View Full Version : Health Anxiety rearing its head again

26-07-22, 23:04
Hey all,
This might be a bit of a long post, but my health anxiety has sparked up again. I think it is a combination of me losing my job (the stress and more time to think and dwell about things) and my dad having an incidental finding of an aortic aneurysm. Trying to get help with mental health services but it is taking so long and maybe see a doctor because I am really worried about the following:
Brain tumour/aneurysm (my mum died of a brain tumour) - feeling dizzy, nauseous, just today i have a throbbing headache at the base of my skull when getting up and bending my head forward, hurts when coughing too. Feels like a brain freeze headache. It does not occur straight away. I am not sure whether I am tired or a migraine happening. I also keep getting this throbbing sensation when laying on my left breast in bed
Gallbladder/stomach/bowel cancer - I have gallstones and that gives you a tiny chance of gallbladder cancer, keep losing weight and feel so fragile and getting indigestion and nausea and pain in my stomach and between the shoulder blades. I am on the surgery waiting list. trying to take my medication and some bacteria for the stomach that does help for a bit. Sometimes have bloody stool and gray stool. Not sure whether it is something I have eaten. I did have a blood test last month whilst in A&E (the gallbladder pain would not go away all day) and that was normal
Heart conditions - I lost 3 people in my life thanks to heart conditions and I often worry that I may be next. I have had my heart checked several times throughout my life because of this. They have all been normal. Have palpatations, throbbing sometimes in my back when sitting and laying on my back, chest pain, getting weird mini blackouts (vision gets black for like a millisecond)
I have no idea what to do I feel so fragile and vulnerable. I live by myself as well. I am worried that if I sleep I might die because of this headache. Everything just sucks. I wish I was normal and didnt have to worry about work, money, bills, debts and health. I want more stability in my life, stable job, friends ,income, being able to drive.
Thank you for listening/reading sorry it was quite long.