View Full Version : Lung issue preventing me from going to doctors

05-08-22, 12:01
I need encouragement. I have had an issue for roughly ten years now that has often prevented me from going to the doctors. When I was pregnant with my son I developed a fuzziness in my lungs while lying down on my back. It has never gone away. It hasn’t gotten worse and, while I get mildly winded at times when climbing my stairs at home, I haven’t had any issues. No coughing, no breathing issues. I can’t exercise due to a health condition so I don’t know if that would aggravate it. Nonetheless, I am terrified that I have lung damage that isn’t reversible. And thus, very afraid to go to a doctor and have it checked.

Recently a new doctor became available and I know I really need to make a switch as my current gp is terrible. I’m certain that part of seeing a new doctor is to have a full exam. I have other health issues that really need addressing but this darn lung issue has kept me frozen in fear. How do I find the courage to go? It’s this big roadblock for me and is really getting in the way of taking charge of my health.