying down, with a heating pad. It helps relax whatever is going on and then I hear all those rumbling bubble sounds. I’m having a bowel movement, so confused what is going on there.

Of course, my mind went to those sinister thoughts, but I’ve also had this feeling before and it passed. So I keep telling myself that it’s another episode. I’ve been doing so well with my therapy lately, but because I had another health anxiety thought pop into my head, I came here, instead of google. Please let me know what they say to do, because I need relief.

13-08-22, 05:41
No one should I just accept what she said that it’s not ovarian even though I still have pain

13-08-22, 06:24
It's still very early in the UK, where most of the users are. I'd accept your doctor's advice, though.

13-08-22, 09:05
Listen to your doctor and let it run its course. I have a two week rule with most things. If it hasn't improved by then, give your doctor another call. If they found bacteria in your urine, then that's the likely culprit.

13-08-22, 11:50
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


13-08-22, 21:51
No one should I just accept what she said that it’s not ovarian even though I still have pain

You don’t have to accept what she has said, it’s your body after all. Your tests have shown no red flags though, so what do you want them to do now? Ask them.

14-08-22, 00:22
You don’t have to accept what she has said, it’s your body after all. Your tests have shown no red flags though, so what do you want them to do now? Ask them.

Going to echo this...what do you want them to do ?

16-08-22, 01:06
I’m just gonna let go see how it goes my dr I on vacation and I just want to end this experience. Friday night i thought it went away again then I fell asleep felt feeling again since Saturday night. It makes no sense but I’m just gonna deal with it I guess

24-08-22, 05:32
It was getting better still there but now it bad again it makes no sense. I don’t know what could be wrong what is causing this. If it was ovarian cancer or anything bad it would’ve never gotten better at all right

24-08-22, 06:36

26-08-22, 07:14
Yesterday didn’t feel it at all today it’s bad again it makes no sense. Is this really from bacteria from a long period like dr said what else could be. I hate I could not look forward to anything cause this won’t go away