View Full Version : Breast Ultrasound

27-07-22, 23:08
Hi everyone! I just need some advice, I知 beside myself with worry and want to be able to live my life and take care of myself & my 1 year old. I知 currently newly pregnant and have been having some tenderness in my breast, the same breast I had a lump biopsied in 2019. I went to the doctor and she mentioned I was suppose to get follow up ultrasounds every 6 months after the biopsy to check for growth. I was shocked because I thought benign meant it was okay to leave alone. Now im having a follow up ultrasound and I知 terrified because I致e waiting so long, and not much can be done with me being pregnant. I知 so scared I messed up and idk how to be calm waiting for the ultrasound and then the results. 😭😭

28-07-22, 08:14

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


24-08-22, 19:55
I know no one responded but incase someone comes across this, my ultrasound scan was good, my original lump has shrunk. :)

Violet Blue
25-08-22, 09:04
That's really good news. I do wonder how many procedures aren't really necessary given the insurance system in America, but you say there's a lump so I guess there's something there, so glad everything is still benign. Enjoy your pregnancy. 💕

25-08-22, 10:46
Great news - I was about to reply to your original message (didn't see it earlier)!