View Full Version : Health anxiety about health anxiety

29-07-22, 21:23
Hi everyone. I’m in a really bad state of health anxiety right now and have been for about a week. It’s starting to make me worry about what damage I have done to my body by being so anxious, for example by having extra elevated cortisol levels for so long and whether being under so much emotional stress and anxiety could cause cancer or trigger some other health condition. Any words of comfort? I’d be so grateful. I’m really struggling.

31-07-22, 13:47
Years ago when I was worried about the same thing, doctor told me that No, worrying all the time and anxiety (basically fear) cannot cause cancer, he was adamant about it. But he said it can cause thyroid problems, and stomach upset that may become chronic, something like IBS. I am pretty much in a perpetual health anxiety and OCD state, and I am so tired of it that sometimes I think that I am already punished with this horrible state of mind, so maybe I will never get anything really serious (physically). Believe it or not, that helps a little. Also, when I am able to face the situation and think logically, I tell myself: OK, I cannot have all these things at the same time that I think I have; it cannot be that I have this new cancer today, when yesterday and the day before I had this other cancer...Anyway, since no psychiatrist could help me, and I went off the meds a couple of years ago, I am constantly looking for and inventing ways and methods to deal with it myself. I hope this helps you at least a little bit.