View Full Version : Rib has moved? I just don't know.

30-07-22, 14:53
I'm not wildly anxious about this but slightly concerned, and curious if anybody else thinks this is possible. Basically, my upper back has been in chronic pain for about 5 months. Doctors didn't think too much of it. I have hypermobility which makes my joints naturally a bit less stable because my ligaments like to let them wander further than they should go, so they guessed it was extra pressure on my spine from increasing my exercise, lifting stuff etc. That's all fine by me. I'm just waiting patiently for the pain to pass and my back to strengthen.

However, the other day, I felt an intense pain shooting through my back and around my rib while I was wiping down the kitchen counter. It was like an explosion in my spine and ribcage, and it took my breath away for a few minutes. It slowly ebbed away, and had faded by the morning, apart from a few pangs if I moved a certain way. I gave my body a quick check over in the mirror to see if it was bruised or anything. Now, nobody is perfect, but I could swear one of my ribs is sticking out more than the other. I can feel it too. I've always had a very slight difference in one of my left ribs, but doctors would never see it until I made them check twice and then they would agree and say it's just slight asymmetry.

But now, it's incredibly obvious in the mirror, as if it's gotten more pronounced. I'm not sure if my rib has actually shifted out of place. It clicked and cracked when my physio was checking over it a few weeks ago, and that night I felt tremendous pain which abated by the morning. From both incidents, the pain seems to sort itself out after a nights sleep and turn to a dull ache. Now I'm wondering if my rib is slipping due to hypermobility? Is that even possible without unrelenting agony? I don't imagine a slipped rib would be something you'd just sleep off, unless you're Wolverine.

30-07-22, 18:02
No it certainly wouldn't just abate overnight. I think you're overthinking this.

30-07-22, 18:11
Showed my fiance and he said it's protruding compared to the other side. But it could be from me drawing more attention to it and he's noticing it more as a result. I'm not all that worried really, just wondering if it's connected to the pain and concerned about making sure not to overdo it. I asked in another group for hypermobility and they said it sounds like slipping rib syndrome. Sharp intense pain followed by a dull ache, which feels a lot like what I experienced. None of them said they could see an actual protrusion when they felt theirs shifting though, so maybe its not connected. Could be that I'm feeling a slipping rib, but the protruding rib is just more noticeable because I've felt pain in the area.

30-07-22, 18:31
No it certainly wouldn't just abate overnight. I think you're overthinking this.

I was thinking this too, but apparently it's a thing. I'm wondering if I should make an appointment with my doctor, but from what I've briefly read about slipping rib syndrome as mentioned above, its either a case of waiting it to resolve, or getting some kind of nerve block, so I'm in two minds about wasting their time.

30-07-22, 19:08
Okay, so I feel like an idiot. The rib is likely sticking out more because I've lost weight recently. That didn't even occur to me. Of course it's going to be more prominent.
As for the pain, I have no idea.

30-07-22, 19:25
You don't have pain now though. I would try to stop yourself from researching any further and asking online groups for their opinions?

30-07-22, 20:16
You don't have pain now though. I would try to stop yourself from researching any further and asking online groups for their opinions?

I have a dull ache, but I don't really count that as pain since I have chronic pain on a daily basis (as weird as that sounds!). The intense pain has gone, yes, which is why I'll probably just see what happens. I wouldn't say I researched, just consulted with a private group of people with hypermobility syndrome. I understand what you mean though, as Google can be a rabbit hole for some.

17-08-22, 15:18
A wee update on this as I hate leaving posts open ended! Happened twice again since my last post. Asked GP and there is tenderness when lower ribs are pulled or pressed which triggered stabbing pain in chest. The rib is clicking with movement too. Will get a scan but unlikely to be anything sinister other than mild slipping rib. The scary bulging rib is completely coincidental however, and just a normal part of me! Apparently it's quite common, in case anybody gets a fright and ends up on this weird thread. Not connected at all :roflmao: