View Full Version : Worrying about cancer (uterine/ovarian/cervical)...

30-07-22, 03:56
Gosh! It's been awhile since I posted, I have mostly been worry-free over the past few years :yesyes: started university last year, and overall just kept busy and enjoying life. Since, I've been back for the summer, admittedly I have had a lot of time to deep-dive into worrying thoughts I wouldn't have time to worry about normally :winks:

But, I am a little concerned at the moment. After my last period, I seem to experience a few random jabs down there, however the past few days (I have counted the days, and believe I am ovulating at the moment) I have had a constant dull ache lower abdomen, and when I strech my body I feel a stabbing ache deep inside and in my uterus area. I am 24, so I know statistically my chances of these cancers are low, but ofcourse not impossible. I have a fear of the doctors still, and don't want to pay them a visit. I am hoping this is just a blip, something that may just go away on its own. I did have a heavy period last month, and my periods have been so irregular in the past year but other than that nothing too out of the ordinary has happened. I had some discharge yesterday (sorry for all this indo) and it looked healthy, so nothing to worry about there either. But, I really worry about all the stories about how people had "none of the symptoms but were still diagnosed".

I feel like I just want to wait a few weeks, until after my next period and see how it goes. If it persits, I will go to the doctor. My anxiety is telling me that is a bad decision, that I should be paying the doctor a visit now incase I have a deadly illness :(
I'd love some advice. :-)

I've spoken to my female family members, and they've told me not to worry too much and that they experience stuff like this from time to time and pay it no thought.

08-08-22, 21:15

Have you thought maybe you might have a water infection coming on? That can cause the same symptoms as you are describing.
Also, I get stabby pains from time to time aswell, so it may just be that it's one of those things :)


09-08-22, 03:00
Do you get regular Pap smears? And pelvic exams? If you don’t it’s okay I was just curious. When you get a chance get your yearly done. I would place millions you’re fine.

Usually with cervical issues the symptoms are not what you are describing at all. It honestly sounds like normal cycle stuff. I just had a full hysterectomy but left my ovaries and I had massive pain and bleeding (I’m 47) before the surgery. I mean it was like a homicide scene. Results came back everything benign.

13-08-22, 18:07
Doctors stress mammograms but neglect to tell women about ovarian cancer and the importance of getting an annual CA-125. It's so important to know your baseline number. If it goes up, there could be a problem. Get that test! You don't want to walk around in fear...at least if you do have it, you get catch it at an early stage. If your dr. refuses to give it to you, find another doctor.

14-08-22, 08:21
All I can say is that I always had painful periods, but this worsened when I had kids (I frequently remind them that they broke me ha ha)

I've had lots of jabby type pains, aches, even stabbing pains up my bum (but only when I was on my periods) I had numerous scans and a couple of laparoscopies, and aside a tiny fibroid thingy, nothing serious was ever found...

The good old menopause sorted out a lot of stuff (inc my fibroid - which has now gone) but I do have some scar tissue pain from my C section and other perks of being defunct (ish) in oestrogen.

Isn't being a woman fun? :unsure:

I should also add that I have a family history of ovarian cancer, so I do get a scan and CA-125 test done every few years. Plus, I always get my smears done.

Despite decades of all manner of aches, pains, and weirdosities (not a word) nothing serious has ever been found. Some women experience these things; others don't. Get checked out, for sure, but it's most likely to be 'one of those things' or something minor. (And it helps to remember that pain doesn't equal cancer.)